Valentin Uwizwyimana
Tel.: +49 27-60-620-4005 E-Mail: vuwizeyimana@outlook.com |
On the scholarship of the InProTUC (International Promovieren an der TU Chemnitz) project, Valentin Uwizeyimana is here as a research guest in the Department of English Language and Linguistics.
Introduction and Short Curriculum Vitae
Valentin Uwizeyimana holds a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in English and Kinyarwanda with Education, which he obtained in March 2009 from the University of Rwanda, in Rwanda. He worked as a teacher at the college level from 2006 until 2009, and at the university level from 2009 until early 2013, the time when he embarked on further studies. Valentin Uwizeyimana obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Second Language Studies in December 2013, and a Masters in Technology for Language Learning in December 2015, both from Stellenbosch University, in South Africa. In 2015, he taught at University of Rwanda until early 2016, the time when he embarked on a PhD journey at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
While on his research visit here at Technische Universität Chemnitz (TU Chemnitz), Valentin Uwizeyimana was introduced to, integrated within and worked with the research group and the academic community in the Department of English Language and Linguistics. In addition to these, he was trained on how to make a good academic presentation, how to do an academic article peer review (and implicitly how to write a good academic article), and he attended one of the InProTUC workshops which is entitled “Going abroad? Being abroad? – How to integrate in international teams”. As far as knowledge sharing and contributing to academic debate are concerned, Valentin Uwizeyimana gave presentations on his doctoral research in order to inspire and get the feedback from TU Chemnitz students and academic staff members, and to exchange ideas about the possible future projects, research implementation and knowledge transfer. In the same framework, and in order to provide his constructive feedback on some of the research projects conducted by the students at TU Chemnitz, he attended various presentations and lectures, and actively participated in some of the students’ research advisory meetings in the Department of English Language and Linguistics.
Valentin Uwizeyimana likes participating in different social engagement activities with the purpose of connecting and networking with, as well as learning from people from different countries and cultures. He travelled and visited the historical places and monuments in Chemnitz areas in order to learn some history of Eastern Germany in particular and of Europe in general. And he travelled to other European countries in order to learn about them, with the special focus on their people, culture, history, as well as educational and political systems.
Research Interests and Output
Among others, Valentin Uwizeyimana is mainly interested in technology for language learning (computer-assisted language learning, and mobile-assisted language learning), second language studies, as well as in language policy. The list of his research projects and outputs is accessible from his ORCID (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2464-5324) and ResearchGate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Valentin_Uwizeyimana) profiles.
Detailed CV
Photo Gallery