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TESOL / Advanced Academic English
TESOL / Advanced Academic English 

Portrait: Yarong Liu, M.A.
Yarong Liu, M.A.
  • Email:
  • Research interests:
    culture learning
    content-based instruction
    reflective learning
  • PhD project:
    East Meets West: An interventional study on learners’ intercultural communicative competence

Short curriculum vitae

I studied English and American studies at Chemnitz University of Technology from 2019 to 2021 with a specialization in TESOL and Cultural studies. In my Master thesis, I examined in how far intercultural communicative competence has been developed in English textbooks for public junior schools in China.

In addition to my mother tongue, I also speak English, German, and Japanese. My linguistic ability has equipped me with an insider’s perspective on Western and Eastern society. Under the supervision of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jennifer Schluer, my PhD project aims to help Germans and Chinese to overcome cultural barriers in intercultural communication.



Liu, Y. (2024). Implementing feedback activities in a curriculum planning course to foster preservice teachers’ feedback literacy: A Critical reflection. In J. Schluer (Ed.), Digital feedback in higher education: Teaching practices, student voices, and  research findings (pp. 63-74). Transcript.

Schluer, J., & Liu, Y. (2024). Peer feedback in intercultural online communication: Theoretical and practical considerations for English language teaching. In R.Lietz, M. Mendes de Oliveira, L. Conti, & F. Lenehan (Eds.), Sprache und Interkulturalität in der digitalen Welt / Language and interculturality in the digital world (pp. 121–154). Forum Angewandte Linguistik (F.A.L.): Vol. 70. Peter Lang.



Schluer, J., & Liu, Y. (2024, July 09). “Fostering digital feedback literacies: focus on language awareness.” Workshop at the Conference (ALA 2024): “Language Awareness, Education & Power”, Karlsruhe University of Education, Germany.

Liu, Y. (2024, March 27). “Preservice teachers’ perceptions of using feedback to foster learners’ intercultural communicative competence in the postdigital age.” Presentation at the Conference (IAIE 2024): “DEIB+ in Education to Transform Society”, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany.

Liu, Y. (2023, July 07). “Telecollaboration in English language teaching: How learners  perceive the use of digital tools for developing online intercultural citizenship.” Online presentation at the Conference (ReDiCo 2023): “Cosmopolitanism in a  postdigital, postmigrant Europe, and beyond”, Jena, Germany.

Liu, Y. (2023, June 30). “The effect of feedback activities in a curriculum planning course on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy in implementing digital feedback methods



WS 2024/2025     Digital learning

WS 2023/2024     Curriculum planning & materials development

WS 2022/2023     Curriculum planning & materials development



Sächsisches Landesstipendium, October 2021