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Why does this event take place?

  • We want to provide a possibility of communication between business and research.
  • The presentations shall reflect the whole spectrum of computer science and allow for a view beyond one's own nose.
  • Business requirements shall be pointed out to allow a better orientation during the time of studies.
  • The problem of a lacking number of specially skilled employees can be included in the presentations.
  • We want to highlight the attractivity of the business location Saxony.
  • Students have the unique possibility to ask specific questions. A company, on the other hand, can get an impression of the contents of teachings and research at university.
  • Fields of work during and after the end of studies (such as internships both in Germany and abroad) can be shown.

Who is to be addressed with this event?

  • Students in their later stages of studies, who will soon start their professional life, can be given suggestions concerning their further career.
  • Students at the beginning of their studies can be given advice concerning the choice of optional and minor subjects.
  • All other people interested in computer science, be it professors, assistants or students from other faculties, are welcomed of course.
  • At the last event, some pupils interested in studying computer science were present as well. Maybe it made the decision about studying a bit easier.