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Professur für Physikalische Chemie/Elektrochemie

Job offer

The Chemnitz University of Technology is an established innovative scientific and educational institution, which takes on the challenges connected with the competition between the universities. The Chemnitz University of Technology offers attractive employment for persons with proven scientific excellence who want to contribute to further innovative development.
The Faculty of Natural Sciences, Professorship Physical Chemistry/Electrochemistry, offers a part-time position as a

(50%; E13 TV-L)

starting October 1st, 2017. The fixed term position for initially one year, extension is optional, is subject to the Law on Temporary Employment in Higher Education (WissZeitVG) and the Saxon Law on Universities (SächsHSFG). Selection will occur according to suitability, qualification and professional performance. Chemnitz University of Technology aims to particularly support women and therefore explicitly asks for applications from qualified female candidates. Disabled persons or those with an equivalent status will be considered with preference in accordance with SGB IX.
Your tasks comprise

•    Electrochemcail and spectroscopic studies of nanostructured materials for electrochemical energy con¬version and storage
•    Supervision of students in bachelor and master courses in chemistry
The position aims at your further scientific development, for which you may publish your scientific results, teach and acquire third party funding. If you want to join our interdisciplinary and highly motivated team, you should bring along the following qualifications and capabilities:

•    An undergraduate academic degree (or an equivalent degree) in the field of chemistry or in a related field, which opens up access to the corresponding qualification level
•    Expertise in electrochemistry

Applicants have to fulfil the precondition of employment according to §71 SächsHSFG.
Please send your full application, either electronically as a single PDF file by e-mail, or by ordinary mail before 31.07.2017 to the address below. Please do not send original documents, since applications will not be sent back but will be discarded according to data handling regulations. If you wish your application materials to be sent back to you, please enclose a prepaid and correctly addressed envelope.

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Institut für Chemie
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Holze
09107 Chemnitz

The legally binding text in German can be found here.