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International Office
International Office


Internationality, Assistance, Cooperation – These are both our aims and our challenges: We widen and deepen the international network of our university, we care for students and scientists going abroad or coming to Chemnitz, we support international joint projects in teaching, studies, and research. Welcome to the International Office of Chemnitz University of Technology!

From now on, the DAAD provides all current information on the impact of the attack on Ukraine for German universities and scholarship holders on the following website: DAAD Info Ukraine (German version only).

TU Chemnitz has also published its support offers for refugees from Ukraine on a central website: Support Offers for Refugees from Ukraine

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Current information events:

  • Wednesday, 03.07.2024 Semester abroad in South Korea (Incheon National University)

    • Internationales Universitätszentrum
    • Time: 15:30 to 17:00 Location: Reichenhainer Str. 90, Zentr. Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude C10.111 (alt 2/N111) Language: Deutsch
    • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Menke (Incheon National University), Nadja Hüller (IUZ)
    • Info: Oliver Sachs, 0371 531 37972,
    • Semester abroad in South Korea. Prof. Michael Menke of Incheon National University introduces the option for a semester abroad at the university as well as the country South Korea. The IUZ provides Information on funding programmes. Join the event!
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