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Phone Directory

 Phone and Room Directory of the Institute of Chemistry

Description Room Phone (531-)
AC - Analytical Practical 155 29511
AC - Computer Room 166 29514
AC - X-Ray 007l 29519
AC - Laboratory (Practical) 161 29512
AC - Mass Spectrometer 007j 29527
AC - NMR-Room 007n 29520
AC - Thermal Analysis 007m 29513
Chemical Storage - Laboratory Equipment Storage, Office K24a 21110
Chemical Storage - Storage Room K23 29174
Chemical Storage - Solvent Storage K 28 29160
Chemical Storage - Transfer and Filling Station K 24b 983557
EC - Office 1 038a 983264
EC - Office 2 320d 982873
EC - Measuring Room 243 982550
EC - Measuring Room 245 29760
EC - Measuring Room 331a 982874
EC - Workshop 320e 29571
ESR - Laboratory 007d 983576
Laboratory/Measuring Room 162 981392
Mechanical Workshop 012k 21103
NMR - Laboratory Polymer 007g 29747
OC - Analysis Room 160a 29526
OC - Elemental Analysis B117 29544
OC - Laboratory 160 29525
OC - Laboratory, Gas Bottle Room B111, B110 29524
OC - NMR-Laboratory 007i 29545
OC - Practical B109 29523
PC - Lecture Hall Preparation 232a 982887
PC - Laboratory 151a 981388
PC - Laboratory 152 985487
PC - Laboratory 233 986682
PC - Laboratory 007a-c 984061
PC - Laboratory 007h 986222
PC - Laboratory 013 983763
PC - Measuring Room 230a 981381
PC - Practical 234 981335
PC - Practical B312, B313 981338
Mat.f.Innov.Ener. - Laboratory B002 29746
Raman - Laboratory II 320f 981319
Raman - Laboratory III 007e 983614
Raman - Laboratory/Preparation 007f 983613
Writing Room Institute 240 985961
Preparation HS 316 214 29521
Operating Guard   19200
Janitor StraNa   12503