Prof. Gangolf Hirtz
Titel | Autor(en) | Jahr | |
1 | OmniGlasses: an optical aid for stereo vision CNNs to enable omnidirectional image processing
Machine Vision and Applications. - Springer Berlin Heidelberg. - 35. 2024, 3, S. 58 - 72 |
Seuffert, Julian Perez Grassi, Ana Cecilia Ahmed, Hamza Seidel, Roman Hirtz, Gangolf |
2024 |
2 | Detection of activities of daily living with decision trees through a technical assistance system
In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. - Walter de Gruyter GmbH. - 9. 2023, 1, S. 226 - 230 |
Krabbe, Aileen Seidel, Roman Hirtz, Gangolf |
2023 |
3 | Human Pose Estimation in Monocular Omnidirectional Top-View Images
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2023, Vancouver, pp. 6411-6420. - IEEE, 2023 |
Yu, Jingrui Scheck, Tobias Seidel, Roman Adya, Yukti Nandi, Dipankar Hirtz, Gangolf |
2023 |
4 | Applications of Deep Learning for Top-View Omnidirectional Imaging: A Survey
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 17-24 June 2023, Vancouver, pp. 6421-6433. - IEEE, 2023 |
Yu, Jingrui Grassi, Ana Cecilia Perez Hirtz, Gangolf |
2023 |
5 | 3D Reference-Based Skeletal Movement Evaluation
SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023. - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering IMPROVE - Volume 1, 150-155, 2023 , Prague, Czech Republic |
Lehmann, Lars Seidel, Roman Hirtz, Gangolf |
2023 |
6 | In-Pose Estimation of Covered and Uncovered Human Body from Thermal Camera Images Using Multi-Scale Stacked Hourglass (MSSHg) Network
2022 16th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), 18 to 22 October, 2022, Dijon, France, 978-1-6654-6495-6/22, 2022 |
Obeidavi, sahereh Gandomkar, Mojtaba Hirtz, Gangolf |
2022 |
7 | Supervised Skeleton-Based Reference Movement Adjustment
In: 55th Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (BMT 2021). - De Gruyter. - 66. 2021, S1, S. S161 - S162 |
Lehmann, Lars Seidel, Roman Hirtz, Gangolf |
2021 |
8 | OmniFlow: Human Omnidirectional Optical Flow
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2021, pp. 3678-3681 |
Seidel, Roman Apitzsch, André Hirtz, Gangolf |
2021 |
9 | Characterization and Simulation of an OFDM-Based Automotive Bus System
2nd International Conference on Societal Automation (SA), 26-28 May 2021, Funchal, Portugal |
Sharma, Rajesh Kumar Cheraghinav, Sarah Khairaldin, Fajer Freund, Markus Hirtz, Gangolf |
2021 |
10 | A User-centred AI-based Assistance System to Encounter Pandemics in Clinical Environments - A Concept Overview
Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 4 VISAPP: pages 693-700, 2021 |
Wiede, Christian Seidel, Roman Wuerich, Carolin Haskovic, Damir Hirtz, Gangolf Grabmaier, Anton |
2021 |
11 | Unsupervised Domain Adaptation from Synthetic to Real Images for Anchorless Object Detection
16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 5: VISAPP, 08.02.2021 - 10.02.2021, pages 319-327. - SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2021 |
Scheck, Tobias Perez Grassi, Ana Cecilia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2021 |
12 | A Study on the Influence of Omnidirectional Distortion on CNN-based Stereo Vision
16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 08.02.2021 - 10.02.2021, Online-Konferenz, pp. 809-816. - Setúbal, Portugal : SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2021 |
Seuffert, Julian Perez Grassi, Ana Cecilia Scheck, Tobias Hirtz, Gangolf |
2021 |
13 | Individual Avatar Skeletal based Animation Feedback for Assisted Motion Control
VISIGRAPP 2020, Vol. 4: VISAPP, pp. 206-213 |
Lehmann, Lars Hirtz, Gangolf Wiede, Christian |
2020 |
14 | Skelettbasierte 3D Echtzeit Aktivitätsdetektion in Wohnumgebungen älterer Menschen
Biomedizinische Technik. - Berlin : DeGryter, 2020. - 54th Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (VDE|DGBMT) - Online Event (BMT 2020), Leipzig, 189 |
Lehmann, Lars Seidel, Roman Hirtz, Gangolf |
2020 |
15 | Machine learning based identification of elderly persons with cognitive impairment using dynamic time warping
In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. - Walter de Gruyter GmbH. - 6. 2020, 3, S. 360 - 363 |
Kondragunta, Jyothsna Seidel, Roman Hirtz, Gangolf |
2020 |
16 | Sensor-based systems for early detection of dementia (SENDA): a study protocol for a prospective cohort sequential study
In: BMC Neurology. - Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 20. 2020, 1, 84 |
Müller, Katrin Fröhlich, Stephanie Germano, Andresa M. C. Kondragunta, Jyothsna Agoitia Hurtado, Maria Fernanda del Carmen Rudisch, Julian Schmidt, Daniel Hirtz, Gangolf Stollmann, Peter Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia |
2020 |
17 | Contactless Interactive Fall Detection and Sleep Quality Estimation for Supporting Elderly with Incipient Dementia
In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. - Berlin, Boston : De Gruyter. - 6. 2020, 3, S. 388 - 391 |
Seidel, Roman Scheck, Tobias Perez Grassi, Ana Cecilia Seuffert, Julian Apitzsch, André Yu, Jingrui Nestler, Norbert Heinz, Danny Lehmann, Lars Goy, Anne Hirtz, Gangolf |
2020 |
18 | Gait Parameter Estimation of Elderly People using 3D Human Pose Estimation in Early Detection of Dementia
42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), July 20-24, 2020, Montréal, Canada. - IEEE, 2020 |
Kondragunta, Jyothsna Hirtz, Gangolf |
2020 |
19 | Learning from THEODORE: A Synthetic Omnidirectional Top-View Indoor Dataset for Deep Transfer Learning
2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Snowmass Village, CO, USA, 1-5 March 2020, pp. 932-941. - IEEE, 2020 |
Scheck, Tobias Seidel, Roman Hirtz, Gangolf |
2020 |
20 | A CNN-based Feature Space for Semi-supervised Incremental Learning in Assisted Living Applications
15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 5: VISAPP, Pages 217-224. - SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2020 |
Scheck, Tobias Perez Grassi, Ana Cecilia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2020 |
21 | Where to drive: free space detection with one fisheye camera
Twelfth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2019), 16.11.2019 - 18.11.2019, pp. 777-786. - SPIE, 2020. - Volume : 11433 |
Scheck, Tobias Mallandur, Adarsh Wiede, Christian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2020 |
22 | Estimation of Gait Parameters from 3D Pose for Elderly Care
ICBBE '19: Proceedings of the 2019 6th International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering, November 2019, Shanghai China, pp. 66–72. - ACM, 2019 |
Kondragunta, Jyothsna Jaiswal, Ankit Hirtz, Gangolf |
2019 |
23 | Virtual Reality Feedback Creation for Assisted Motion Control
Biomedical Engineering - Joint Journal of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering in VDE and the Austrian and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering and the German Society of Biomaterials, 25.09.2019-27.09.2019, Frankfurt. - Berlin : Walter de Gruyter. - 64.2019, s2, s141 |
Lehmann, Lars Hirtz, Gangolf |
2019 |
24 | Towards High-Quality 3-D Reconstructions with Omnidirectional Stereo Vision Systems
Biomedical Engineering - Joint Journal of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering in VDE and the Austrian and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering and the German Society of Biomaterials, 25.09.2019-27.09.2019, Frankfurt. - Berlin : Walter de Gruyter. - 64.2019, Heft s2, S143 |
Seuffert, Julian Deshpande, Pavan Krishna Hirtz, Gangolf |
2019 |
25 | Individual Avatar Feedback Creation for Assisted Motion Control
In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 617–620. - De Gruyter. 2019 |
Lehmann, Lars Wiede, Christian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2019 |
26 | Gait analysis for early Parkinson's disease detection based on deep learning
In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. - Walter de Gruyter GmbH. - 5. 2019, 1, S. 9 - 12 |
Kondragunta, Jyothsna Wiede, Christian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2019 |
27 | OmniPD: One-Step Person Detection in Top-View Omnidirectional Indoor Scenes
In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. - Walter de Gruyter GmbH. - 5. 2019, 1, S. 239 - 244 |
Yu, Jingrui Seidel, Roman Hirtz, Gangolf |
2019 |
28 | Contact-Less, Optical Heart Rate Determination in the Field Ambient Assisted Living
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. - Funchal–Madeira, Portugal : Springer International Publishing, 2019, S. 350 - 368. - Communications in Computer and Information Science ; 997. - 13th International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2018 |
Wiede, Christian Richter, Julia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2019 |
29 | Motion Evaluation of Therapy Exercises by Means of Skeleton Normalisation, Incremental Dynamic Time Warping and Machine Learning: A Comparison of a Rule-Based and a Machine-Learning-Based Approach
14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 4: VISAPP, Prague, 25.02.19-27.02.19, pp. 497-504 |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Heinkel, Ulrich Hirtz, Gangolf |
2019 |
30 | Improved Person Detection on Omnidirectional Images with Non-maxima Suppression
14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 5: VISAPP, Prag, 25.02.19-27.02.19, pages 474-481. - SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2019 |
Seidel, Roman Apitzsch, André Hirtz, Gangolf |
2019 |
31 | Contact-less Vital Parameter Determination: An e-Health Solution for Elderly Care
14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 5: VISAPP, Prag, 25.02.19-27.02.19, S. 908-915 |
Wiede, Christian Richter, Julia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2019 |
32 | Technisch-pflegerische Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung des Assistenz- und Sicherheitssystems AUXILIA für Menschen mit beginnender Demenz
AAL Wissenschaftskongress Karlsruhe 2018, 11. und 12. Oktober 2018, S. 30 - 31 |
Seidel, Roman Apitzsch, André Yu, Jingrui Seuffert, Julian Nestler, Norbert Heinz, Danny Goy, Anne Hirtz, Gangolf |
2018 |
33 | Assistenzsystem zur Bewegungsanalyse bei Therapieübungen im häuslichen Umfeld
Active Assisted Living AAL Wissenschaftskongress, 11.-12.10.2018, Karlsruhe, S. 9-10 |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Lehmann, Lars Lösch, Christiane Weigert, Martin Hirtz, Gangolf |
2018 |
34 | Assistierte Bewegungskontrolle in der Rehabilitation durch intelligente Sensortechnologie
1. Auflage. - Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Chemnitz, 2018. - 78 S. |
Nitzsche, Nico Hirtz, Gangolf Schulz, Henry |
2018 |
35 | Kontaktloses, optisches Monitoring von Vitalparametern im Bereich AAL
Active Assisted Living AAL Wissenschaftskongress, Karlsruhe, 11.10.18-12.10.18., S.22 |
Wiede, Christian Bandi, Chaitanya Richter, Julia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2018 |
36 | AUXILIA - Nutzerzentriertes Assistenz- und Sicherheitssystem zur Unterstützung von Menschen mit Demenz auf Basis intelligenter Verhaltensanalyse
innteract2018, 28.06.-29.06.2018, Chemnitz, 6 Seiten |
Seidel, Roman Apitzsch, André Yu, Jingrui Seuffert, Julian Nestler, Norbert Heinz, Danny Goy, Anne Hirtz, Gangolf |
2018 |
37 | Cubes3D: Neural Network based Optical Flow in Omnidirectional Image Scenes
International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, May 13-17, 2018, Montreal, 2018, pp. 164-169 |
Apitzsch, André Seidel, Roman Hirtz, Gangolf |
2018 |
38 | An Approach for Skeleton Fitting in Long-Wavelength Infrared Images - First Results for a Robust Head Localisation using Probability Masks
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 5: VISAPP, 27.01.2018-29.01.2018, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, pp. 373-379 |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2018 |
39 | Nutzerzentriertes Assistenz- und Sicherheitssystem zur Unterstützung von Menschen mit Demenz auf Basis intelligenter Verhaltensanalyse
Digitale Transformation von Dienstleistungen im Gesundheitswesen IV Impulse für die Pflegeorganisation. - Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2018, S. 135 - 148 |
Apitzsch, André Seidel, Roman Meinel, Lars Findeisen, Michel Hirtz, Gangolf |
2018 |
40 | Robust Remote Heart Rate Determination for E-Rehabilitation - A Method that Overcomes Motion and Intensity Artefacts
13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, January 27-29, 2018, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages 491-500 |
Wiede, Christian Sun, Jingting Richter, Julia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2018 |
41 | Motion Evaluation by Means of Joint Filtering for Assisted Physical Therapy
IEEE 7th International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), 3.-6. Sep. 2017, Berlin, S. 107- 111 |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Lehmann, Lars Hirtz, Gangolf |
2017 |
42 | An evaluation study of vital parameter determination with RGB cameras in the field of ambient assisted living
In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. - De Gruyter. - 3. 2017, 2, S. 729 - 734 |
Wiede, Christian Richter, Julia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2017 |
43 | Motion Error Classification For Assisted Physical Therapy - A Novel Approach Using Incremental Dynamic Time Warping and Normalised Hierarchical Skeleton Joint Data
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - Volume 1: ICPRAM, 24.02.2017-26.02.2017, Porto, Portugal, pp. 281-288 |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Shinde, Bharat Hirtz, Gangolf |
2017 |
44 | Skin Temperature Measurement Based on Human Skeleton Extraction and Infrared Thermography - An Application of Sensor Fusion Methods in the Field of Physical Training
Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - Volume 6: VISAPP, 27.02.2017-01.03.2017, Porto, Portugal, pp. 59-66 |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Kaden, Sascha Weigert, Martin Hirtz, Gangolf |
2017 |
45 | Assisted Motion Control in Therapy Environments Using Smart Sensor Technology: Challenges and Opportunities
Ambient Assisted Living, 9. AAL-Kongress, Frankfurt/M, Germany, April 20 - 21, 2016. - Cham, Schweiz : Springer International Publishing, 2017, S. 119 - 132. - Advanced Technologies and Societal Change |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Apitzsch, André Nitzsche, Nico Lösch, Christiane Weigert, Martin Kronfeld, Thomas Weisleder, Stefan Hirtz, Gangolf |
2017 |
46 | Activity Recognition for Elderly Care by Evaluating Proximity to Objects and Human Skeleton Data
Pattern Recognition: Applications and Methods, 5th International Conference, ICPRAM 2016, Rome, Italy, February 24-26, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. - Cham, Schweiz : Springer International Publishing, 2017, S. 139 - 155. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 10163 |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Dayangac, Enes Shahenshah, Ahsan Hirtz, Gangolf |
2017 |
47 | Remote Respiration Rate Determination in Video Data - Vital Parameter Extraction based on Optical Flow and Principal Component Analysis
VISAPP, VISIGRAPP, 27.02.2017-01.03.2017. - SCITEPRESS. - S. 326 -333, 2017. - {Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications |
Wiede, Christian Richter, Julia Manuel, Manu Hirtz, Gangolf |
2017 |
48 | Effective Display Resolution of 360 Degree Video Footage in Virtual Reality
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2017), 08.01.2017-10.01.2017, Las Vegas, pp. 21-24 |
Meinel, Lars Heß, Markus Findeisen, Michel Hirtz, Gangolf |
2017 |
49 | Signal Fusion Based on Intensity and Motion Variations for Remote Heart Rate Determination
2016 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), 04.10.2016-06.10.2016, Chania, pp. 526 - 531 |
Wiede, Christian Richter, Julia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2016 |
50 | Activity Recognition based on High-Level Reasoning - An Experimental Study Evaluating Proximity to Objects and Pose Information
5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, 24.-26.02.2016, Rome, Italy, S. 415-422 |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Dayangac, Enes Heß, Markus Hirtz, Gangolf |
2016 |
51 | Remote Heart Rate Determination in RGB Data - An Investigation using Independent Component Analysis and Adaptive Filtering
5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, 24-26.2.2016, Rom, 240-246 |
Wiede, Christian Richter, Julia Apitzsch, André KhairAldin, Fajer Hirtz, Gangolf |
2016 |
52 | Robust CP-based Synchronization for DAB/DAB+ Systems over Dispersive Fading Channels
Infocommunications Journal, September 2015, 2-9. - Ungarn : Infocommunications Journal, 2015, 3 |
Baumgartner, Sebastian El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
53 | Pose Estimation and Movement Detection for Mobility Assessment of Elderly People in an Ambient Assisted Living Application
Pattern Recognition: Applications and Methods, 4th International Conference, ICPRAM 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, January 10-12, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. - Cham, Schweiz : Springer International Publishing, 2015, S. 172 - 184. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 9493 |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
54 | Optimierung der Pflege demenzkranker Menschen durch intelligente Verhaltensanalyse - Ein Pilotprojekt
Intelligente Technik in der beruflichen Pflege - Von Chancen und Risiken einer Pflege 4.0. - "Wissenstag: Technik für die Pflege von morgen - Chancen und Risiken" 18.11.2014 DGUV Congress Dresden. - 2015 |
Richter, Julia Meinel, Lars Findeisen, Michel Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
55 | Integration technischer Assistenzsysteme in das häusliche Wohnumfeld am Beispiel des Projektes OPDEMIVA
MATI Mensch - Architektur - Technik - Interaktion für demografische Nachhaltigkeit. - Dresden : Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2015, S. 150 - 151 |
Richter, Julia Meinel, Lars Heß, Markus Apitzsch, André Weisleder, Stefan Findeisen, Michel Wiede, Christian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
56 | Hom-e-call - An enhanced fall detection system based on accelerometer and optical sensors applicable in domestic environment
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, June 7-12, 2015, Toronto, Canada, pp 1461-1464. - Springer International Publishing, 2015. - IFMBE Proceedings ; 51 |
Wohlrab, Daniel Heß, Markus Apitzsch, André Langklotz, Mandy Schwarzenberger, Andreas Bilda, S. Schulz, Henry Hirtz, Gangolf Mehner, Jan |
2015 |
57 | A Robust Blind Time Synchronization Method in OFDM Systems over Multipath Fading Channels
21th European Wireless Conference 2015, 20-22 May 2015, Budapest, pp. 1 - 6 |
El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef Baumgartner, Sebastian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
58 | A Blind Timing and Frequency Synchronization Method Based on the Correlation Characteristics of an OFDM Signal
16th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 28.06-01.07.2015, Stockholm (Schweden), pp. 480-484. - IEEE Xplore, 2015 |
El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef Baumgartner, Sebastian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
59 | A Modified Symbol Timing and Frequency Synchronization Method Based on Cyclic Prefix for OFDM Systems
Microwave and Radio Electronics Week (MAREW), 21.04-23.04.2015, Pardubice (Czech Republic), S. 331-334. - IEEE Xplore, 2015 |
Baumgartner, Sebastian El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
60 | OPDEMIVA: Optimierung der Pflege demenzkranker Menschen durch intelligente Verhaltensanalyse
8 AAL-Kongress 2015 (AAL 2015), 29.-30.04.2015, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, pp. 496-503. - Berlin, Offenbach : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2015 |
Meinel, Lars Richter, Julia Dayangac, Enes Schmidt, René Hegewald, Rico El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef Findeisen, Michel Wiede, Christian Hirtz, Gangolf Voigtländer, Sandy Schneider, Jan Barth, Thomas Holzapfel, Christophe |
2015 |
61 | Low Complexity Intercarrier Interference Reduction Techniques for OFDM Systems
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. (WCNC 2015). - pp. 562-567 |
El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
62 | Hom-e-Call: Zuverlässige Erkennung von Stürzen im häuslichen Umfeld durch Fusion von Kamera- und Inertialsensordaten
HeilberufeSCIENCE-Symposium 2015, 17.04.-18.04.2015, Dresden, Volume 6, Issue 1 Supplement, pp 12-24. - Springer Vienna, 2015 |
Heß, Markus Apitzsch, André Wohlrab, Daniel Langklotz, Mandy Schulz, Henry Mehner, Jan Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
63 | OPDEMIVA: Assistenz- und Informationssystem für Menschen mit Demenz
5. HeilberufeSCIENCE-Symposium, 17.-18.04.2015, Dresden, pp 4-5. - Vienna : Springer, 2015. - Volume 6, Issue 1 Supplement, pp 2-11 |
Meinel, Lars Richter, Julia Dayangac, Enes Schmidt, René Hegewald, Rico El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef Findeisen, Michel Wiede, Christian Hirtz, Gangolf Voigtländer, Sandy Schneider, Jan Barth, Thomas Holzapfel, Christophe |
2015 |
64 | Robust Head-shoulder Detection using Deformable Part-based Models
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pp. 236 - 243 |
Dayangac, Enes Wiede, Christian Richter, Julia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
65 | Mobility Assessment of Demented People Using Pose Estimation and Movement Detection - An Experimental Study in the Field of Ambient Assisted Living
ICPRAM International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, 10-12 January 2015, Lisbon, pp. 22-29 |
Richter, Julia Wiede, Christian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
66 | Low Complexity Intercarrier Interference Reduction for High Mobility Wireless Systems
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Jan. 8-12, Las Vegas, 2015, pp. 672-675 |
El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef Baumgartner, Sebastian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
67 | An Omnidirectional Stereo Sensor for Human Behavior Analysis in Complex Indoor Environments
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 09.01.2015-12.01.2015,Las Vegas, pp. 17-19 |
Findeisen, Michel Meinel, Lars Richter, Julia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
68 | OPDEMIVA: An Integrated Assistance and Information System for Elderly with Dementia
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 09.01.2015-12.01.2015, Las Vegas, pp. 82-83 |
Meinel, Lars Richter, Julia Schmidt, René Findeisen, Michel Hirtz, Gangolf |
2015 |
2014 |
Welzel, André Glaser, Arne Hartwich, Franziska Roßner, Patrick Bullinger, Angelika C. Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
70 | Blick über den Tellerrand - OPDEMIVA
Wissenstag: Technik für die Pflege von morgen - Chancen und Risiken, 18.11.2014, DGUV Congress Dresden, 2014 |
Richter, Julia Findeisen, Michel Meinel, Lars Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
71 | Assessment and Care System Based on People Detection for Elderly Suffering From Dementia
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin), 07.09.2014 - 10.09.2014, Berlin, S. 59 - 63 |
Richter, Julia Findeisen, Michel Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
72 | A trinocular omnidirectional stereo vision system for high-precision RGB-D acquisition
ELMAR (ELMAR), 2014 56th International Symposium, 10-12 Sept. 2014, pp. 1 - 4 |
Findeisen, Michel Meinel, Lars Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
73 | Virtual Perspective Views for Real-Time People Detection Using an Omnidirectional Camera
2014 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST' 2014), Santorini, Greece, 14.-17.10.2014 |
Meinel, Lars Wiede, Christian Findeisen, Michel Apitzsch, André Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
74 | Object Recognition for Human Behavior Analysis
Proceedings 2014 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), September 7-10, 2014, S. 64-68 |
Dayangac, Enes Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
75 | Performance Evaluation of Frequency and Symbol Timing Offset Estimation Methods for DAB/DAB+ Receivers under Multipath Fading Channels
International Conference on Software, Telecomunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 17.09.2014 - 19.09.2014, Split (Croatia). - IEEE Xplore, 2014 |
Baumgartner, Sebastian El Hajj Shehadeh, Youssef Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
76 | A Blind ML-SNR Estimation Method for OFDM Systems in Dispersive Fading Channels
International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin), 07.09.2014 - 10.09.2014, Berlin, S. 475 - 479. - IEEE Xplore, 2014 |
Baumgartner, Sebastian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
77 | Trinocular Spherical Stereo Vision for Indoor Surveillance
Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), 2014, pp. 364 - 370 |
Findeisen, Michel Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
78 | Narrowband Interference Estimation for OFDM Based on Power Spectral Density Functions
International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), 12.05-15.05.2014, Dubrovnik (Croatia), S. 255 - 258. - LotusGraf; IEEE Xplore, 2014 |
Baumgartner, Sebastian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
79 | Kompensation von Schmalbandstörern für SDR basierte DAB/DAB+ Empfänger
International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), 12.05-15.05.2014, Dubrovnik (Croatia), S. 151 - 154. - LotusGRAF Zagreb; IEEE Xplore, 2014 |
Baumgartner, Sebastian Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
80 | A modified Maximum Likelihood Method for SNR Estimation in OFDM based systems
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 10.01-13.01.2014, Las Vegas (USA). - IEEE : IEEE xplore, 2014, S. 157 - 160 |
Baumgartner, Sebastian Hirtz, Gangolf Baumgartner, Andreas |
2014 |
81 | Automated Real-Time Surveillance for Ambient Assisted Living Using an Omnidirectional Camera
2014 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). - Las Vegas : IEEE, 2014. - pp. 402-405 |
Meinel, Lars Findeisen, Michel Heß, Markus Apitzsch, André Hirtz, Gangolf |
2014 |
82 | A Long Term Diagnostics System Based on Intelligent Smart Sensor Technologies
Mobile and Information Technologies in Medicine and Health 2013, 20. November 2013, Prag, S. 73 - 74 |
Findeisen, Michel Meinel, Lars Richter, Julia Apitzsch, André Hirtz, Gangolf |
2013 |
83 | Cognitive Approaches to Increase the Data Rate in Automotive Power Line Communication
2013 IEEE Third International Conference on Consumer Electronics Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), 8. - 11. September 2013, Berlin, S. 195-199, 2013 |
Heiland, Stefan Hirtz, Gangolf |
2013 |
84 | Novel Methods for Feature Extraction Based on Motion History Images and Evaluation with Regard to Altering Viewing Angles
2013 IEEE Third International Conference on Consumer Electronics Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), 8. - 11. September 2013, Berlin, S. 335-339, 2013 |
Richter, Julia Hirtz, Gangolf |
2013 |
85 | Methods for simulation of the wireless propagation channel for DAB/DAB+/DMB-SDR-receivers
EUROCON 2013, 1-4 July 2013, Zagreb, Croatia, 138 - 146, 2013 |
Baumgartner, Sebastian Hirtz, Gangolf Apitzsch, André |
2013 |
86 | A fast approach for omnidirectional surveillance with multiple virtual perspective views
EUROCON 2013, 1-4 July 2013, Zagreb, Croatia, 1578 - 1585 |
Findeisen, Michel Meinel, Lars Heß, Markus Apitzsch, André Hirtz, Gangolf |
2013 |
87 | Mobile broadband data reception in vehicles
Wave Propagation and Scattering in Communication, Microwave Systems and Navigation A conference of ITG Commission 7.5 “ Wave Propagation” 25th – 27th November 2009, S. 109. - Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag Chemnitz, 2010 |
Hirtz, Gangolf | 2010 |