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Materialsysteme der Nanoelektronik
Materialsysteme der Nanoelektronik 

In the media...

Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt is again listed in the exclusive ranking of ISI Highly Cited Researchers

Oliver G Schmidt
Professor der TU Chemnitz unter den meistzitierten Forschern der Welt
Freie Presse
(20th December 2024)


Magnetic Picosprings Usher in New Era of Micromanipulation

Oliver G Schmidt
Pikonewton-Federn zum Messen, Greifen und Bewegen im Mikrokosmos
MedTech Media Europe
(16th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists develop a spring-like soft robot for precision medicine
Shenzhen Daily
(11th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Winzige Pikonewton-Federn für medizinische Anwendungen
Analytik NEWS
(09th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Pikonewton-Federn revolutionieren die Biomedizin
(08th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists Develop Spring-like Soft Robot for Precision Medicine
Chinese Academy of Sciences
(08th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Springs aboard - gently feeling the way to grasp the microcosmos - SwiftTelecast
Swift Telecast
(07th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists develop spring-like soft robot for precision medicine
(06th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists develop spring-like soft robot for precision medicine
 People's Daily (China - English)
(06th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Exploring The Microcosmos: Navigating Springs Aboard With Gentle Finesse
Verve times
(05th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Programmable Springs on Nanoscale: Magnetic Picosprings Usher in New Era of Micromanipulation
(05th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Wie winzige magnetische Federn die Biomedizin voranbringen sollen
(05th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists develop spring-like soft robot for precision medicine
 China Daily
(05th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Winzige Federn leisten Großes
(05th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists develop spring-like soft robot for precision medicine
Beijing Bulletin
(05th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
News story from Big News Network on Friday 05 January 2024
 Big News Network
(05th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Pikonewton-Federn zum Messen, Greifen und Bewegen im Mikrokosmos
Pro Physik
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Springs aboard - gently feeling the way to grasp the microcosmos
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Springs aboard – gently feeling the way to grasp the microcosmos
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Springs aboard -- gently feeling the way to grasp the microcosmos
 Science Daily
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Springs aboard – gently feeling the way to grasp the microcosmos
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Springs aboard – gently feeling the way to grasp the microcosmos
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Sensing Microcosmos: Springs Aboard Probe Delicate Path
 Mirage News
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Soft microrobots with super-compliant picoforce springs as onboard sensors and actuators
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Soft microrobots with super-compliant picoforce springs as onboard sensors and actuators
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Pikonewton-Federn zum Messen, Greifen und Bewegen im Mikrokosmos
 Innovations Report
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Springs Aboard – Gently Feeling the Way to Grasp the Microcosmos
 Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Pikonewton-Federn zum Messen, Greifen und Bewegen im Mikrokosmos
 Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Piko-Greifer für winzige Medizin-Roboter
(04th January 2023)


 Life-like artificial organisms from self-sculpting electronics

Oliver G Schmidt
 (Sustainable Living Technology)
(30th November 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Researchers envision lifelike artificial organisms from self-sculpting electronics
(11th November 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
ScienceDaily: Advancements in Sustainable Living Technology - Verve times
Verve times
(13th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Wie „Lebende Technologien“ unsere Zukunft nachhaltig verändern - ingenieur.de
(12th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Sustainable living technology
Science Daily
(11th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Morphogenesis of self-assembling microelectronic modules could yield sustainable living technology.
News 8 plus
(11th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Morphogenesis of self-assembling microelectronic modules could yield sustainable living technology
Tech Xplore
(11th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Sustainable living technology
(11th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Sustainable living technology
(11th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Sustainable living technology
Mirage News
(11th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Perspektive auf den Entwicklungsstand lebensnaher mikroelektronischer Systeme – Innovations Report
Innovations Report
(11th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Forscher der TUC geben erste umfassende Perspektive auf den Entwicklungsstand lebensnaher mikroelektronischer Systeme
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
(11th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Sustainable Living Technology
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
(11th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Sustainable Living Technology
(11th October 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Nahe am künstlichem Leben: Sachsen forschen an Mikro-Cyborgen
(11th October 2023)


Optical Möbius strips yield new secrets

Oliver G Schmidt
Discovery in the Möbius strip of light
(04th January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Optical Möbius Strips Yield New Secrets
Optics & Photonics News
(03rd January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
When you capture light in a Möbius loop, amazing things happen
The standard
(01st January 2023)


Oliver G Schmidt
Intriguing insights into optical resonances determined by the fascinating topology of the Möbius strip
Swift Telecast
(30th December 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Intriguing insights into optical resonances determined by the fascinating topology of the Möbius strip
Verve times
(30th December 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
?????? ????????? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ????? ? ??????????? ? ????? ????? ????? ??
 N+1: ??????? ??????, ???????, ???????
(28th December 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Insights into optical resonances determined by Möbius strip topology
(December 24th 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Research Team Reveals Insights Into Optical Resonances of Möbius Strip
(December 23rd 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Insights into optical resonances determined by the topology of the Möbius strip
True Viral News
(December 23rd 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Research team with participation of Chemnitz University of Technology reveals intriguing insights into optical resonances determined by the fascinating topology of the Möbius strip
(December 23rd 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Research team with participation from Chemnitz University of Technology
(December 23rd 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Insights into optical resonances determined by the topology of the Möbius strip
(December 23rd 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Research Team Reveals Insights Into Optical Resonances of Möbius Strip
Mirage News
(December 23rd 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Research team with participation of Chemnitz University of Technology reveals intriguing insights into optical resonances determined by the fascinating topology of the Möbius strip
(December 23rd 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Research team with participation of Chemnitz University of Technology reveals intriguing insights into optical resonances determined by the fascinating topology of the Möbius strip
(December 23rd 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Möbius strip: Research team with participation of Chemnitz University of Technology reveals intriguing insights
Science Information Service
(December 23rd 2022)


Smart dust battery

Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists create rice grain size microbatteries to power 'smart dust'
Interesting engineering
(09th August 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists create rice grain size microbatteries to power 'smart dust'
(09th August 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Microbatteries much smaller than a grain of rice for a smart dust future
(05th August 2022)


Magnetosensitive e-skins

Oliver G Schmidt
Picture of the week Artificial skin
Computer Bild Magazine (Issue 11/2022, Page No: 6)
(20th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
E-Skins: New technology for the manufacture of electronic skins
(13th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
E-Skins: New technology for producing electronic skin
(13th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Like real skin? E-Skins sense directional movement
pharmacy magazine
(12th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic Skin Develops a Human Touch
Plastics Today
(12th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Towards tactile sensation with e-skin
Innovation in textiles
(12th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
First E-Skin to Anticipate, Perceive Touch from All Directions
Business Mayor
(12th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(12th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
First E-Skin to Anticipate, Perceive Touch from All Directions
(12th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Elektronische Haut kann Berührungsrichtung spüren
(10th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Wie elektronische Haut richtungsabhängige Berührung spürt
(10th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Wie elektronische Haut richtungsabhängige Berührung spürt
(10th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
This is what life will be like in ten years thanks to 6G
The Limited Times
(10th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Forschungsteam erzielt großen Fortschritt bei E-Skin
(10th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Piel electrónica, una solución que podría ser realidad muy pronto
(10th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
3D-Sensoren lassen E-Skin Berührungsrichtung nachempfinden
(09th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(09th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Así funciona la piel electrónica, un tejido artificial que ahora es capaz de «sentir» como si fuese piel real
(09th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
?????? ??????????? ????????? ??????, ??????????? ?????????????
(08th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(07th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(07th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(07th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin anticipates, perceives touch
Electronic Products & Technology
(06th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
??????? ????????? ? ???????? ????????????? ???? ? ?????????
(05th may 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Crean una piel electrónica con pelos inteligente
(05th may 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
E-Skin: Mikro-Origami-Technologie hilft beim Fühlen
Medtech Zwo
(05th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists are developing a robot with electronic HAIRS
Big World Tale
(04th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic Skin Developed with Multi-Directional Touch Sensing
(04th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
A hair-raising invention! Scientists are developing a robot with electronic HAIRS that mimic the natural touch of human skin
Daily Mail
(04th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Diese Forschung geht unter die Haut
(04th May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Sensoren nehmen Berührungen aus verschiedenen Richtungen wahr
(03rd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Verbesserte Wahrnehmung dank 3D-Magnetsensoren
(03rd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Pielea electronic? anticipeaz? ?i percepe atingerea din diferite direc?ii pentru prima dat?
(02nd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Peau électronique avec poils artificiels développée pour une meilleure perception du toucher
Lire Le Monde: Page d'accueil
(02nd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Dokunma duyusunun daha iyi alg?lanmas? için yapay k?llara sahip elektronik deri geli?tirildi
Ak?ll? Gündem
(02nd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Dokunma duyusunun daha iyi alg?lanmas? için yapay k?llara sahip elektronik deri geli?tirildi
Yaz?l?mc? Mekan? - Portal
(02nd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic Skin Anticipates and Perceives Touch
Printed Electronics World
(02nd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Dokunma duyusunun daha iyi alg?lanmas? için yapay k?llara sahip elektronik deri geli?tirildi
(02nd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Pielea electronic? anticipeaz? ?i percepe atingerea din diferite direc?ii pentru prima dat?
(02nd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Berührung erstmals aus verschiedenen Richtungen wahrnehmen
(02nd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Roboterhaut fühlt nahende Berührung
(02nd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time
Today Headline
(02nd May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Nowy rodzaj elektronicznej skóry zosta? uzupe?niony w?osami. W jakim celu?
(02ndt May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Magnetske dla?ice za osje?aj dodira elektronske koøe
(01st May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
??????????? "????" ???????????? ??????? ????? ??? ?????????
(01st May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Magnetic hair "implanted" in electronic skin. It will make her more sensitive
Geek Tech Online
(01st May 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Elektroniczna skóra z magnetycznymi w?oskami czuj?cymi dotyk. Nowy pomys? naukowców
Instalki.pl: Portal technologiczny
(30th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Elektroni?ka koøa predvi?a and tuma?i contacts iz razli?itih smjerova
(29th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The German language means the electronic "skin" - it is sent to Kazania by post ???????
(29th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(29th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin becomes more sensitive
(29th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin uses tiny magnetic hairs to sense touch
New Atlas
(29th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time
Thinking Port
(28th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time
Morning News
(28th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The electronic skin is made of a small magnetic material, which is attached to the device
(28th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(28th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists Take Major Step Forward in the Development of E-Skin with Integrated Artificial Hairs
AZO Sensors
(28th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Artificial hairs provide added sensitivity to e-skin
The Engineer
(28th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic Skin Anticipates And Perceives Touch From Different Directions For The First Time
(27th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time
Science Daily
(27th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time
News 8 Plus
(27th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic Skin Anticipates And Perceives Touch From Different Directions For The First Time
News update
(27th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time
Eurek Alert!
(27th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time
(27th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for first time
(28th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic skin anticipates and perceives touch from different directions for the first time
(27th April 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Electronic Skin Anticipates and Perceives Touch from Different Directions for the First Time
Alpha Galileo
(27th April 2022)


World's smallest battery

Oliver G Schmidt
MDR Aktuell reports about World's smallest battery
(10th March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
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(04th March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
As the battery is smaller in the world: this is a battery pack for tener robots in the song
(03rd March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists Unveil Extremely Small Batteries For The Smallest Computers In The World
Head Topics
(02nd March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
As it is the battery, it is more difficult to understand it: that is, when it is a mota de polvo para tener robots en la sangre
(02nd March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Today she has a small battery in the world
National Geographic
(02nd March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Opracowano battery mala?? niczym ziarenko solos
Portal technologiczny - Instalki.pl
(02nd March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
This crazy new battery the size of a salt grain can power a computer
(02nd March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Desarrollan una revolucionaria battery recargable submilimétrica more small that a grano de sal
World News in Espanol
(02nd March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
This crazy new battery the size of a salt grain can power a computer
(01st March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists Unveil Extremely Small Batteries For The Smallest Computers In The World
(01st March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The científicos reveal a battery that is extremely small for the computers that are smaller in the world
(01st March 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The engineer devoilent la plus petite battery au monde
Daily Geek Show
(28th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
There may be a battery with enough power to power the computer and the battery
(27th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Chinese developed the world's smallest battery, with a diameter as small as dust, which can be integrated on a chip to supply power for 10 hours
Gaming sym
(26th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(26th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Microbaterias for the “polvo intelligente”
Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnología
(25th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Smaller than a grain of dust: This is the smallest battery in the world - from Saxony
BASIC thinking
(25th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Battery as big as a grain of dust to power tiny devices
Innovation Origins
(25th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Most of the time you can see everything in your life
Postimees Teadus
(25th February 2022)
Oliver G Schmidt
(24th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World’s smallest battery has been designed to power a computer the size of a grain of dust
UK Today News
(24th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
'Kleinste batterij ter wereld' is niet groter dan korrel zout
RTL Nieuws
(24th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists make world’s smallest battery – for computers the size of a speck of dust
The Independent
(24th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The world's smallest battery is smaller than a grain of salt
(24th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(24th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(24th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
(23rd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
‘Mini baterías’, lo nuevo de los dispositivos micro electrónicos
(23rd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
This Is The World's Smallest Battery - And It Assembles Itself Like A Swiss Roll Cake
Wonderful engineering
(23rd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
"Veli?ine zrna prašine": Nau?nici razvili najmanju bateriju na svetu
(23rd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The World's Smallest Battery Assembles Itself
(23rd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Usando um rolo suíço, cientistas desenvolveram a menor bateria do mundo
(23rd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
?????? ??????? ????????? ???????? ? ???????? ????
(23rd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The world's tiniest battery could power a new generation of wearable sensors
Interesting Engineering
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Saxon researchers develop the smallest rechargeable battery in the world
MDR knowledge
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
???????? ?? ??????? ????: ???????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????????? ? ???? B??????
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Ini Dia Baterai Terkecil di Dunia, Lebih Kecil Dibanding Butiran Debu
RCTI Satu Aplikasi
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The Power of the World’s Smallest Battery
ELE Times
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Forscher haben die weltweit kleinste Batterie entwickelt
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Mikrobaterie mniejsze ni? 1 mm z ogromnym potencja?em
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World’s smallest battery has been designed to power a computer the size of a grain of dust
Express Informer
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest battery has been designed to power a computer the size of a grain of dust, that could be used as discrete sensors, or to power miniaturised medical implants
Daily Mail
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Die kleinste Batterie der Welt kann Computer in Staubkorngröße antreiben
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
How micro batteries are made for computers the size of a speck of dust
construction practice
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
A computer the size of a grain of dust can run on the world's smallest battery
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's Smallest Battery Is Tinier Than A Grain Of Salt
Capital Outlook
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The smallest battery in the world is the size of a grain of salt
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
???????? ?????? ??????? ????? ????????? battery — ???????? ? ??????? ????
News in Russia and in the Middle — Newsland
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
La più piccola ed efficiente microbatteria mai creata
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's Smallest Battery Can Power Computer with the Size of a Grain of Dust
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
La battery more pequeña del mundo tiene el tamaño de un grano de sal, y está pensada para metértela en el cuerpo
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The smallest battery in the world - With amazing runtime
(22nd February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest battery can power a computer the size of a grain of dust
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Erste Batterie in Salzkorngröße
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's Smallest Rolled Battery Pack: Mini battery powers computers the size of a speck of dust
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Crean la bateria más pequeña del mundo
La Razon
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The battery is small in the world and has a large amount of salt and is inspired by the pastel that is even more famous
Business Insider 
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
???????? ????? ??????? ????? ????????? ? ???? B?????? - ???????? ? ??????? ????
3D News
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The size of a grain of salt: TU Chemnitz develops the smallest battery in the world
MDR television
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Researchers present the tiniest battery in the world
Crown newspaper
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
The smallest battery roll in the world
FOCUS Online
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's Smallest Battery Can Power Computer With The Size Of A Grain Of Dust
Eurasia Review
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
?????????? ?????????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? ??????????? ?????????????? A device that serves as a new primer in the technological university The same Hemnitsa moved this technology to his second level.
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
How small a battery can be
Research and Teaching
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Desarrollan una revolucionaria battery recargable submilimétrica more small that a grano de sal
Update RT
(21st February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Researchers develop the world's smallest battery
(20th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Battery the size of a grain of salt
(20th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
Chemnitz University of Technology builds the smallest battery in the world
(20th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest battery assembles itself like a Swiss roll cake
(20th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest battery can power computers the size of a speck of dust
(19th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
TU Chemnitz: Researchers develop battery the size of a grain of salt
(19th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest battery can power dust-sized computers
(19th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's Smallest Battery
Wiley Analytical Science
(19th February 2022)


Oliver G Schmidt
World's Smallest Battery Can Power Computer with the Size of a Grain of Dust
Alpha Galileo
(19th February 2022)


Minshen Zhu secures ERC Starting Grant

Oliver G Schmidt
Nano researcher receives renowned EU funding
(January 2022)

Oliver G Schmidt
First ERC Starting Grant acquired for Chemnitz University of Technology
(January 2022)

Oliver G Schmidt
First ERC Starting Grant acquired for Chemnitz University of Technology
(January 2022)

Oliver G Schmidt
First ERC Starting Grant acquired for Chemnitz University of Technology
(January 2022)

Oliver G Schmidt
Chemnitz plan micro battery for "smart dust"
(January 2022)

Oliver G Schmidt
First ERC Starting Grant acquired for Chemnitz University of Technology
Chemnitz University of Technology
(January 2022)


Smallest microelectronic catheter

Oliver G Schmidt
Thin as a hair: Research team develops the smallest microelectronic catheter to date
Ophthalmic News
( January 2022 )

Oliver G Schmidt
Microelectronic catheter for minimally invasive surgery of the future
Today's Medical Developments
( January 2022 )

Oliver G Schmidt
Smart microcatheter for future minimally invasive surgery
Medicine & Technology
( January 2022 )

Oliver G Schmidt
( January 2022 )

Oliver G Schmidt
The microelectronic catéter is smaller than the world
Noticias de la Ciencia y la Tecnología
( January 2022 )

Oliver G Schmidt
The world's smallest microelectronic conduit is small but strong, integrating multiple sensing and executive functions
(January 2022)

Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest microelectronic catheter for minimally invasive surgery of the future
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Study Presents World's Tiniest Microcatheter with Sensor, Actuator Functions
AZO sensors
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest microelectronic catheter for minimally invasive surgery of the future
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest microelectronic catheter for minimally invasive surgery of the future
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest microelectronic catheter developed for the minimally invasive surgery of the future
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest microelectronic catheter for minimally invasive surgery of the future
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest microelectronic catheter for minimally invasive surgery of the future
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Research team develops microelectronic catheter
Electronics practice
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
World first: Smallest microelectronic catheter
Management & Hospital
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Microelectronic catheters with embedded sensors
channel e
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
World's Smallest Microelectronic Catheter for Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Future
Alpha Galileo
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Microsurgery: World's smallest electronic catheter developed
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Saxon are researchers developing very thin microcatheters
not applicable
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Saxony develops ultra-thin catheter
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Saxon are researchers developing very thin microcatheters
The Sachsen.de
(December 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest microelectronic catheter developed for the minimally invasive surgery of the future ( DE / EN )
Chemnitz University of Technology
(December 2021)


Prof. Oliver G. Schmidt joins TU Chemnitz

Oliver G Schmidt
"Absolute TOP transfer" to Chemnitz Science "
Autoland Saxony
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"TU Chemnitz receives support from Leibniz Prize winner"
Saxony television
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"Leibniz Prize Winner Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt moves to Chemnitz University of Technology"
Abitur and studies
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"Renowned nanotechnologist Schmidt moves to TU Chemnitz"
the world
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"Renowned nanotechnologist Schmidt moves to TU Chemnitz"
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"Renowned nanotechnologist Schmidt moves to TU Chemnitz"
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"Renowned nanotechnologist Schmidt moves to TU Chemnitz"
t online
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"Renowned nanotechnologist Schmidt moves to TU Chemnitz"
Times online
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"Prize winner changes to the TU Chemnitz"
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"Leibniz Prize Winner Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt moves to Chemnitz University of Technology"
Chemnitz University of Technology
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"Leibniz Prize winner Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt moves to Chemnitz University of Technology"
Chemnitz University of Technology
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"TU Chemnitz makes" absolute top transfer" - Prof. Oliver Schmidt "
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
"Stealth and feeling robots are getting closer"

(September 2021)

World's smallest biosupercapacitor

Oliver G Schmidt

(CCTV  released the top ten domestic and international science and technology news in 2021)

(January 2022)

Oliver G Schmidt
Technologies for the markets of the future
VDI news
(January 2022)

Oliver G Schmidt
Nejmenší biosupercapacitor zajistí napájení biomedicínských mikrosystém?
Technicky tydenik
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest biosupercapacitor provides energy for biomedical applications
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Tiny Biosupercapacitor Provides Energy for Biomedical Applications
Medical design briefs
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Biosupercapacitor designed to power biomedical applications
Electronics360 - GlobalSpec
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Crean microimplants, which now go to Biomedicina
El Periodic of Tlaxcala
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Crean supercapacitors intracorporeal that function in parts of the human body
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Supercapacitors intracorporeles
News of Science and Technology (Amazings® / NCYT®)
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
There's nothing wrong with it, so you can see it as soon as possible
Khoa h?c và ??i s?ng
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Self-sufficient sensors operating in blood
Nature Electronics, 4, 629 
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Create a large battery that comes with a grain of sabbia that feeds the microrobotica salva vita nella medicina
Computer magazines
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
A microscopic battery for revoluting the medicine
Il Secolo XIX
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
A microscopic battery for revoluting the medicine
La Stampa
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
A microscopic battery for revoluting the medicine
La Republica
(September 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists from all over the world want to know that the microsupercapacitor is smaller in the world, 3,000 times smaller
Eco inventory
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Biosupercapacitor: energy for sensors in the blood
Medicine and technology
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
The smallest biosupercapacitor supplies energy for biomedical applications
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Supercapasitor Micro Mengemas Voltase Setara Baterai AAA
Black Experience
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Researchers develop the world's smallest supercapacitor that can be used inside the human body
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Electricity from the bloodstream
Energy & Management
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
This supercapacitor is much smaller in history: more diminutive than a large pole with a voltage similar to a battery AAA
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Supercapacitor for biomedical applications
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Nano-bio-supercapacitors, energy sources biocompatible with voltage from AAA batteries
Hardware upgrade
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Biocompatible mini energy storage for direct diagnosis in the body
laboratory practice
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest biosupercapacitor provides energy for biomedical applications
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Sozdan capacitor rises in the pipe, for the most part without the manual battery
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Origami technique for nanobattery
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Dust-sized supercapacitors pack the same voltage as AAA batteries
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Mini super capacitor provides energy for biomedical applications
Electronics practice
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Dust-sized supercapacitor packs the same voltage as a AAA battery
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Novel Nano-Biosupercapacitor can operate a sensor system for measuring the pH value in blood
AZO sensors
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest biosupercapacitor provides energy for biomedical applications
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest biosupercapacitor provides energy for biomedical applications
Science Daily
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Saxon research team develops energy storage devices that are smaller than a speck of dust
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Biosupercapacitor supplies sensors in the human body
Channel E
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Biocompatible energy storage in the size of a dust particle
Medtech Two
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
World first: TU Chemnitz shrinks batteries below the size of a particle of dust
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Supercapacitors in nano format
By physics
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Chemnitz researchers develop mini batteries for use in human blood
Leipziger Volkszeitung
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
Chemnitz researchers develop mini batteries for use in human blood
(August 2021)

Oliver G Schmidt
World First: Smaller than a speck of dust, voltage like a AAA battery - Smallest biosupercapacitor provides energy for biomedical applications
Chemnitz University of Technology
(August 2021)


World's smallest microelectronic robot

Oliver G Schmidt
Rocket robots from Dresden in action against cancer 
Dresden latest news
(October 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
From the body cell to modern laboratory robotics
Wiley Analytical Science
(October 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
New concepts for motors on a tiny scale
medicine and technology
(November 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Introducing the world's smallest microelectronic robot
(May 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Tiny microelectronic robot is powered by jets of bubbles
(May 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
More on: Jet-powered submarine is <1mm across
Electronics Weekly
(May 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
To μικρ?τερο μικροηλεκτρονικ? ρομπ?τ στον κ?σμο πετ? με κινητ?ρα τζετ
(May 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
The Smallest Microelectronic Robot in the World
Alpha Galileo
(May 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
World's smallest microelectronic robot is propelled by "jet engines
(May 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
As big as a grain of salt: the smallest robot with remote control
hot online
(April 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists in Germany design innovative microrobots flexible (video)
El Heraldo
(April 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Flexible Microrobot Can Survive Almost Any Deformation
Big News Network
(April 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Scientists in Germany are looking for innovative flexible microrobots
La Verdad
(April 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
A flexible microrobot that can survive almost any deformation"
(April 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest microelectronic robot in the world with jet jet
Electronics practice
(April 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest micro-electronic robot ter world heeft twin-jet engine (video) "
(March 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest microelectronic robot in the world
(March 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Tiny swimming robot becomes self-sufficient
By physics
(March 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest microelectronic robot in the world
Market & technology
(March 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest microelectronic robot in the world
(March 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest microelectronic robot in the world
GIT laboratory portal
(March 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Wireless power takes control
(March 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Smallest electronic robot in the world from Saxony
(March 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
Mobile microelectronics with wireless power
(March 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
The smallest microelectronic robot in the world
(March 2020)

Oliver G Schmidt
The smallest microelectronic robot in the world
Chemnitz University of Technology
(March 2020)


Magnetic origami for microelectronics

Oliver G Schmidt
The origami principle (page 30)
nonstop - the city and customer magazine of Drewag
(September/October 2019)

Oliver G Schmidt
Magnetic origami for microelectronics
(September 2019)

Oliver G Schmidt
Saxony folds 3D electronics with magnet origami
(July 2019)

Oliver G Schmidt
Magnetic origami creates powerful micro components
electronic practice
(July 2019)

Oliver G Schmidt
Magnetic origami
(July 2019)

Oliver G Schmidt
Magnets roll up capacitors
laboratory practice
(July 2019)

Oliver G Schmidt
Magnetic origami creates high performance micro devices
IFW News
(May 2019)