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Professorship Communications Engineering


Alle Konferenzbeiträge des Jahres 2017

Predicting driver intentions: a study on users’ intention to use

Autoren: Langer, Dorothea*; Dettmann, André; Leonhardt, Veit; Pech, Timo; Bullinger, Angelika C.; Wanielik, Gerd
Quelle: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter Annual Meeting, 26.10.2016-28.10.2016, Prag, pp. 123-133
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
ISBN/ ISSN: 2333-4959 (online)

Feature Evaluation for Lane Change Prediction based on Driving Situation and Driver Behavior

Autoren: Leonhardt, Veit*; Wanielik, Gerd
Quelle: IEEE International Conference on Information Fusion, Juli 2017, Xi'an, China, 10-13 July 2017
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
ISBN/ ISSN: Electronic ISBN: 978-0-9964-5270-0 ; Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-4582-2

Recognition of Lane Change Intentions fusing Features of Driving Situation, Driver Behavior and Vehicle Movement by means of Neural Networks

Autoren: Leonhardt, Veit*; Wanielik, Gerd
Quelle: 21st International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA 2017), September 2017, Berlin. - Springer, 2017, pp. 59-69
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
ISBN/ ISSN: Print ISBN 978-3-319-66971-7 ; Online ISBN 978-3-319-66972-4 ; Series Print ISSN 2196-5544 ; Series Online ISSN 2196-5552

Neural Network for Lane Change Prediction Assessing Driving Situation, Driver Behavior and Vehicle Movement

Autoren: Leonhardt, Veit*; Wanielik, Gerd
Quelle: IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), October 16 - 19, 2017, Yokohama, JAPAN, 2017
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017