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Student Representatives Mechanical Engineering


O-Phase 2021 Registration

To registrate for participation in this years orientation phase, please fill out the following form.
For information about the events please visit: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/fsrmb/index.php.en?page=ophase-info.

We look forward to your participation!

Your student representatives

First name:*
Study course:*

Please remove the # (spam protection)

Please use your university mail: firstname.lastname@s2021.tu-chemnitz.de
Attention: Activate your university mail adress!
I will participate on the following dates:*

Comments: If you would like to let us know something else, you can type it in here:

*... These boxes are obligatory

Please note:
With your registration you give consent to us using and saving your data for organisational purpuses. You may find our privacy policy here (in german only).