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Institute of Human Movement Science and Health
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All Publications at the Institute of Human Movement Science and Health

Portrait: Prof. Dr. Moritz Schumann
Prof. Dr. Moritz Schumann
Professorship of Sports Medicine and Exercise Therapy
The Limitations of Systematic Reviews With Meta-Analyses in Sport Science : editorialBoullosa, Daniel* et al.2024
Translational exercise biomedicine - where do we go?Cheng, Sulin* et al.2024
Feasibility of a physical exercise intervention for patients on a palliative care unit: A critical analysisInken, Schwonke* et al.2024
Peripheral Oxygenation and Pulmonary Hemodynamics in Individuals With Fontan Circulation During 24-Hour High-Altitude Exposure SimulationMüller, Nicole et al.2024
Responses of the Serum Lipid Profile to Exercise and Diet Interventions in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseQi, Zhen et al.2024
The Impact of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage on Various Cycling Performance Metrics: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisDevantier-Thomas, Baily et al.2024
Non-Local Muscle Fatigue Impairs Mean Propulsive Velocity During Strength Loading in Strength-Trained MenDragutinovic, Boris et al.2024
Kombiniertes Ausdauer- und Krafttraining : Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen und Ableitungen für die TrainingspraxisSchumann, Moritz & Rønnestad, Bent R.2023
Development and Interplay of Metabolic and Mechanical Performance Determinants Over an Annual Training Period in Adolescent National-Level Squad SwimmersKeller, Sebastian* et al.2023