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Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
Israel-Saxony mobility program

Mobility program for study and research stays at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem or Saxon universities

The Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism offers a mobility program for a study and research stay at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and or Saxon universities, respectively. The mobility program is granted as part of a cooperation agreement between Saxon universities and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


Eligible are students in the final phase of their studies and young researchers up to a maximum of 5 years after their doctorate of all courses of study. Applicants have to be enrolled or employed at a Saxon university, university of applied sciences or at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, respectively.

Funding period:

Visits of a duration of 3 weeks to 6 months can be supported. The travel period is from October 1st, 2024 to May 31st, 2025 (in exceptional cases, an earlier travel start is possible). Applicants have to be available for a start of their study or research stay at short notice.

Amount of mobility program:

The amount of the fund that recipients will receive is € 570,- per month for students who prepare their thesis, € 1200,- for PhD students and a maximum of € 1850,- for postdoctoral researchers. In addition, a fixed sum for travel from Israel to Saxony (Germany) and back amounting to a maximum of € 850,- and for travel within the host country amounting to a maximum of € 400,- (on individual receipts) will be granted. For travel from Saxony with a stay in Israel, € 850,- plus a maximum of another € 300,- for travel costs within Israel will be granted accordingly. Full-time staff from Jerusalem or Saxony who are not on leave will receive a funding of a maximum of what is provided according to the German Travel Expenses Act (‘Bundesreisekostengesetz’). The amount for travel expenses provided through the mobility program, however, must not exceed € 850,- + travel expenses within the host country. The mobility program is not meant to be used to cover any tuition fees.


Applications for the mobility program can be submitted until July 26, 2024 to the coordinator of the mobility program:

Prof. Dr. Peter Kriwy Institute of Sociology at Chemnitz University of Technology

To apply, please use the form that you can download here. The description of the planned research stay must be in English in a maximum of 200 words. The mobility program holders are obliged to have their place of residence exclusively in Israel (preferably in Jerusalem) or Saxony during the time of their stay. A mentor and letter of recommendation are also required (see form).


Placement decision:

The decision on awarding the mobility program is made by a selection committee, which includes the coordinator and representatives of Saxon universities and universities of applied sciences.