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Personality Psychology and Assessment
Test library
Personality Psychology and Assessment 

Test library

Contact person

Portrait: Michel Klein
Michel Klein
  • Phone:
    +49 371 531-33371
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Wilhelm-Raabe-Straße 43, 09120 Chemnitz
  • Room:
    4/040 (neu: B03.040)
Portrait: PD Dr. Diana Armbruster
PD Dr. Diana Armbruster
fachliche Beratung


As a rule, all groups of people can borrow tests exclusively via the Testothek organization and during the official opening hours. Tests are usually borrowed for one week.

Who is allowed to borrow?

The loan of tests is only possible for employees of the Institute of Psychology at Chemnitz University of Technology and students in the Bachelor's or Master's degree program in Psychology (please present your Imma certificate).

Psychology students in the minor subject submit an informal certificate from a lecturer stating why the test is required.

Students who are not studying psychology as a major or minor subject require a certificate from a responsible psychologist stating what the test will be used for and that it will be administered correctly. Other groups of people should contact the secretariat. (ppd@hsw.tu-chemnitz.de)

How may the tests be used?

Please note the instructions for using the Testothek and the Information on test protection and copyright (pdf) from the Diagnostics and Test Board of the Federation of German Psychologists' Associations. 
Version 1.0 · as of Nov. 30. 2018 · adopted on March 26, 2019

Processing on loan/return

Opening hours of the test library: Tuesdays: 10:00 - 15:00
Requests can be made at any time via e-mail.

The tests are issued in the room 4/040 (neu: B01.040).

Over 400 tests are available in the test library of the Institute of Psychology. Please make a note of the library number (Regensburg sorting) so that you can quickly find the desired test when borrowing it.

Download: List (pdf) of all procedures available in the test library.
Note: The list is not completely barrier-free. Please contact the responsible employee for personal advice.

Free tests for psychological research

Hogrefe supports research projects in connection with COVID-19 by providing digital test procedures free of charge. Further information at: Link to the Hogrefe website

Certification VP hours

The VP hours are not issued via the test library but are the responsibility of the respective professorships (the secretariats and research assistants).

Professorship for General and Biopsychology: 

Professorship for Work, Organizational and Business Psychology 

Professorship of Social Psychology: