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Professur Künstliche Intelligenz

Praktikum Robotik


The goal of “Praktikum Robotik” is to give students the opportunity to work with real robots and program them for real life tasks (reaching, writing, throwing …) by applying basic robotics concepts (e.g, inverse kinematics, vision-based control …). 

The duration of “Praktikum Robotik” is two semesters (starting in winter semester). However, there is the possibility to finish in one semester if all tasks have been successfully addressed.

We have seven NAO humanoid robots at our professorship available for research and teaching proposes.

Student will be organized in groups and they will work in the lab according to a weekly timetable. However, all groups will meet together before/after each task (we estimate 4 weeks for each task).

Learning outcomes: Programming NAO humanoid robot to perform tasks that involve vision and motor control based on the kinematic and dynamic description of the robot.

General Information:

Information for students who want to register for Praktikum in WS-2018: Please send me your name and immatriculation number and your login in order to provide you an access to the lab.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Mathematics, Computer vision, C++ programming or Python.

Place:  Root- lab 374


Imitation of human motions with a Nao humanoid

Extracted from some students' works on NAO humanoid robot 2014-2015

Useful links:

NAO Documentation

Getting OpenCV latest version on your system

Python Examples

Praktikum materials: 

Report template

Getting started with NAO robot (task1)

Ball Tracking with NAO' Head (task2)

myPython Example to start with (task2)

NAO Drawing Basic Shapes Using Inverse Kinematics (task3)

NAO Ball Throwing (task4)

Datasheet NAO_25

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