
Fred H. Hamker

Baladron J, Hamker FH (2015). A spiking neural network based on the basal ganglia functional anatomy. Neural Networks (in press)

Vitay J, Hamker FH (2010). A computational model of the influence of basal ganglia on memory retrieval in rewarded visual memory tasks. Frontiers Comput. Neurosci., 4, 13.

Zirnsak M, Hamker FH (2010). Attention Alters Feature Space in Motion Processing. J. Neurosci. 30, 6882-6890.

Wiltschut J, Hamker FH (2009). Efficient Coding correlates with spatial frequency tuning in a model of V1 receptive field organization. Vis. Neurosci. 26, 21-34.

Hamker FH, Zirnsak M, Calow D, Lappe M (2008). The peri-saccadic perception of objects and space. PLOS Comput. Biol. 4, e31.

Hamker FH (2005). The Reentry Hypothesis: The Putative Interaction of the Frontal Eye Field, Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex, and Areas V4, IT for Attention and Eye Movement. Cereb. Cortex, 15, 431-447.

Andrea A. Kühn

Huebl J, Schoenecker T, Siegert S, Brücke C, Schneider GH, Kupsch A, Yarrow K, Kühn AA. (2011). Modulation of subthalamic alpha activity to emotional stimuli correlates with depressive symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord., 26, 477-483.

Kühn AA, Brücke C, Hübl J, Schneider GH, Kupsch A, Eusebio A, Keyoumars A, Holland P, Aziz T, Vandenberghe W, Nuttin B, Brown P. (2008). Motivation modulates motor related feed-back activity in the human basal ganglia. Curr. Biol., 18, 648-650.

Kühn AA, Kempf F, Brücke C, Doyle-Gaynor L, Martinez-Torres I, Pogosyan A, Trottenberg T, Kupsch A, Schneider GH, Hariz M, Vandenberghe W, Nuttin B, Brown P. (2008). High frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus suppresses oscillatory beta activity in patients with Parkinson’s disease in parallel with improvement in motor performance. J Neurosci., 28, 6165-6173.

Kühn AA, Doyle L, Pogosyan A, Yarrow K, Kupsch A, Schneider GH, Hariz M, Trottenberg T, Brown P. (2006). Modulation of beta oscillations in the subthalamic area during motor imagery in Parkinson’s disease. Brain, 129, 695-706.

Kühn AA, Williams D, Kupsch A, Limousin P, Hariz M, Schneider GH, Yarrow K, Brown P. (2004). Event-related beta desynchronization in human subthalamic nucleus correlates with motor performance. Brain, 127, 735-746.

Atsushi Nambu

Takara S, Hatanaka N, Takada M, Nambu A (2011). Differential activity patterns of putaminal neurons with inputs from the primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area in behaving monkeys. J. Neurophysiol. (in press).

Nishibayashi H, Ogura M, Kakishita K, Tanaka S, Tachibana Y, Nambu A, Kita K, Itakura T (2011). Cortically evoked responses of human pallidal neurons recorded during stereotactic neurosurgery. Mov. Disord., 26, 469-476.

Chiken S, Shashidharan P, Nambu A (2008). Cortically evoked long-lasting inhibition of pallidal neurons in a transgenic mouse model of dystonia. J. Neurosci., 28, 13967-13977.

Tachibana Y, Kita H, Chiken S, Takada M, Nambu A (2008). Motor cortical control of internal pallidal activity through glutamatergic and GABAergic inputs in awake monkeys. Eur. J. Neurosci., 27, 238-253.

Nambu A, Tokuno H, Hamada I, Kita H, Imanishi M, Akazawa T, Ikeuchi Y, Hasegawa N (2000). Excitatory cortical inputs to pallidal neurons via the subthalamic nucleus in the monkey. J. Neurophysiol., 84, 289-300.