ZMPI All-to-all In-place Library (ZMPI-ATAIP)
ZMPI-ATAIP (ZMPI All-To-All In-Place) is a parallel software library providing an in-place version of the collective communication operation MPI_Alltoallv. An early version of the underlying algorithm is described in the following article:
M. Hofmann and G. Rünger: An In-place Algorithm for Irregular All-to-All Communication with Limited Memory.
In: Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface: 17th European MPI User's Group Meeting, pg. 113–121. Springer, 2010.
Contact: michael.hofmann@…
The development of the ZMPI-ATAIP library was supported as part of the ScaFaCoS Project by the the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under project number 01IH08001B.
ZMPI All-to-all Specific Library (ZMPI-ATASP)
ZMPI-ATASP (ZMPI All-To-All SPecific) is a parallel software library that provides a fine-grained data redistribution operation for MPI. An early version of the interface of the fine-grained data redistribution operation as well as different implementation variants are described in the following article:
M. Hofmann and G. Rünger: Fine-grained Data Distribution Operations for Particle Codes.
In: Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 16th European PVM/MPI Users Group Meeting, pg. 54–63. Springer, 2009.
Contact: michael.hofmann@…
The development of the ZMPI-ATAIP library was supported as part of the ScaFaCoS Project by the the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under project number 01IH08001B.
Sorting Library (SL)
SL is a parallel software library for sequential and parallel sorting algorithms implemented in C and MPI. An early version of the SL is described in the following article:
H. Dachsel, M. Hofmann, and G. Rünger: Library Support for Parallel Sorting in Scientific Computations.
In: Proc. of the 13th International Euro-Par Conference, pg. 695–704. Springer, 2007.
Download: sl-1.0.1.tar.gz (ChangeLog)
Contact: michael.hofmann@…
The development of the sorting library SL was supported as part of the ScaFaCoS Project by the the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under project number 01IH08001B.