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Chair of Theoretical Computer Science and Information Security
Chair of Theoretical Computer Science and Information Security

Theoretische Informatik II

(Theoretical Computer Science 2, lecture, summer 2017, 4/2/0 SWS)

First we consider the question, whether there exist
problems which are not solvable algorithmically. In connection with this question we introduce a model
of a computer, which is close to reality (Turing maschine). Having done this, we consider some computable
algorithmic problems, and investigate these according to their algorithmic complexity. In particular, we investigate the complexity classes
P and NP as well as NP-complete problems. Furthermore,
we discuss other models of computers like finite automata and their "computing powers". Finally,
we consider grammers and formal languages, the
Chomsky hierarchy and corresponding programming languages.
students of computer science and mathematics
It is a good idea to have participated in the course "Theoretical Computer Science 1"
oral or written exams as required for the individual student.