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Chair of Theoretical Computer Science and Information Security
Chair of Theoretical Computer Science and Information Security

Localizing Passengers in Public Transport (ÖPNV)

Talking persons:
Norbert Freier
The use of bus and metro is for a traveller in cities, which he does not know, not that easy. Quite often one has to plan the particular route well in detail or has to rely on that information,
which is available upon arrival. The ÖPNV-navigation system Smart-Way is intended to reduce this this inconvenience by directing passengers through unknown nets of public transportation. For doing so, an exact localization is necessary, which is sometimes not possible through unexact GPS-signals. In this diploma thesis, alternative ways to find the exat position of the passengers, will be investigated and evaluated.
Tuesday 5th June 2012, 5.15 pm - 6.45 pm, room 1/368