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29.9.2024: Our submission entitled "Habit-inspired Methods for Embodied Intelligence" has been accepted by IOP Publishing!
23.9.2024: Exchange of project leaders for TUCculture 2025 projects.
Robotopics Exchange September
19.9.2024: Also our paper "Energy-Efficient Information Representation in MNIST Classification Using Biologically Inspired Learning" has been accepted for publication at the 10th bwHPC Symposium in Freiburg, Germany.
28.8.2024: Sascha Kaden presented our paper "A Research Platform for Human-Robot-Interaction with Focus on Collaborative Assembly Scenarios" in Pasadena, California!
3.7.2024: We gave an oral presentation at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), in the "Cross-Disciplinary Topics" track, on our paper "Weight Perturbation and Competitive Hebbian Plasticity for Training Sparse Excitatory Neural Networks".
30.6.2024: Our paper entitled "PCDepth: Pattern-based Complementary Learning for Monocular Depth Estimation by Best of Both Worlds" has been accepted for oral presentation at the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
20.6.2024: For the IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, we organised a workshop on Bio & Brain-inspired Robotics, see here.
ROSE workshop
13.6.2024: Prof. Röhrbein gave a keynote speech entitled "More than Just Chat(GPT) - AI Potential in Startups" at the SAXEED Summer Festival in Villa Rosenberg.
5.6.2024: We will be visited by Dr. Griffiths, Principal Consultant at adesso and expert in NLP, Conversational AI, & VoiceAI.
26.5.2024: Our paper entitled "A Research Platform for Human-Robot-Interaction with Focus on Collaborative Assembly Scenarios" has been accepted for presentation at the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication RO-MAN.
22.5.2024: Prof. Röhrbein was interviewed by MDR at the occasion of the approval of the European AI Act. The video is uploaded here.
27.4.2024: Sascha Kaden lead two discussions on the topics: "Artificial Intelligence in Education, for Learning and Teaching" and "Human-Robot Interaction in Industry 5.0 and Care - A Look into the Future" at the TUC Open Day. The presentation can be downloaded here.
16.4.2024: The third Saxon AI Congress takes place. This year's congress dives into relevant AI topics, discussing how AI can bring real benefits to businesses and society, shifting the focus from mere impressiveness to meaningful applications. It's full of practical insights, discussions, and ideas, where Prof. Röhrbein is also invited as an expert to talk about our AI Lab at TU Chemnitz.
Talk Rörhebein KI Kongress
29.3.2024: Great news: Our project proposal CORINNE - Cobots’ Relational Interface with Neuromorphic Networks and Events will be funded by the BMBF.
6.3.2024: Discussion at the KaffeeSatz Chemnitz on the topic: "Artificial Intelligence in Education, for Learning and Teaching" with Sascha Kaden as speaker. The presentation can be downloaded here.
3.3.2024: Saranraj Nambusubramaniyan has been invited to the Cosyne Conference to present his work on "Asynchronous Derivative-Free Learning Solving Synaptic Credit Assignment in Recurrent Neural Networks".
Poster Saran Cosyne
4.2.2024: Prof Röhrbein gives a lecture at the Children's University on the topic "Why children are smarter than robots". Talk Röhrebin Kinder Uni
18.1.2024: Our paper "Asynchronous Derivative-Free Learning Solving Synaptic Credit Assignment in Recurrent Neural Networks" has been accepted to Cosyne 2024.

December 2023

7.12.2023: From now on we are member of the Center for Humans and Technology (MeTech).

November 2023

23.11.2023: PartWiss conference takes place. Our PhD student Sascha Kaden and Karola Köpferl present results of their study on the topic: "Participating instead of accepting: Technology in the Everyday Life of Older People", a report from the city lab of TU Chemnitz.
21.11.2023: euRobotics Topic Group coordinators meeting in Hannover.
8.11.2023: Prof. Röhrbein is one of the speakers at the TU Munich Career Lounge on the topic of "Doctorate - and then? Career paths in science and industry".

October 2023

18.10.2023 Prof. Röhrbein was nominated to become a member of the Scientific Board of the Bial Foundation.

September 2023

14.9.2023 Our master student Oyunbat G. has received a PROMOS scholarship from DAAD for a semester abroad at Nagoya University (Japan). 

August 2023

July 2023

27.7.2023 Paper accepted for IEEE RO-MAN workshop on "Care Robots for Older Adults" on 28 August in Busan South Korea.

12.7.2023 Successful project submission of PaxUnpARiA (Participatory exploration of possible technical support for caring relatives and elders to mitigate the risks of old-age security) by Jun.-Prof. Andreas Bischof, Karola Köpferl, Sascha Kaden and Prof. Florian Röhrbein to the Forschungsnetzwerk Alterssicherung FNA.

June 2023

20.6.2023 Florian Röhrbein was elected as the new speaker of Forschungsschwerpunkt "Intelligente multimediale Systeme.

13.6.2023 Our PhD student Sascha Kaden was accepted for the fully funded Doctoral Class in Technography at the TU Dortmund.

11.6.2023 Faculty of Computer Science and Chair of Neurorobotics present highlights from research on the "Open Government Quarter" in Saxony's capital city

May 2023

16.5.2023 The International Conference  "Building Bridges for the Next Generations" takes place in Dresden, where Prof. Röhrbein is giving a Lighting Talk about "Brain-inspired Robots".

4.5.2023 As part of the kick-off event for the Saxon State Award for design, Prof. Röhrbein presents a vision pitch on the topic "Kann KI kreativ sein?"

Talk Röhrbein kreative KI

April 2023

25.4.2023 Our contribution entitled "Event-Based Sensor Fusion in Human-Machine Teaming" has been accepted for the 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium

5.4.2023 In diesem Vortrag wird das Genre "Science Fiction" mit den Vorstellungen bzw. Ergebnissen der künstlichen Intelligenz gegenübergestellt. Es wird auf wichtige Kernfragen zum Thema Robotik wie z.B.https://www.neuromonster.org/biocomputation "Werkzeug oder Bedrohung" sowie Kreativität einer Künstlichen Intelligenz eingegangen.


March 2023

14.3.2023 Our workshop on bio- and brain-inspired robotics at ERF in Odense (Denmark) has attracted almost 100 participants!


8.3.2023 New TUCscicast on "Nimmt uns ChatGPT bald die Arbeit weg- oder ab?"


February 2023

27.2.2023 Our paper entitled "Upcycling Models under Domain and Category Shift" has been accepted for CVPR 2023. CVPR is maybe the most competitive conference in computer vision, with an acceptance rate this year as low as 25%.

8.2.2023 First event of serious discussions with elderly people about their expectations and requirements regarding robots.



January 2023

December 2022

7.12.2022 Invited talk at the 11th Forum of Convergence Eniso-Entreprises in Sousse, Tunisia

Talk RoehrbeinSousse

November 2022


28.11.2022 Our paper on "MLOps for Building a Human-in-the-Loop System for Continuous Learning in Mobile Robotic Vision" has been accepted for the 1st International Conference on Hybrid Societies.

16.11.2022 new e-book has been published; the full pdf is available at https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/22638/insights-in-neurorobotics-2021


October 2022

21.10.2022 Audi Max: Prof. Röhrbein gives a "Seniorenkolleg" lecture about "Künstliche Intelligenz mit Körper: Auf dem Weg zu gehirn-inspirierter Robotik"



September 2022


26.09.2022 Our Summer School on Neurorobotics was held with great participants selected from over 30 applications from all over the world.

Summerschool Chemnitz

August 2022


5.08.2022 Both abstracts for the Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2022 have been accepted.


July 2022


18.07.2022 Two abstracts for BCCN submitted: “Trajectory learning for an iCub arm generated by CPGs” and “Scalable Layer-Parallel Readout Training Rule for Self-Organizing Recurrent Neural Networks.”

7.07.2022 One of our articles is showcased on IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight; details are are at https://innovate.ieee.org/innovation-spotlight/improving-autonomous-driving-with-event-based-neuromorphic-vision/


June 2022


25.06.2022 Talk at Sächsischer Landtag on the occasion of “25 Jahre Sächsischer Informatikwettbewerb“

23.06.2022 abstract for KogWis, the biannual conference of the German Cognitive Science Society, has been accepted


May 2022


18.05.2022 Our GPU SuperWorkstation has arrived!!

9.05.2022 Paper accepted for publication in Frontiers in Robotics and AI, free access at https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frobt.2022.799644


April 2022


5.04.2022 Our abstract has been accepted for the FENS Forum, Europe’s largest international neuroscience conference


March 2022


17.03.2022 A paper published in iScience, a journal with an impact factor of 6.1! Details at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.104083


February 2022



January 2022


13.01.2022 Talk at University Information Day “TUCtag” for Bachelor students interested in Neurorobotics


December 2021