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Adaptive and Collaborative Human-Robot Assembly Planning

Robot-arm setup including display with eyes constructing something with lego duplo like bricks.Image of our robot platform.

In the context of Industry 5.0, the focus is on collaboration between humans and robots through collaborative processes, to enable rapidly adaptable products. However, this requires the robot system to adapt to the user, as is natural in human-human interaction. For this purpose, an assembly process with Lego bricks should be developed on the robot platform of the professorship.

The goal is to select suitable bricks for robot and user for the assembly planning. In addition, the assembly process has to be adapted to the user. For example, the robot can perform more assembly steps or the robot's movement, or intention indication can be adapted. Students can contribute their own ideas.

A robot workstation with cameras, table projection, microphone and speakers is available for the interaction design. The control of the robot is implemented and can be easily controlled via API. A basic assembly planning function is also available, which can be used to load models and create plans.



  • Basic knowledge in robotics.