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International Office

Application for the Visiting Scholar Program

Tandems of Visiting Scholar and host professor at TU Chemnitz can apply together for admission to the Visiting Scholar Program. All details can be found in the current call for proposals (PDF).

Applications from Visiting Scholars and the host professorships must include the following documents:

  • Application form (PDF)
  • Project description (max. 2 pages incl. short description of the research project, description of the previous intensity of the cooperation between the Visiting Scholar and the visiting professorship, explanation of the Visiting Scholar's tasks at TU Chemnitz, goals and expected benefits of the research stay for the professorship and TU Chemnitz)
  • Curriculum vitae of the Visiting Scholar with the usual information
  • List of publications of the Visiting Scholar
  • Doctoral certificate of the Visiting Scholar
  • Confirmation from the home institution (university or research institution) that the Visiting Scholar is employed (in English or German)
  • Acknowledgement of the current privacy policy in the VSP (PDF only in german)

All application documents are to be submitted jointly by the applicant and the host professorship to the International University Centre of the TU Chemnitz as described in the current call for proposals.

The invitation to tender for the first half of 2025 will be published on this page soon.

The International Office coordinates the application and selection process. It forwards all applications that were submitted completely and in due time to the University Management.

Funding conditions

Monthly allowance
Visiting scholars receive a monthly allowance to cover the additional costs incurred during their stay abroad. The allowance is intended to cover costs in Chemnitz such as rent, local transport, meals and for insurance cover, etc. Please note that the monthly allowance is neither a scholarship nor income.

Absences from Chemnitz during the Visiting Scholar Program
The goal of the Visiting Scholar Program is that the international guests and host professorships conduct research together in Chemnitz. Participation in conferences or workshops of usual length outside of Chemnitz is of course possible for visiting scholars.
Absences of more than two weeks per funding month must be reported to the IUZ. For these absences only a reduced expense allowance will be paid.

Travel expenses
Visiting scholars receive a one-time travel allowance depending on the country in which they start their journey to Chemnitz. The travel allowance is intended to cover the costs of flight, train or bus tickets for the journey to and from Chemnitz and – if applicable – costs occurred by applying for visa. The travel allowance is paid as a lump sum at the beginning of the stay in Chemnitz. There is no requirement to provide proof of individual expenses for the trip.

Exclusion of double funding
Please note that funding in the Visiting Scholar Program is generally not possible if you already receive financial support for your stay in Chemnitz from other funding organizations. Should you receive additional funding from another funding organization during the selection process or during your stay in Chemnitz within the Visiting Scholar Program, you are obliged to notify Chemnitz University of Technology of this additional funding.