

The routine CPXgetchannels() obtains pointers to the four default channels created when CPXopenCPLEX() is called. To manipulate the messages for any of these channels, this routine must be called.

Return Value

The routine returns a zero on success, and a nonzero if an error occurs.


  int CPXgetchannels (CPXCENVptr env,
                      CPXCHANNELptr *cpxresults_p,
                      CPXCHANNELptr *cpxwarning_p,
                      CPXCHANNELptr *cpxerror_p,
                      CPXCHANNELptr *cpxlog_p);


CPXCENVptr env

The pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by CPXopenCPLEX().

CPXCHANNELptr *cpxresults_p

A pointer to a variable of type CPXCHANNELptr to hold the address of the channel corresponding to cpxresults. May be NULL.

CPXCHANNELptr *cpxwarning_p

A pointer to a variable of type CPXCHANNELptr to hold the address of the channel corresponding to cpxwarning. May be NULL.

CPXCHANNELptr *cpxerror_p

A pointer to a variable of type CPXCHANNELptr to hold the address of the channel corresponding to cpxerror. May be NULL.

CPXCHANNELptr *cpxlog_p

A pointer to a variable of type CPXCHANNELptr to hold the address of the channel corresponding to cpxlog. May be NULL.


  status = CPXgetchannels (env, &cpxresults, &cpxwarning,
                           &cpxerror, &cpxlog);

See Also

Example lpex5.c in the CPLEX User's Manual.

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