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Professur Geometrie
Thomas Jahn
Professur Geometrie 

Dr. Thomas Jahn

This website will no longer be maintained as I have moved to Tino Ullrich's Applied Analysis group on April 1, 2020. You may also have a look on my personal website at TUC or find me on ResearchGate, Mathscinet, and zbmath.
2020– research assistant, TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Mathematics, Professorship Applied Analysis
2013–2020 research assistant, TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Mathematics, Professorship Geometry
2013–2019 Graduate Studies, TU Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany
Degree program: PhD Program in Mathematics
Degree: Dr. rer. nat.
Rating: summa cum laude
Thesis: An Invitation to Generalized Minkowski Geometry
I received the university prize.
  • Forschung

    Two men congratulate a womanEffort Pays Off

    On 7 November 2019, Chemnitz University of Technology was awarded nine university prizes for the year 2019, as well as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Award

2008–2013 Undergraduate Studies, TU Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany
Degree program: Mathematics
Degree: Dipl.-Math.
Rating: 1.3
Thesis: On Minimal Enclosing Discs and Balls in Normed Planes and Spaces
2008 Abitur in Reichenbach im Vogtland, Germany
1990 born in Leipzig, Germany

Research Articles

  1. Thomas Jahn, Martin Winter: Vertex-facet assignments for polytopes. Preprint version available at arXiv. Submitted.
  2. Bernardo González Merino, Thomas Jahn, Christian Richter: Uniqueness of circumcenters in generalized Minkowski spaces. J. Approx. Theory 237:153–159, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.jat.2018.09.005. Preprint version available at arXiv.
  3. Bernardo González Merino, Thomas Jahn, Alexandr Polyanskii, Gerd Wachsmuth: Hunting for reduced polytopes. Discrete Comput. Geom. 60(3):801–808, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s00454-018-9982-3. Preprint versions available at arXiv, http://arxiv.org/abs/1701.08629 and http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.08125.
  4. Thomas Jahn: Orthogonality in Generalized Minkowski Spaces. J. Convex Anal. 26(1):49–76, 2019. Available at the publisher's website. Preprint version available at arXiv.
  5. René Brandenberg, Bernardo González Merino, Thomas Jahn, Horst Martini: Is a Complete, Reduced Set Necessarily of Constant Width?. Adv. Geom. 19(1):31–40, 2019. DOI: 10.1515/advgeom-2017-0058. Preprint version available at arXiv.
  6. Thomas Jahn: Geometric Algorithms For Minimal Enclosing Discs In Strictly Convex Normed Planes. Contrib. Discrete Math. 12(1):1–13, 2017. Available at the publisher's website. Preprint version available at arXiv.
  7. Thomas Jahn: Successive Radii and Ball Operators in Generalized Minkowski Spaces. Adv. Geom. 17(3):347–354, 2017. DOI: 10.1515/advgeom-2017-0012. Preprint version available at arXiv.
  8. Thomas Jahn, Horst Martini, Christian Richter: Ball Convex Bodies in Minkowski Spaces, Pacific J. Math. 289(2):287–316, 2017. DOI: 10.2140/pjm.2017.289.287. Preprint version available at arXiv.
  9. Thomas Jahn: Extremal Radii, Diameter, and Minimum Width in Generalized Minkowski Spaces. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 47(3):825–848, 2017. DOI: 10.1216/RMJ-2017-47-3-825. A preprint version is available at arXiv.
  10. Thomas Jahn, Horst Martini, Christian Richter: Bi- and Multifocal Curves and Surfaces for Gauges, J. Convex Anal. 23(3):733–774, 2016. Available at the publisher's website.
  11. Thomas Jahn, Margarita Spirova: On Bisectors in Normed Planes. Contrib. Discrete Math. 10(2):1–9, 2015. Available at the publisher's website. Preprint version available at arXiv.
  12. Thomas Jahn, Yaakov S. Kupitz, Horst Martini, Christian Richter: Minsum Location Extended to Gauges and to Convex Sets. J. Optim. Theory Appl. 166(3):711–746, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10957-014-0692-6. Preprint version available at arXiv.

PhD thesis

  1. Thomas Jahn: An Invitation to Generalized Minkowski Geometry. TU Chemnitz, 2019. Available at Qucosa-Monarch. Best viewing results in Adobe Reader due to PDF/A restrictions.

Diploma Thesis

  1. Thomas Jahn: On Minimal Enclosing Discs and Balls in Normed Planes and Spaces. Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2013.
  1. 06.12.2019: Apollonius characterizes Euclid, 8th Thuringian Geometry Day, FSU Jena, Germany.
  2. 09.07.2019: Combinatorial Aspects of Reduced Polytopes, Discrete Geometry Days2, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.
  3. 21.05.2019: What Is Pi?. PhD Seminar, Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  4. 14.02.2019: An Invitation to Generalized Minkowski Geometry. Defense of the PhD thesis, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  5. 08.12.2018: Uniqueness of Circumcenters in Generalized Minkowski Spaces. Geometrietag, TU Dresden, Germany.
  6. 27.11.2018: Hunting for Reduced Polytopes, 24th SEG Workshop "Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Algorithms", TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany.
  7. 08.11.2018: It's the Small Things That Count. PhD Seminar, Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz.
  8. 12.06.2018: Geometry of Minimax Location Problems. Research Seminar Operations Research, Financial Mathematics und Mathematical Economics, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  9. 28.05.2018: Uniqueness of Circumcenters in Generalized Minkowski Spaces. Research Seminar Theoretical Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  10. 12.04.2018: What Wikipedia Can't Tell You About Circumcenters. PhD Seminar, Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  11. 06.06.2017: Hunting for Reduced Polytopes. Convex, Discrete and Integral Geometry, Banach Conference Center, Będlewo, Poland.
  12. 19.05.2017: Ball Convexity in Minkowski Spaces. Discrete Geometry Fest, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary.
  13. 17.01.2017: Minimax-Standortoptimierung für strikt konvexe Normen [Minimax location problems for strictly convex norms]. Research Seminar Operations Research, Financial Mathematics und Mathematical Economics, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  14. 03.12.2016: Birkhoff Orthogonality in Generalized Minkowski Spaces. Central European Set-Valued and Variational Analysis Meeting, FSU Jena, Germany.
  15. 28.11.2016: Reduced Polytopes. PhD Seminar, Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  16. 09.11.2016: Reduced Polytopes. Research Seminar Approximation and Optimization, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  17. 24.06.2016: How to Get Rid of Symmetry: Orthogonality Notions. Discrete Geometry Days, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.
  18. 01.06.2016: Orthogonality without Inner Products II. Research Seminar Approximation and Optimization, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  19. 21.01.2016: Orthogonality without Inner Products. PhD Seminar, Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  20. 04.12.2015: Orthogonality without Inner Products. Thüringischer Geometrietag, FSU Jena, Germany.
  21. 04.11.2015: Orthogonality without Inner Products. Research Seminar Approximation and Optimization, TU Chemnitz.
  22. 08.09.2015: The Center Problem In Strictly Convex Planes. 5th German-Russian Week of The Young Reseacher "Discrete Geometry", Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia.
  23. 02.07.2015: Cassini Sets in Generalized Minkowski Spaces. Geometry & Symmetry, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary.
  24. 16.04.2015: A Song of Praise to the Hahn–Banach Theorem. PhD Seminar, Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  25. 19.02.2015: Successive Radii in Generalized Minkowski Spaces. Seminar on Applied and Discrete Mathematics, TU München, Germany.
  26. 14.01.2015: Cassini Curves: Then and Now. Research Seminar Approximation and Optimization, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  27. 05.12.2014: Bifocal Curves in Generalized Minkowski Planes. Sächsischer Geometrietag 2014, TU Dresden, Germany.
  28. 05.09.2014: The Notion of Diameter in Generalized Minkowski Spaces. Research Seminar Geometry, TU Chemnitz.
  29. 24.06.2014: The Elzinga–Hearn Algorithm in Strictly Convex Planes. 15th SEG Workshop "Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Algorithms", HTW Dresden, Germany.
  30. 04.06.2014: A Gentle Introduction to Convex Geometry. Research Seminar Approximation and Optimization, TU Chemnitz.
  31. 06.12.2013: The Elzinga–Hearn Algorithm in Strictly Convex Planes. Sachsen-anhaltischer Geometrietag & Friends 2013, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany.
  32. 05.06.2013: Minimax Location in Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces. Research Seminar Approximation and Optimization, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  33. 22.05.2013: Ein Minimax-Standortproblem in endlichdimensionalen Banachräumen [A Minimax Location Problem in Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces]. Research Seminar Discrete Geometry, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  34. 20.03.2013: On Minimal Enclosing Discs and Balls in Normed Planes and Spaces. Defense of the diploma thesis, TU Chemnitz, Germany.
  35. 23.11.2011: GUI-Implementation für das Kantenfärben von Multigraphen [GUI Implementation for Edge Coloring of Multigraphs]. Research Seminar Algorithmic and Discrete Mathematics, TU Chemnitz, Germany.

More details on my personal website at TUC.

  • Winter Term 2019/2020: Exercises for the lecture "Linear Algebra 1" (Prof. Sevenheck)
  • Summer Term 2019: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.2 for Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, Sensors and Cognitive Psychology, and Computer Science and Communication Science" (Prof. Pichler)
  • Summer Term 2019: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics II for Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Physics (Prof. Stoll)
  • Winter Term 2018/2019: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.1 for Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, Sensors and Cognitive Psychology, and Computer Science and Communication Science" (Prof. Martini)
  • Winter Term 2018/2019: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.1 for Mechanical Engineering" (PD Dr. Streit)
  • Summer Term 2018: Exercises for the lecture "Geometry for Teachers" (Prof. Martini)
  • Summer Term 2018: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.2 for Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, Sensors and Cognitive Psychology, and Computer Science and Communication Science" (Prof. Pichler)
  • Winter Term 2017/2018: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.1 for Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, Sensors and Cognitive Psychology, and Computer Science and Communication Science" (Prof. Martini)
  • Summer Term 2017: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.2 for Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, Sensors and Cognitive Psychology, and Computer Science and Communication Science" (Prof. Pichler)
  • Winter Term 2016/2017: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.1 for Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, Sensors and Cognitive Psychology, and Computer Science and Communication Science" (Prof. Martini)
  • Summer Term 2016: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.2 for Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, Sensors and Cognitive Psychology, and Computer Science and Communication Science" (Prof. Martini)
  • Winter Term 2015/2016: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.1 for Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, Sensors and Cognitive Psychology, and Computer Science and Communication Science" (Prof. Martini)
  • Summer Term 2015: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.2 for Automotive Manufacturing, Sports Engineering, Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, and Sensors and Cognitive Psychology" (Prof. Herzog)
  • Winter Term 2014/2015: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.1 for Automotive Manufacturing, Sports Engineering, Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, Sensors and Cognitive Psychology, and Computer Science and Communication Science " (Prof. Herzog)
  • Summer Term 2014: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.2 for Automotive Manufacturing, Sports Engineering, Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, and Sensors and Cognitive Psychology" (Prof. Herzog)
  • Winter Term 2013/2014: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics I.1 for Automotive Manufacturing, Sports Engineering, Business Administration and Engineering, Chemistry, and Sensors and Cognitive Psychology" (Prof. Martini)
  • Summer Term 2013: Exercises for the lecture "Mathematics II for Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Information and Communication Technology" (Prof. Wanka)