Veröffentlichungen (Volltext)
Forschungergebnisse zur Regularisierung und allgemein zu inversen Problemen
- Operator ordering by ill-posedness in Hilbert and Banach spaces
(S. Kindermann, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Comparing the ill-posedness for linear operators in Hilbert spaces
(P. Mathé, B. Hofmann) journal pdf-file - A unified concept of the degree of ill-posedness for compact and non-compact linear operator equations
in Hilbert spaces under the auspices of the spectral theorem
(F. Werner, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Curious ill-posedness phenomena in the composition of non-compact linear operators in Hilbert spaces
(S. Kindermann, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - The degree of ill-posedness for some composition governed by the Cesaro operator
(Y. Deng, H.-J. Fischer, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Tractability of linear ill-posed problems in Hilbert space
(P. Mathé, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - A note on the degree of ill-posedness for mixed differentiation on the d-dimensional unit cube
(B. Hofmann, H.-J. Fischer) pdf-file - New results for variational regularization with oversmoothing penalty term in Banach spaces
(B. Hofmann, C. Klinkhammer, R. Plato) pdf-file - On uniqueness and ill-posedness for the deautoconvolution problem in the multi-dimensional case
(B. Hofmann, F. Werner, Y. Deng) pdf-file - Deautoconvolution in the two-dimensional case
(Y. Deng, B. Hofmann, F. Werner) pdf-file - Variational regularization with oversmoothing penalty term in Banach spaces
(R. Plato, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - The degree of ill-posedness of composite linear ill-posed problems with focus on the impact
of the non-compact Hausdorff moment operator
(B. Hofmann, P. Mathé) pdf-file - A note on open questions asked to analysis and numerics concerning the Hausdorff moment problem.
(D. Gerth, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - The Hausdorff moment problem in the light of ill-posedness of type I
(D. Gerth, B. Hofmann, C. Hofmann, S. Kindermann) pdf-file - Nonlinear Tikhonov regularization in Hilbert scales with oversmoothing penalty: inspecting balancing principles
(B. Hofmann, C. Hofmann, P. Mathé, R. Plato) pdf-file - Oversmoothing Tikhonov regularization in Banach spaces
(D. Chen, B. Hofmann, I. Yousept) pdf-file - Two new non-negativity preserving iterative regularization methods for ill-posed inverse problems
(Y. Zhang, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - The impact of the discrepancy principle on the Tikhonov-regularized solutions with oversmoothing penalties
(B. Hofmann, C. Hofmann) pdf-file - Convergence results and low order rates for nonlinear Tikhonov regularization with oversmoothing penalty term
(B. Hofmann, R. Plato) pdf-file - Regularization of linear ill-posed problems involving multiplication operators
(P. Mathé, M.T. Nair, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Convergence analysis of (statistical) inverse problems under conditional stability estimates
(F. Werner, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Case studies and a pitfall for nonlinear variational regularization under conditional stability
(D. Gerth, B. Hofmann, C. Hofmann) pdf-file - On fractional asymptotical regularization
(Y. Zhang, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Simultaneous identification of volatility and interest rate functions -- a two parameter regularization approach
(C. Hofmann, B. Hofmann, A. Pichler) pdf-file - A regularization approach for an inverse source problem in elliptic systems from single Cauchy data
(M. Hinze, B. Hofmann, Tran Nhan Tam Quyen) pdf-file - Penalty-based smoothness conditions in convex variational regularization
(B. Hofmann, S. Kindermann, P. Mathé) pdf-file - A priori parameter choice in Tikhonov regularization with oversmoothing penalty for non-linear ill-posed problems
(B. Hofmann, P. Mathé) pdf-file - Tikhonov regularization with l^0 term complementing a convex penalty: l^1 convergence under sparsity constraints
(W. Wang, S. Lu, B. Hofmann, J. Cheng) pdf-file - On the singular value decomposition of n-fold integration operators
(R. Ramlau, C. Koutschan, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Tikhonov regularization in Hilbert scales under conditional stability estimates
(H. Egger, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - On the second order asymptotical regularization of linear ill-posed inverse problems
(Y. Zhang, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Convergence rates of a penalized variational inequality method for nonlinear monotone ill-posed equations in Hilbert spaces
(R. Plato, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Existence of variational source conditions for nonlinear inverse problems in Banach spaces
(J. Flemming) pdf-file - On l1-regularization under continuity of the forward operator in weaker topologies
(D. Gerth, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - On ill-posedness concepts, stable solvability and saturation
(B. Hofmann, R. Plato) pdf-file - Tikhonov regularization with oversmoothing penalty for non-linear ill-posed problems in Hilbert scales
(B. Hofmann, P. Mathé) pdf-file - Convergence rates for l1-regularization without the help of a variational inequality
(D. Gerth) pdf-file - Injectivity and weak*-to-weak continuity suffice for convergence rates in l1-regularization
(J. Flemming, D. Gerth) pdf-file - On the lifting of deterministic convergence rates for inverse problems with stochastic noise
(D. Gerth, A. Hofinger, R. Ramlau) pdf-file - Optimal rates for Lavrentiev regularization with adjoint source conditions
(R. Plato, P. Mathé, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Discretized Lavrenti'ev regularization for the autoconvolution equation
(S. Bürger, P. Mathé) pdf-file - Conditional stability versus ill-posedness for operator equations with monotone operators in Hilbert space
(R. Bot, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Elastic-net regularization versus l1-regularization for linear inverse problems with quasi-sparse solutions
(D. Chen, B. Hofmann, J. Zou) pdf-file - On complex-valued deautoconvolution of compactly supported functions with sparse Fourier representation
(S. Bürger, J. Flemming, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Convergence rates for l1-regularization without injectivity-type assumptions
(J. Flemming) pdf-file - Variational regularization of complex deautoconvolution and phase retrieval in ultrashort laser pulse characterization
(S.W. Anzengeruber, S. Bürger, B. Hofmann, G. Steinmeyer) pdf-file - Lavrentiev's regularization method in Hilbert spaces revisited
(B. Hofmann, B. Kaltenbacher, E. Resmerita) pdf-file - About a deficit in low-order convergence rates on the example of autoconvolution
(S. Bürger, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - A unified approach to convergence rates for l1 regularization and lacking sparsity
(J. Flemming, B. Hofmann, I. Veselic) pdf-file - On l1- regularization in light of Nashed's ill-posedness concept
(J. Flemming, B. Hofmann, I. Veselic) pdf-file - Phase retrieval via regularization in self-diffraction based spectral interferometry
(S. Birkholz, G. Steinmeyer, S. Koke, D. Gerth, S. Bürger, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Deautoconvolution: A new decomposition approach versus TIGRA and local regularization
(S. Bürger, J. Flemming) pdf-file - Regularization of autoconvolution and other ill-posed quadratic equations by decomposition
(J. Flemming) pdf-file - Convergence rates in l1-regularization when the basis is not smooth enough
(J. Flemming, M. Hegland) pdf-file - Regularization properties of the sequential discrepancy principle for Tikhonov regularization in Banach spaces
(S.W. Anzengruber, B. Hofmann, P. Mathé) pdf-file - The impact of a curious type of smoothness conditions on convergence rates in l1-regularization
(R. Bot, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Variational smoothness assumptions in convergence rate theory - an overview
(J. Flemming) pdf-file - Convergence rates in l1-regularization if the sparsity assumption fails
(M. Burger, J. Flemming, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Regularization of an autoconvolution problem in ultrashort laser pulse characterization
(D. Gerth, B. Hofmann, S. Birkholz, S. Koke, G. Steinmeyer) pdf-file - Parameter choice in Banach space regularization under variational inequalities
(B. Hofmann, P. Mathé) pdf-file - Regularizability of ill-posed problems and the modulus of continuity
(R. Bot, B. Hofmann, P.Mathé) pdf-file - A note on the modulus of continuity for ill-posed problems in Hilbert space
(B. Hofmann, P. Mathé) pdf-file - Solution smoothness of ill-posed equations in Hilbert spaces: four concepts and their cross connections
(J. Flemming) pdf-file - Convergence rate analysis of Tikhonov regularization for nonlinear ill-posed problems with noisy operators
(S. Lu, J. Flemming) pdf-file - Convergence rates in constrained Tikhonov regularization: equivalence of projected source conditions and variational inequalities
(J. Flemming, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Errors of regularisation under range inclusions using variable Hilbert scales
(M. Hegland, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Sharp converse results for the regularization error using distance functions
(J. Flemming, B. Hofmann, P. Mathé) pdf-file - On the degree of ill-posedness for linear problems with non-compact operators.
(B. Hofmann, S. Kindermann) - An extension of the variational inequality approach for obtaining convergence rates in regularization of nonlinear ill-posed problems
(R. Bot, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - On the interplay of source conditions and variational inequalities for nonlinear ill-posed problems
(B. Hofmann, M. Yamamoto) pdf-file - Theory and examples of variational regularization with non-metric fitting functionals
(J. Flemming) pdf-file - Improved and extended results for enhanced convergence rates of Tikhonov regularization in Banach spaces
(A. Neubauer, T. Hein, B. Hofmann, S. Kindermann, U. Tautenhahn) pdf-file - A new approach to source conditions in regularization with general residual term
(J. Flemming, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Convergence rates for the iteratively regularized Gauss-Newton method in Banach spaces
(B. Kaltenbacher, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Regularization in Hilbert space under unbounded operators and general source conditions
(B. Hofmann, P.Mathé, H. von Weizsäcker) pdf-file - Approximate source conditions for nonlinear il-posed problems - chances and limitations
(T.Hein, B.Hofmann) pdf-file - A new result on the singular value asymptotics of integration operators with weights
(B. Hofmann, L. von Wolfersdorf) pdf-file - Modulus of continuity for conditionally stable ill-posed problems in Hilbert space
(B.Hofmann, P.Mathé, M.Schieck) pdf-file - How general are general source conditions?
(P.Mathé, B.Hofmann) pdf-file - A convergence rates result in Banach spaces with non-smooth operators.
(B. Hofmann, B. Kaltenbacher, C. Pöschl, O. Scherzer) pdf-file - Direct and inverse results in variable Hilbert scales
(P.Mathé, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Regularization by projection: Approximation theoretic aspects and distance functions.
(B.Hofmann, P.Mathé, S.V.Pereverzev) pdf-file - On the analysis of distance functions for linear ill-posed problems with an application to the integration operator in L^2
(B. Hofmann, M. Schieck, L. von Wolfersdorf) pdf-file - Analysis of profile functions for general linear regularization methods
(B. Hofmann, P.Mathé) pdf-file - Range inclusions and approximate source conditions with general benchmark functions
(D. Düvelmeyer, B. Hofmann, M. Yamamoto) pdf-file - Numerical analysis of a calibration problem for simulating electric fault arc tests
(T. Hein, B. Hofmann, A. Meyer, P. Steinhorst) pdf-file - Approximate source conditions in Tikhonov-Phillips regularization and consequences for inverse problems with multiplication operators
(B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Approximate source conditions in regularization - new analytical results and numerical studies
(B. Hofmann, D. Düvelmeyer, K. Krumbiegel) pdf-file - Convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization from different kinds of smoothness conditions
(A. Böttcher, B. Hofmann, U. Tautenhahn, M. Yamamoto) pdf-file - Convergence rates for Tikhonov regularization based on range inclusions
(B. Hofmann, M.Yamamoto) pdf-file - Some results and a conjecture on the degree of ill-posedness for integration operators
(B. Hofmann, L. von Wolfersdorf) pdf-file
Beiträge zur Finanzmathematik
- On decoupling of volatility smile and term structure in inverse option pricing
(H. Egger, T. Hein, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - A multi-parameter regularization approach for estimating parameters in jump diffusion processes
(D. Düvelmeyer, B. Hofmann) pdf-file - Der Cost Average Effekt in der Anlagenberatung - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen sowie deren mathematische Hintergründe
(B. Hofmann, M. Richter, F. Thiessen, R. Wunderlich) pdf-file - Vermögensaufteilung für die Altersvorsorge: Wie fundiert sind langfristige Allokationsregeln?
(B. Hofmann, F. Thiessen, V. Weber, R. Wunderlich) pdf-file - On maximum entropy regularization for a specific inverse problem of option pricing
(B. Hofmann, R. Krämer) pdf-file - On the nature of ill-posedness of an inverse problem arising in option pricing
(T. Hein, B. Hofmann) pdf-file