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Professur Numerische Mathematik
Professur Numerische Mathematik

Python Introduction (4 Day Course)

Dr. Chao Zhang, Anahita IravanizadWS 2020/21

Course topics

Python is a programming language that is popularly used in many scientific communities. This introductory course intends to provide essential knowledge of Python to new Data Science students. In this 4-day crash course, we will learn together
  • Local Python installation
  • Python fundamentals
  • Numpy for numerical computing
  • Matplotlib for visualization
  • Pandas for data analysis



  • Anyone interested in participating in this block course please send an e-mail to Dr. Chao Zhang for the purpose of registration and meeting arrangement. The course will be held online via the Zoom videoconferencing platform.
  • Instructors

  • Dr. Chao Zhang
  • Anahita Iravanizad (anahita.iravanizad[at]mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de)
  • Schedules

  • Mon (5 Oct): 13:30-15:00
  • Tue-Thu (6-8 Oct): 09:00-10:30 and 13:30-15:30
  • Requirements

  • A computer that is able to install and run Python
  • A device to use Zoom
  • Resources

    Useful links for the first day

  • Miniconda
  • Conda package repository
  • Sublime Text 3
  • Google Colab
  • Useful commands for the first day

  • conda install numpy matplotlib pandas ipython jupyter rise
  • jupyter notebook
  • Slides/notebooks

    Please make sure you have installed jupyter and rise on your computer, so as to have a nice view of the notebooks in slide mode.
  • 1_introduction.zip or 1_introduction.tar
  • 2_fundamentals.zip or 2_fundamentals.tar
  • 3_numpy_matplotlib.zip or 3_numpy_matplotlib.tar
  • 4_pandas.zip or 4_pandas.tar
  • Useful links