Fractal Geometry and Stochastics 7

23 Sep - 27 Sep 2024, Chemnitz (Saxony), Germany


Please provide your First and Last Name
Please provide your mail address

Your registration is only complete after paying the conference fee of 125 Euros. Payment is done by buying a "conference ticket" (for 125 Euros) in the webshop of the TU Chemnitz, which will only be available in July/August. We will notify you by email as soon as it is available and provide you with further instructions. The conference fee covers some expenses of the conference, catering during coffee breaks, as well as the conference dinner.

Due to the limited amount of slots for contributed talks, it might not be possible to accept all proposals for talks. After the registration deadline, the programme committee will review all proposals and select the speakers. In any case we will reach out to you and let you know as soon as possible whether your contribution has been accepted.

Your data is handled with care. After submission, your data is saved in a local database. It will only be used for organising the conference. No third party will have access to your data.

Please confirm.