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Professorship of Solid Mechanics
Professorship of Solid Mechanics 


Lehmann, Thomas*; Peretzki, Edgar; Ihlemann, Jörn (2025) Strain Investigations Around Circular Boundaries Based on Digital Image Correlation Data Using Parametrisation and Optimised Smoothing In: Strain. - Wiley. - 61. 2025, 1, e70002 Online ISSN:1475-1305 ; Print ISSN:0039-2103
Bretschneider, Eric; Dittes, Axel; Mehner, Thomas; Lehmann, Thomas; Schey, Bernd; Hammerl, Claus; Ihlemann, Jörn; Lampke, Thomas (2024) Direct 3D Printing of Thermoplastic Polymers on Organosilane-Functionalized Aluminum Substrates by FFF 39th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 26.-29.09.2023, Siofok, Ungarn, S. 84-85 ISBN: 978-963-421-927-9
Bretschneider, Eric; Landgraf, Ralf; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2024) Improving repeatability in the extrusion-based additive manufacturing of vulcanisable rubber 40th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.-27. September 2024, Gdansk, Poland, pp. 201-202. - Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPPT PAN), 2024 ISBN: 9788365550552
Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2024) ANALYSIS OF NOTCH STRAINS COMBINING ELECTRONIC SPECKLE PATTERN INTERFEROMETRY AND DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION 40th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.-27. September 2024, Danzig, Polen, pp. 46-47 ISBN: 978-83-65550-55-2
Bretschneider, Eric*; Landgraf, Ralf; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2023) EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION AND CONTROL OF MASS FLOW IN ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING OF VULCANIZABLE RUBBER 39th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics September 26-29, 2023 Siófok, Hungary, pp. 110-111 ISBN: 978-963-421-927-9
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2023) A constitutive modeling approach to simulate time-dependent phenomena in rubber-like materials 93rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), 30.05.-02.06.2023, Dresden, Germany. - Wiley, 2023 ISBN: 1617-7061
Gypstuhl, Richard*; Wulf, Hans; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2023) Analytical tangents for arbitrary material laws derived from rheological models at large deformations 93rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), 30.05.-02.06.2023, Dresden, Germany. - Wiley, 2023 ISBN: 1617-7061
Khattabi, Omar*; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2023) Extension of a shell-like RVE model to represent transverse shear effects in textile reinforced composites 93rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), 30.05.-02.06.2023, Dresden, Germany. - Wiley, 2023. - PAMM: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - Special Issue: Online ISSN:1617-7061 ; Print ISSN:1617-7061
Lehmann, Thomas*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2023) INVESTIGATIONS ON THE ACCURACY OF DIC BASED STRAIN DETERMINATION FOR SMALL DEFORMATIONS 39th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 26.-29. September 2023, Siófok, Ungarn, 2023, pp. 82 - 83 ISBN: 978-963-421-927-9
Sommer, Oliver*; la Monaca, Andrea; Bretschneider, Eric; Wozniak, Günter (2023) Non-invasive experiments on the fluid film behaviour in a horizontalrotating cylinder In: PAMM. - Wiley. 2023, e202300174 Online ISSN:1617-7061 ; Print ISSN:1617-7061
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) Experimental characterization of rubber with modified sine functions for the validation of a time-rescaling invariant model In: Materials Today: Proceedings. - Elsevier BV. 2022. - 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics ISBN: 2214-7853
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) Digital image correlation based characterization of rubber material at large shear deformations in an extended temperature range In: GAMM - Mitteilungen. - Wiley. 2022, e202200009 ISBN: 1522-2608
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) Specimen Setup for Lifetime Investigations of Rubber Materials in the Compression Range In: Physical Sciences Forum. - MDPI. - 4. 2022, 4, S. 1 - 8 ISBN: 2673-9984
Bretschneider, Eric*; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) Experimental investigation of crack initiation and crack propagation in aluminum demonstrator specimens In: Materials Today: Proceedings. - Elsevier BV. - 62. 2022, Part 5, S. 2594 - 2598. - 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics ISBN: 2214-7853
Schöne, Alexander; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn; Zeller, Sebastian; Hohl, Carsten (2022) Modeling and simulation of highly loaded rubber linings inside positive displacement motors 12th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2022), September 7-9, 2022, Milano, Italy, S. 459 - 464. - CRC Press, 2022 ISBN: 9781003310266
Peretzki, Edgar; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) Preliminary investigations for residual stress analysis inside of plastic parts 19th International Conference On Experimental Mechanics, 17.-21.7.2022, Krakow Poland, pp. 85-86 ISBN: 978-83-65550-38-5
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) SPECIMEN SETUP FOR LIFETIME INVESTIGATIONS OF RUBBER MATERIALS IN THE COMPRESSION RANGE 19th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, July 17-21, Krakow, Poland, pp. 126-127. - Warszawa, Poland : Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPPT PAN), 2022 ISBN: 978-83-65550-38-5
Lehmann, Thomas*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) DIC deformation analysis using B-spline smoothing with consideration of characteristic noise properties 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 21.-24. September 2021, Linz, Österreich. - Elsevier BV, 2022. - Materials Today: Proceedings, 62. 2022, 5, S. 2549-2553
Lehmann, Thomas*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) Strain evaluation near 3D curved boundaries based on DIC data 19th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM), 17.-21. Juli 2022, Krakau, Polen, S. 97-98 ISBN: 978-83-65550-38-5
Lehmann, Thomas*; Peretzki, Edgar; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) A method for strain analysis around circular boundaries based on parametrization and optimized smoothing 38th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 20.-23. September 2022, Poros, Griechenland ISBN: 978-618-86278-0-2
Heinrich, Nina; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) Using submodeling to analyze elastomer components reinforced with textile cords Constitutive Models for Rubber XII: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2022), September 7–9, 2022, Milano, Italy. - London : CRC Press, 2022 9781003310266 ebook ; ISBN 978-1-032-31553-9
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) Constitutive Modelling of Time-Dependent Phenomena in Rubber-Like Materials 15th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting Florence (Italy) from 3 - 7 July 2022
Peretzki, Edgar*; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2022) Adaption of the hole drilling method for residual stress analysis inside plastic parts 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, September 21 st - 24 th , 2021, Linz, pp. 2523-2527, 2022 ISBN: 2214-7853
Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Ihlemann, Jörn; Landgraf, Ralf; Oelsch, Erik; Schmidt, Marek* (2021) Media for Dimensional Stabilization of Rubber Compounds during Additive Manufacturing and Vulcanization In: Materials. - MDPI AG. - 14. 2021, 6, 1337 ISBN: 1996-1944
Drossel, Welf-Guntram*; Bobbert, Mathias; Böhme, Marcus; Dammann, Christian; Dittes, Axel; Gießmann, Mina; Hühne, Christian; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kießling, Robert; Lampke, Thomas; Lenz, Peter; Mahnken, Rolf; Meschut, Gerson; Müller, Roland; Nier, Matthias; Prussak, Robert; Riemer, Matthias; Sander, Sascha; Schaper, Mirko; Scharf, Ingolf; Scholze, Mario; Schwöbel, Stephan-Daniel; Sharafiev, Semen; Sinapius, Michael; Stefaniak, Daniel; Tröster, Thomas; Wagner, Martin F. -X.; Wang, Zheng; Zinn, Carolin (2021) Hybridprofile für Trag- und Crashstrukturen Intrinsische Hybridverbunde für Leichtbautragstrukturen. - Berlin Heidelberg : Springer, 2021, S. 121 - 203 ISBN: 9783662628324 ; 9783662628331
Weidenmann, Kay*; Bobbert, Mathias; Dammann, Christian; Günther, Fabian; Grützner, Raik; Herwig, Alexander; Hirsch, Franz; Kießling, Robert; Lenz, Peter; Muth, Markus; Prussak, Robert; Sander, Sascha; Serna Gonzalez, Jonathan; Wang, Zheng; Zinn, Carolin (2021) Bauteilnahe Beanspruchungen und Gestaltungsrichtlinien Intrinsische Hybridverbunde für Leichtbautragstrukturen. - Berlin Heidelberg : Springer, 2021, S. 265 - 286 ISBN: 9783662628324 ; 9783662628331
Wulf, Hans; Kießling, Robert; Gypstuhl, Richard; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Automated Generation of Material Laws at Large Strains Using a Genetic Algorithm 14th WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress 2020, 11.-15.01.2021, virtuell, 1-12. - Scipedia, 2021. - Numerical Methods and Algorithms in Science and Engineering ; Vol. 700
Weiser, Stephan*; Lehmann, Thomas; Landgraf, Ralf; Goldberg, Niels; Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Experimental and numerical analysis of cord-elastomer composites In: Journal of Rubber Research. - Springer Nature. - 24. 2021, 2, S. 211 - 225 ISBN: 1511-1768 ; 2524-3993
Oelsch, Erik*; Landgraf, Ralf; Jankowsky, Lysander; Kausch, Martin; Hoyer, Stefan; Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Comparative investigation on the mechanical behavior of injection molded and 3D-printed thermoplastic polyurethane Journal of Rubber Research. - Springer Nature. - 24. 2021, 2, S. 249 - 256 ISBN: 1511-1768 ; 2524-3993
Horn, Tobias Daniel*; Heidrich, Dario; Wulf, Hans; Gehde, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Multiscale Simulation of Semi-Crystalline Polymers to Predict Mechanical Properties In: Polymers. - MDPI AG. - 13. 2021, 19, 3233 ISBN: 2073-4360
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) EXPERIMENTAL CHARACTERISATION OF RUBBER WITH MODIFIED SINE FUNCTIONS FOR THE VALIDATION OF A TIME-RESCALING INVARIANT MODEL 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, September 21st - 24th, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. - Elsevier journal Materials Today Proceedings, 2021, pp. 125 - 126 ISBN 978-3-9504997-0-4
Peretzki, Edgar*; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) ADAPTION OF THE HOLE DRILLING METHOD FOR RESIDUAL STRESS ANALYSIS INSIDE PLASTIC PARTS 37 th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 21. - 24.9.2021, Linz, Austria, 2021 ISBN 978-3-9504997-0-4
Bretschneider, Eric*; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Experimental investigation of crack initiation and crack propagation in aluminium demonstrator specimens 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 21.-24.09.2021, Linz, Österreich, pp. 53 - 54 ISBN: 978-3-9504997-0-4
Kießling, R.; Dittes, Axel*; Lampke, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Coupled experimental and simulative investigation of the influence of polymer moisture content on the strength of amino-silane-mediated aluminum polyamide 6 joints In: International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. - Elsevier. - 109.2021, 102906 Online ISSN: 1879-0127 ; Print ISSN: 0143-7496
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn* (2021) Extension of the Morph Model by Time-Dependent Phenomena 14th WCCM & ECCOMAS Congress 2020, 11.-15.01.2021, Virtual Congress, p. 1986 ISBN: 978-84-121101-7-3
Schöne, Alexander*; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn; Zeller, Sebastian; Hohl, Carsten (2021) A Representative Model Section to Simulate Volume Changing Effects Iin Positive Displacement Motors 14th WCCM & ECCOMAS Congress 2020, 11.-15.01.2021, Virtual Congress, p. 2923 ISBN: 978-84-121101-7-3
Landgraf, Ralf*; Donner, Hendrik; Kießling, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) On Constitutive Modelling at Large Strains Based on Rheological Connections 14th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACEX2021, 05.-09.07.2021, Hybrid congress in Malta, p. 1, 2021
Lehmann, Thomas*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) DIC DEFORMATION ANALYSIS USING B-SPLINE SMOOTHING WITH CONSIDERATION OF CHARACTERISTIC NOISE PROPERTIES 37th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 21.-24.09.2021, Linz, Austria, pp. 14-15 ISBN 978-3-9504997-0-4
Hannusch, Susann; Peretzki, Edgar*; Schich, Katharina; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Strain measurements with fibre Bragg grating sensors under inhomogeneous deformations 4th International MERGE Technologies Conference (IMTC), 18th-19th September 2019, Chemnitz. - In: Technologies for Lightweight Structures. - 3. 2019, 1, S. 50-59. - Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2021 ISSN 2512-4587
Heinrich, Nina (2021) FE-Modellierung von Elastomerkomponenten mit textilen Verstärkungscorden am Beispiel von Luftfedern Chemnitz : Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2021. - 185 S.
Landgraf, Ralf*; Oelsch, Erik; Steiniger, Vincent; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Experiments, hyperelastic modeling and finite element simulation of 3D-printed thermoplastic polyurethane 91st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), 15.-19. March 2021, online conference, 21: e202100229. - Wiley, 2021 ISBN: 1617-7061
Horn, Tobias Daniel*; Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Consideration of the crystallization heat in the crystallization simulation of semi-crystalline thermoplastics In: PAMM. - Wiley. - 21. 2021, 1. - Special Issue: 92nd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) ISBN: 1617-7061
Landgraf, Ralf*; Oelsch, Erik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Mechanical behavior of additively manufactured thermoplastic polyurethane: Experiments, constitutive modeling and Finite-Element-Analyses Internationale wissenschaftliche Tagung Polymertec 2021, 9.-11. Juni 2021, Merseburg, S. 75. - Selbstverlag der Hochschule Merseburg, 2021 ISBN: 978-3-00-069372-4
Gerth, Daniel*; Hannusch, Susann; Ernst, Oliver G.; Ihlemann, Jörn (2021) Regularization for the inversion of fibre Bragg grating spectra In: Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. - Informa UK Limited. - 29. 2021, 13, S. 2629 - 2655 ISBN: 1741-5977 ; 1741-5985
Mika, Micheal*; Horst, Thomas; Landgraf, Ralf (2020) Dissipation energy based parameter identification of anisotropic linear viscoelastic composites In: ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - Wiley. - 100. 2020, 12 (December 2020), e201900340 ISBN: 0044-2267, 1521-4001
Hannusch, Susann*; Schich, Katharina; Peretzki, Edgar; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) Investigation of fibre Bragg grating response under inhomogeneous deformations Danubia-Adria-Symposium, September 24–27, 2019 Pilsen, Czech Republic,, 2020. - Materials Today: Proceedings : Elsevier ISSN 2214-7853
Peretzki, Edgar*; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) Strain analysis in narrow boreholes by means of microscopic digital image correlation In: MATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS,. - 2020 ISBN: 2214-7853
Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Ihlemann, Jörn; Landgraf, Ralf; Oelsch, Erik; Schmidt, Marek* (2020) Basic Research for Additive Manufacturing of Rubber In: Polymers. - MDPI AG. - 12. 2020, 10, 2266 ISBN: 2073-4360
Wagner, M.F.-X.*; Nostitz, Niklas; Frint, S.; Frint, P.; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) Plastic flow during equal-channel angular pressing with arbitrary tool angles In: International Journal of Plasticity. - Elsevier Ltd.. - 134. 2020, 102755 ISBN: 0749-6419
Kießling, Robert; Wulf, Hans; Gypstuhl, Richard; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) Automatic development of material models at large strains using a genetic algorithm 17th 4a-Technologietag, 02.03.2020-04.03.2020, Werfenweng, 2020
Böhme, Marcus; Kießling, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn; Riemer, Matthias; Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Dittes, Axel; Schwöbel, Stephan-Daniel; Scharf, Ingolf; Lampke, Thomas; Scholze, Mario; Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver (2020) An efficient lightweight construction for crash-relevant structural parts through intrinsic hybridization 4th International Conference Hybrid 2020, 28.-29.04.2020, Karlsruhe, 2020
Kießling, Robert*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) The dependence of the viscoelastic properties of Polyamide 6 on temperature and moisture content: Experiment and modeling In: Materials Today: Proceedings. - Elsevier B.V. - 32. 2020, 2, S. 83 - 87 ISSN: 2214-7853
Nostitz, Niklas*; Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn; Wulf, Hans (2020) Identification of Optimal Shape and Material Parameters using Biparabolic Target Functions PAMM. - Wiley. - 20.2020,1. - 91th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, GAMM, Kassel, 2020 ISBN: 1617-7061
Shutov, Alexey V.; Landgraf, Ralf*; Eidel, Bernhard (2020) Inelasticity at finite strains: models, identification and numerics 14th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIV) & 8th. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2020), Virtual Congress 11-15 January, 2021, 2020
Horn, Tobias Daniel; Heidrich, Dario; Wulf, Hans; Gehde, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) Simulation of Structure Development During Isothermal Crystallization of Semi-Crystalline Polymers SPE ANTEC® 2020: THE VIRTUAL EDITION, March 30–May 5, 2020, online
Oelsch, Erik*; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) A thermomechanical simulation method for fused deposition modeling PAMM. - Wiley. - 20.2020,1. - 91st GAMM Annual Meeting 2020 ISBN: 1617-7061
Lehmann, Thomas*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) Strain analysis of cord-rubber composites using DIC In: Materials Today: Proceedings. - Elsevier. - 32. 2020, Part 2, S. 183 - 186 ISSN: 2214-7853
Horn, Tobias Daniel; Bartelt, Matthias; Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) Ermittlung der effektiven 2D-Materialsteifigkeitsmatrix mittels ABAQUS PAMM. - Wiley. - 20.2020,1. - 91th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, GAMM, Kassel, 2020 ISBN: 1617-7061
Weiser, Stephan*; Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) Characterization of the objective function landscape using a modified Dijkstra algorithm PAMM. - Wiley. - 20.2020,1. - 91th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, GAMM, Kassel, 2020 ISBN: 1617-7061
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2020) Development of a shear device for precise simple shear measurements of rubber mats In: Strain An International Journal for Experimental Mechanics. - Wiley. - 2020 ISSN:1475-1305
Saborowski, Erik*; Kießling, Robert; Dittes, Axel; Paczkowski, Gerd; Ihlemann, Jörn; Lampke, Thomas (2019) Determination of the strength of polymer-metal interfaces under mixed mode loading using butt-bonded hollow cylinders In: International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. - Elsevier B.V. - 89. 2019, S. 30 - 39 ISSN: 0143-7496
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Oelsch, Erik; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Dynamic testing of a specimen setup for combined high precision uniaxial tension-compression tests of rubber In: Materials Today: Proceedings. - Elsevier BV. - 12. 2019, 2, S. 383 - 387. - 35th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics ISBN: 2214-7853
Peretzki, Edgar*; Stockmann, Martin; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) A new surface preparation method for microscopic digital image correlation applications In: Materials Today: Proceedings. - Elsevier BV. - 12. 2019, 2, S. 377 - 382 ISBN: 2214-7853
Gelke, Sören*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) A constitutive model for rubbers providing temperature dependent behavior and self-heating European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR) 2019, 24.-26.06.2019, Nantes, Frankreich, S. 282-287. - CRC Press LLC, 2019. - Constitutive Models for Rubber XI ISBN: 9780367342586
Schlomka, Clemens; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) A constitutive model for the influence of oxidative ageing on the mechanical behaviour of elastomers European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, 25.07.-27.07.19, Nantes (France), S. 572-576, 2019 ISBN: 9780367342586, 9780429324710
Nostitz, Niklas; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kröger, Nils Hendrik (2019) Alternative Approaches of Identifications: Asymmetrical Bi-parabolic Target Functions and Perpendicular Distances ECCMR 2019, 25.07.2019 - 27.07.2019, Nantes, S. 223 - 229. - London : CRC Press, 2019. - Constitutive Models for Rubber XI; Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Constitutive Model
Kießling, Robert; Wulf, Hans; Gypstuhl, Richard; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Automated identification of material models at large strains 6th International Conference on Material Modelling, 26.-28.06.2019, Lund
Kießling, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Experimental investigation of the dependence of the viscoelastic properties of polyamide 6 on temperature and humidity 36th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.-27.09.2019, Pilsen, pp. 85 - 86 ISBN: 978-80-261-0876-4
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Experimental Characterization, Modeling and FE-Simulation of Curing Phenomena in an Elastomeric Adhesive 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 28.-30.08.2019, Kassel, S. 167-170. - Kassel : kassel university press GmbH ISBN: 978-3-86219-5093-9
Schöne, Alexander*; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Simulation and Modeling of Stator Elastomers in Positive Displacement Motors GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 28.-30.08.2019, Kassel, S. 183 - 186. - Kassel : kassel university press GmbH, 2019 ISBN: 978-3-86219-5093-9
Horn, Tobias Daniel*; Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Simulation der Kristallisation teilkristalliner Thermoplaste mittels eines Zellulären Automaten GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 28.-30.08.2019, Kassel, S. 155 - 157. - Kassel : kassel university press GmbH, 2019 ISBN: 978-3-86219-5093-9
Mika, Michael*; Horst, Thomas; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Dissipation power homogenization of anisotropic linear viscoelastic composites ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - Wiley. - 99, 2019, 12 (December 2019), e201900193, S. 1 - 11 ISBN: 0044-2267, 1521-4001
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) On the change of the reference configuration and its application within FEM simulations PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics. - Wiley. - 19.2019, 1, e201900488, S. 1 - 2 ISBN: 1617-7061
Ricker, Alexander*; Kröger, Nils-Hendrik; Ludwig, Marvin; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Validation of a hyperelastic modelling approach for cellular rubber 11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2019), June 25-27, 2019, Nantes, France, pp. 249-254. - London : Taylor & Francis Group, 2019. - Constitutive Models for Rubber XI ISBN: 9780367342586
Landgraf, Ralf*; Oelsch, Erik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) On a Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes 10th German-Greek-Polish Symposium "Recent Advances in Mechanics" September 15-18, 2019, Bedlewo, Poland, S. 33-34. - Poznan : A.R. COMPRINT, 2019 ISBN: 978-83-89333-74-2
Landgraf, Ralf*; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn; Frint, Philipp; Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver (2019) Combined Experimental and Numerical Study on the Hardening Behaviour of Q&P-Processed Steels 13th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ATHENS (Greece) from 1-5 July, 2019
Wulf, Hans*; Kießling, Robert; Gypstuhl, Richard; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Automatic generation of material laws based on rheological models using a genetic algorithm 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), 18.02.2019-22.02.2019, Wien, 1-2. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co, 2019. - PAMM · Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.; 19.2019,1 ISBN: 1617-7061
Oelsch, Erik*; Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Implementing a microstructure model with self-organization into a FEM Software In: PAMM- Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics. - Wiley. - 19. 2019, 1. - Special Issue: 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) ISBN: 1617-7061
Hielscher, R.; Silbermann, C. B.; Schmidl, E.; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Denoising of crystal orientation maps In: Journal of Applied Crystallography. - International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). - 52. 2019, 5, S. 984 - 996 ISBN: 1600-5767
Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Predicting rubber compound properties by using a micro-structural simulation program Constitutive Models for Rubber XI Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2019), June 25-27, 2019, Nantes, France, 6 S. (10.1201/9780429324710). - CRC Press, 2019, S. 104 - 109 ISBN: 9780429324710
Lehmann, Thomas*; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) A method for strain analyses of surfaces with curved boundaries based on measured displacement fields In: Materials Today: Proceedings. - Elsevier BV. - 12. 2019, Part 2, S. 200 - 206. - 35th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics ISBN: 2214-7853
Lehmann, Thomas*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) STRAIN ANALYSIS OF CORD-RUBBER COMPOSITES USING DIC 36th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics: September 24-27, 2019. Plzen: University of West Bohemia, 2019, s. 75-76 ISBN: 978-80-261-0876-4
Nostitz, Niklas*; Hendrik Kröger, Nils; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Identification of Parameters using iterative Biparabolic Target Functions Wiley. - 19.2019, 1, e201900164. - Special Issue: 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) ISBN: 1617-7061
Peretzki, Edgar*; Lehmann, Thomas; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) STRAIN ANALYSIS IN NARROW BOREHOLES BY MEANS OF MICROSCOPIC DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION 36th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, September 24-27, 2019, Plzen, University of West Bohemia, S. 111-112 ISBN 978-80-261-0876-4
Dietze, Robert; Goldberg, Niels; Herzog, Roland; Hannusch, Susann; Hofmann, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kroll, Lother; Meyer, Arnd; Ospald, Felix; Peretzki, Edgar; Rünger, Gudula; Schmidt, Hansjörg; Schramm, Norbert; Springer, Rolf; Stockmann, Martin; Ulke-Winter, Lars (2019) Modellierung, integrative Simulation und Optimierung Technologiefusion für multifunktionale Leichtbaustrukturen: Ressourceneffizienz durch die Schlüsseltechnologie "Leichtbau". - Berlin : Springer, 2019, S. 577 - 645
Kern, Dominik*; Bartelt, Matthias; Unger, Benjamin (2019) How to write an article for GAMMAS and a longer title In: GAMM Archive for Students. - GAMM Archive for Students. - 112019. 2019, S. 1 - 5 ISSN 2626-9724
Hannusch, Susann*; Schich, Katharina; Peretzki, Edgar; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) INVESTIGATION OF FIBRE BRAGG GRATING RESPONSE UNDER INHOMOGENEOUS DEFORMATIONS 36th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics September 24–27, 2019 Pilsen, Czech Republic, pp.155-156, 2019 ISBN: 978-80-261-0876-4
Hannusch, Susann*; Peretzki, Edgar; Schich, Katharina; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Strain measurements with fibre Bragg grating sensors under inhomogeneous deformations 4th International MERGE Technologies Conference - IMTC 2019 Lightweight Structures, 18th-19th September 2019, Chemnitz, Germany, pp. 109-110. - Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten ISBN: 978-3-95735-111-1
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Schlomka, Clemens; Gelke, Sören; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) Specimen design for extreme uniaxial tension-compression tests of rubber materials In: PAMM. - Wiley. - 19. 2019, 1, e201900371. - 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) ISBN: 1617-7061 ; 1617-7061
Silbermann, Christian B. (2019) Ein Beitrag zur Modellierung versetzungs- und verformungsinduzierter plastischer Lokalisierungsphänomene metallischer Werkstoffe Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag Chemnitz, 2019. - XIV, 256 S. ISBN: 978-3-96100-104-0
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2019) DEVELOPMENT OF A SHEAR DEVICE FOR PRECISE SHEAR MEASUREMENTS OF RUBBER MATS 36th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24-27 September 2019, Pilsen, Czech Republic. - University of West Bohemia, 2019 ISBN 978-80-261-0876-4
Horn, Tobias Daniel*; Silbermann, Christian Bert; Frint, Philipp; Wagner, Martin F.-X.; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Strain Localization during Equal-Channel Angular Pressing analyzed by Finite Element Simulations In: Metals. - Basel, Switzerland. - MDPI AG. - 8. 2018, 1, S. 1 - 18 ISBN: 2075-4701
Scherzer, Robert*; Fritsch, Sebastian; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn; Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver (2018) Finite Element Simulation of the Presta Joining Process for Assembled Camshafts: Application to Aluminum Shafts Metals. - Schweiz : MDPI AG. - 8. 2018, 2 ISBN: 2075-4701
Horn, Tobias*; Silbermann, Christian Bert; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) FE-Simulation based analysis of residual stresses and strain localizations in ECAP processing GAMM 2017, 06.03.2017-10.03.2017, Weimar. - PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 17.2018, 1, pp. 309-310. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,, 2017 ISBN: 1617-7061
Heinrich, Nina*; Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Evaluation of air spring textile reinforcement by means of resolving the cord structure in FE analyses Joint 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Weimar, 2017. - PAMM : Wiley ‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. - 17.2017, 1, pp. 305-306 ISBN: 1617-7061
Nostitz, Niklas*; Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Identification of inelastic material parameters using component‐oriented specimen with design of experiments 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), 06.03.17-10.03.17, Weimar. - Wiley-Blackwell. - 17. 2017,1, pp. 443 - 444 ISBN: 1617-7061
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Phenomenological modelling of curing phenomena in a PU based adhesive 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), 19.-23. March 2017, Weimar. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. - 17. 2017, 1, pp. 427-428 ISBN: 1617-7061
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Simulation of Curing Processes in formable Piezo-Metal-Compounds 6. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA: Leichtbau durch Funktionsintegration, 2018
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Polymer Curing - Constitutive Modelling, Finite Element Implementation and Application Examples 12th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting, ACE-X 2018, 01.-05. July 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Scherzer, Robert*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Simulation of the Presta process – Transfer of deformation history 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Weimar 2017, pp. 343-344. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2017. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; 17,1 ISBN: 1617-7061
Wulf, Hans*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Simulation of self‐organization processes in filled rubber 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Weimar 2017, pp. 489-490. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2017. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; 17,1 ISBN: 1617-7061
Kießling, Robert*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Efficient implicit integration of an elastic-plastic damage material model 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 11.-15. Juni 2018, Glasgow
Ihlemann, Jörn*; Donner, Hendrik (2018) An Eulerian framework for rheological models based on the decomposition of the deformation rate 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 11.-15. Juni 2018, Glasgow, 2018
Heinrich, Nina*; Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) A modeling approach for fibre yarns and its application in air spring FE analyses 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 6), 11.-15. Juni 2018, Glasgow
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Approaches to viscoelasticity at large deformations 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems) (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), 2018
Ricker, Alexander; Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Ludwig, Marvin; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Hyperelastic modelling and experimental characterisation of cellular rubber 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems) (ECCM 6) and the 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), 11 – 15 June 2018, Glasgow, UK
Lehmann, Thomas*; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn; Menger, Thomas (2018) Applications of electrical strain gages in the fields of monitoring and material mechanics In: GAMM Mitteilungen. - Wiley-VCH Verlag. - 41. 2018, 2, Article number e201800006 ISBN: 0936-7195
Heinrich, Nina; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Application of the Submodeling Technique for Analyzing Air Springs in Abaqus 10. SAXON SIMULATION MEETING : Präsentationen und Vorträge des 10. Anwendertreffens am 22. März 2018 an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz. - Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Chemnitz, 2018 ISBN: 978-3-96100-044-9
Heinrich, Nina*; Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Finite Element Models for textile reinforced Rubber Components In: KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe. - Heidelberg : Hüthig GmbH. - 71. 2018, 6, S. 97 - 103 ISBN: 0948-3276
Gelke, Sören*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Generalization of a uniaxial elasto-plastic material model based on the Prandtl-Reuss theory In: ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. 2018, S. 1 - 16 Online ISSN:1521-4001
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Thermally Controlled Adhesive Curing during the Production of Piezo-Metal-Compounds: Finite Element Modeling and Analyses In: Advanced Engineering Materials. - Wiley. 2018, S. 1800411 ISBN: 1438-1656
Kirbach, Carola*; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) A Fragmentation Criterion for the Interface of a Hydrostatic Extruded Al-Mg-Compound In: Metals. - MDPI AG. - 8. 2018, 3, S. 157 ISBN: 2075-4701
Peretzki, Edgar; Stockmann, Martin; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) A NEW SURFACE PREPARATION METHOD FOR MICROSCOPIC DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION APPLICATIONS 35th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 25-28 September 2018, Sinaia, Romania, S. 81-82. - Bucharest, Romania : Printech, 2018 ISBN: 978-606-23-0874-2
Kanzenbach, Lars; Oelsch, Erik; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) DYNAMIC TESTING OF A SPECIMEN SETUP FOR COMBINED HIGH PRECISION UNIAXIAL TENSION-COMPRESSION TESTS OF RUBBER 35th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 25-28 September 2018, Sinaia, Romania, S. 83-84. - Bucharest, Romania : Printech, 2018 ISBN: 978-606-23-0874-2
Lehmann, Thomas; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) A METHOD FOR STRAIN ANALYSES OF SURFACES WITH CURVED BOUNDARIES BASED ON MEASURED DISPLACEMENT FIELDS 35th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 25-28 September 2018, Sinaia, Romania, S. 13-14. - Bucharest, Romania : Printech, 2018 ISBN: 978-606-23-0874-2
Stockmann, Martin; Lehmann, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) MULTI-INTERVAL LOAD CELL WITH STEPLESS AUTOMATIC RANGE TRANSITION ACCORDING THE WEIGHT 35th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 25-28 September 2018, Sinaia, Romania, S. 157-158. - Bucharest, Romania : Printech, 2018 ISBN: 978-606-23-0874-2
Lampe, Anneke; Kanzenbach, Lars; Ihlemann, Jörn; Muhr, Alan (2018) Characteristics of Relaxation and recovery Behavior of filled Rubber In: KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe. - Heidelberg : Hüthig GmbH. - 71. 2018, Oktober, S. 47 ISBN: 0948-3276
Kießling, Robert*; Ihlemann, Jörn; Riemer, Matthias; Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Dittes, Axel; Scharf, Ingolf; Lampke, Thomas; Sharafiev, Semen; Pouya, Mina; Wagner, Martin F.-X. (2018) A process and load adjusted coating system for metallic inserts in hybrid composites In: Production Engineering. - Springer Berlin Heidelberg. - 12. 2018, 2, S. 249 - 257 Print ISSN 0944-6524 ; Online ISSN 1863-7353
Hannusch, Susann; Lehmann, Thomas; Schramm, Norbert; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kroll, Lothar (2018) Functionality of embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors 26th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2018), Lausanne Switzerland 24–28 September 2018, paper TuB6 ISBN: 978-1-943580-50-7
Schlomka, Clemens*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Modelling the mechanical behavior of oxidatively aged elastomers 13th Fall Rubber Colloquium, November 6-8 2018, Hannover, S. 129 ISBN: 9783981407631
Gelke, Sören; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) A material model for the thermomechanical simulation of rubber 13th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 06. - 08.11.2018, Hannover, 23. - Hannover ISBN: 9783981407631
Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Using an abstract model of rubber microstructure to predict rubber compound properties 13. Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium: 13th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 6.-8. November 2018, Hannover, S. 87. - Hannover : DIK, Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie, 2018 ISBN: 9783981407631
Kanzenbach, Lars; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Implementation of an optimized specimen-setup for extreme uniaxial tension-compression tests of rubber 13. Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium: 13th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 6.-8. November 2018, Hannover, S. 107. - Hannover : DIK, Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie, 2018 ISBN: 9783981407631
Oelsch, Erik; Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Simulation and analysis of temperature-dependent self-organization process in filled rubber 13. Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium: 13th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 6.-8. November 2018, Hannover, S. 121. - Hannover : DIK, Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie, 2018 ISBN: 9783981407631
Ludwig, Marvin; Ludwig, Andreas; Ricker, Alexander; Kröger, Nils H.; Landgraf, Rlaf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Practical Difficulties Modelling Elastometric Foams (and Solutions) 13. Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium: 13th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 6.-8. November 2018, Hannover, S. 51. - Hannover : DIK, Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie, 2018 ISBN: 9783981407631
Ricker, Alexander; Kröger, Nils H.; Ludwig, Marvin; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Hyperelastic Modelling and Experimental Characterisation of Cellular Rubber 13. Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium: 13th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 6.-8. November 2018, Hannover, S. 67. - Hannover : DIK, Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie, 2018 ISBN: 9783981407631
Nostitz, Niklas; Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Identification with Biparabolic Target Functions 13. Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium: 13th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 6.-8. November 2018, Hannover, S. 119. - Hannover : DIK, Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie, 2018 ISBN: 9783981407631
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Oelsch, Erik; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) A new specimen setup for high precision uniaxial tension-compression tests of rubber In: Materials Today: Proceedings. - Elsevier BV. - 5. 2018, 13, Part 2, S. 26747 - 26752 ISBN: 2214-7853
Lehmann, Thomas*; Müller, Julia; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) DIC deformation analyses of Mg specimens at elevated temperatures In: Materials Today: Proceedings. - Elsevier BV. - 5. 2018, 13, Part 2, S. 26778 - 26783 ISBN: 2214-7853
Lehmann, Thomas*; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Investigations in the field of material mechanics using strain gages 89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), 19-23 March 2018, München, 4 Seiten. - Weinheim : Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,, 2018. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; 18,1 ISBN: 1617-7061
Nostitz, Niklas*; Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Identification of Parameters on an Interpolated Function with Measurement Errors 89th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), 19-23 March 2018, München, 2 Seiten. - Weinheim : Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2018. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics; 18,1, e201800337 ISBN: 1617-7061
Riemer, Matthias; Kießling, Robert; Müller, Roland; Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Landgrebe, Dirk; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) On the development of a finite element model to analyze the behavior of hybrid composites considering the manufacturing history 37th International Deep-Drawing Research Group Conference 2018 : "Forming of High Performance Sheet Materials and Components", 03.06.-07.06.2018, Ontario/Canada, 9 Seiten, 2018. - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 418, conference 1
Nostitz, Niklas; Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2018) Identification with Biparabolic Target Functions 13th Fall Rubber Colloquium, November 6-8, 2018, Hannover, Germany, S. 119 ISBN: 9783981407631
Lehmann, Thomas; Kirbach, Carola; Müller, Julia; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Interfacial strength analyses of Al/Mg compounds using bending tests 19th Chemnitz Seminar on Materials Engineering; Chemnitz; Germany; 16- 17 March 2017. - Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017. - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - Volume 181, Issue 1, Article number 012029 ISBN: 1757-899X
Scherzer, Robert; Silbermann, Christian B.; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) FE-simulation of the Presta joining process for assembled camshafts - Modelling of the joining process 19th Chemnitz Seminar on Materials Engineering; Chemnitz; Germany; 16 March 2017 through 17 March 2017; Code 126890. - Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017. - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 181, Issue 1, Article number 012030 Online ISSN: 1757-899X ; Print ISSN: 1757-8981
Silbermann, Christian B.*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Analogies between continuum dislocation theory, continuum mechanics and fluid mechanics 19th Chemnitz Seminar on Materials Engineering; Chemnitz; Germany; 16 March 2017 through 17 March 2017; Code 126890. - Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017. - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 181, Issue 1, Article number 012037 Online ISSN: 1757-899X ; Print ISSN: 1757-8981
Kießling, Robert*; Ihlemann, Jörn; Pohl, Martin; Stommel, Markus; Dammann, Christian; Mahnken, Rolf; Bobbert, Mathias; Meschut, Gerson; Hirsch, Franz; Kästner, Markus (2017) On the Design, Characterization and Simulation of Hybrid Metal-Composite Interfaces In: Applied Composite Materials. - Springer Netherlands. - 24. 2017, 1, S. 251 - 269 ISBN: 0929-189X
Goldberg, Niels*; Ospald, Felix; Schneider, Matti (2017) A fiber orientation-adapted integration scheme for computing the hyperelastic Tucker average for short fiber reinforced composites In: Computational Mechanics. - Berlin Heidelberg : Springer. - 60. 2017, 4, S. 595 - 611 ISBN: 1432-0924
Härtel, Sebastian*; Graf, Marcel; Lehmann, Thomas; Ullmann, Madlen (2017) Influence of tension-compression anomaly during bending of magnesium alloy AZ31 In: Materials Science and Engineering A. - Elsevier B.V. - 705. 2017, S. 62 - 71 ISBN: 0921-5093
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Kießling, Robert; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Development of a compression chamber for the determination of the bulk modulus In: Materials Today: Proceedings. - Elsevier B.V. - 4. 2017, 5, Part 1, S. 5839 - 5842. - 33rd Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 20-23 September 2016 ISBN: 2214-7853
Heidrich, Dario*; Gehde, Michael; Horn, Tobias; Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Vorhersagemodell der Kristallisationsausprägungen und deren Auswirkung auf die Bauteileigenschaften In: Jahresmagazin Kunststofftechnik. - Lampertheim : ALPHA Informationsgesellschaft mbH. - Ausgabe 2017, S. 74 - 79 ISBN: 1618-8357
Kießling, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Material modelling based on directly connected rheological elements: Application to the components of an intrinsic hybrid composite 5th ICMM - 5th International Conference on Material Modeling. 14.-16.6.2017, Rom
Schellenberg, Dirk (2017) Identifikation und Optimierung im Kontext technischer Anwendungen VDI Verlag, 2017. - 155 S. - Fortschritt-Berichte VDI : Reihe 18 ; Nr. 347 ISBN: 978-3-18-334718-6
Gelke, Sören; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) A uniaxial model for the inelastic behaviour of rubber and generalization for finite element application ICMM 5, 14.-16.06.2017, Rom, 2017
Goldberg, Niels*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) On an alternative modelling of distributed fibre directions In: International Journal of Solids and Structures. - Elsevier B.V. - 126-127. 2017, S. 140 - 149 ISSN: 0020-7683
Kanzenbach, Lars; Naumann, Christoph; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) A new specimen setup for high precision uniaxial tension-compression tests of rubber 34th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 19.9.-22.9.2017, Trieste, S. 107-108 ISBN: 978-88-8303-863-1
Kirbach, Carola; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Rate dependency of interface fragmentation in Al-mg-compounds 34th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 19.-22.09.2017, Trieste, S. 167-168 ISBN: 978-88-8303-863-1
Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Application and extension of the MORPH model to represent curing phenomena in a PU based adhesive Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X. - London : CRC Press, 2017, S. 137 - 143 ISBN: 9781351840408
Peretzki, Edgar; Schramm, Norbert; Hannusch, Susann; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kroll, Lothar (2017) Residual stress analysis of fibre-reinforced structures with fibre BRAGG grating sensors IMTC 2017 Lightweight Structures : 3rd International MERGE Technologies Conference, 21.09.-22.09.2017, Chemnitz, 2017. - Auerbach /Vogtl. : Wissenschaftliche Scripten, S. 99-100 ISBN: 978-3-95735-066-4
Schlomka, Clemens; Naumann, Christoph; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Simulation of oxidative aging processes in elastomer components using a dynamic network model Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X. - London : CRC Press, 2017, S. 77 - 82 ISBN: 978-1-138-03001-5 ; 9781351840408
Silbermann, Christian B.*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Geometrically linear continuum theory of dislocations revisited from a thermodynamical perspective In: Archive of Applied Mechanics. - Springer International Publishing AG. - Special. 2017, S. 1 - 33 ISSN: 0939-1533 (Print) ; 1432-0681 (Online)
Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) FE analysis of hybrid cord rubber composites Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X. - London : CNC Press, 2017, S. 437 - 443 ISBN: 978-1-138-03001-5 ; 9781351840408
Donner, Hendrik; Kanzenbach, Lars; Naumann, Christoph; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Efficiency of rubber material modelling and characterisation Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X. - London : CRC Press, 2017, S. 19 - 29 ISBN: 978-1-138-03001-5 ; 9781351840408
Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) An objective eulerian framework for rheological models at large strains Plasticity in Conventional and Emerging Materials: Theory and Applications. - Maryland : Neat Press, 2017, S. 70 - 72 ISBN: 978-0-9911654-6-9
Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Statistical investigation of self-organization processes in filled rubber Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X. - London : CRC Press, 2017, S. 601 - 607 ISBN: 978-1-138-02873-9 ; 978-1-315-65815-5
Stockmann, Martin; Naumann, Jochen; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) 25 years basic research in the field of strain gage technology on Chemnitz University of Technology - Institute of Mechanics 34st Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 19.-22.9.2017, Trieste, S. 17-18 ISBN: 978-88-8303-863-1
Lehmann, Thomas; Müller, Julia; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) DIC deformation analysis of Mg specimens at elevated temperatures 34st Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 19.-22.9.2017, Trieste, S. 109-110 ISBN: 978-88-8303-863-1
Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2017) Constitutive modeling and finite element simulation of curing phenomena in polymeric materials ICMM 5, 14.-16.06.2017, Rom
Kießling, Robert*; Ihlemann, Jörg; Riemer, Matthias; Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Scharf, Ingolf; Lampke, Thomas; Sharafiev, Semen; Pouya, Mina; Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver (2017) The interface of an intrinsic hybrid composite - development, production and characterisation 1. CIRP Conference on Composite Materials Parts Manufacturing, Karlsruhe. - Elsevier. - 66.2017, S. 289-293 ISSN: 2212-8271
Eidel, Bernhard; Shutov, Alexey V.; Landgraf, Ralf* (2017) Finite-strain plasticity and viscoelasticity: Modelling approaches and numerics 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems) (ECCM 6) and 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), 11.-15. June 2018, Glasgow, UK, 2017
Förster, Wolfgang*; Binotsch, Carolin; Awiszus, Birgit; Lehmann, Thomas; Müller, Julia; Kirbach, Carola; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Forging of eccentric co-extruded Al-Mg compounds and analysis of the interface strength 18. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium, 10.-11.03.2016, Chemnitz. - Online ; Open Access : IOP Publishing, 2016. - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ; 118 ; 12032
Lehmann, Thomas*; Stockmann, Martin (2016) Residual Stress State and Fracture Mechanical Properties of Al/Mg Compounds 32nd DANUBIA ADRIA SYMPOSIUM on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. September 20-23, 2016, Portoro¸, Slovenia. - Elsevier, 2016. - Materials Today: Proceedings. - 3. 2016, 4, S. 1041-1044 ISBN: 2214-7853
Rudolph, Martin*; Naumann, Christoph; Stockmann, Martin (2016) Degree of Cure Definition for an Epoxy Resin Based on Thermal Diffusivity Measurements 32nd DANUBIA ADRIA SYMPOSIUM on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. September 20-23, 2016, Portoro¸, Slovenia. - Elsevier, 2016. - Materials Today: Proceedings. - 3. 2016, 4, pp. 1144-1149 ISBN: 2214-7853
Hannusch, Susann*; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Experimental Method for Residual Stress Analysis with Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors 32nd DANUBIA ADRIA SYMPOSIUM on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. September 20-23, 2016, Portoro¸, Slovenia. - Elsevier, 2016. - Materials Today: Proceedings. - 3. 2016, 4, pp. 979-982 ISBN: 2214-7853
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Extension of the Testing Machine Control for High-precision Uniaxial Tension Measurements 32nd DANUBIA ADRIA SYMPOSIUM on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. September 20-23, 2016, Portoro¸, Slovenia. - Elsevier, 2016. - Materials Today: Proceedings. - 3. 2016, 4, pp. 993-996 ISBN: 2214-7853
Scherzer, Robert*; Silbermann, Christian B.; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) FE-simulation of the Presta joining process for assembled camshafts - Local widening of shafts through rolling 18th Chemnitz Seminar on Materials Engineering; Chemnitz; Germany; 10 March 2016 through 11 March 2016. - IOP Publishing Ltd., 2016. - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 118, Issue 1, 2016, 012039 ISSN: 1757-8981, E-ISSN: 1757-899X
Silbermann, Christian B.*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Kinematic assumptions and their consequences on the structure of field equations in continuum dislocation theory 18th Chemnitz Seminar on Materials Engineering; Chemnitz; Germany; 10 March 2016 through 11 March 2016. - IOP Publishing Ltd., 2016. - OP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 118, Issue 1, 2016, 12034
Kießling, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn; Riemer, Matthias; Drossel, Welf Guntram; Scharf, Ingolf; Lampke, Thomas; Sharafiev, Semen; Pouya, Mina; Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver (2016) On the development of an intrinsic hybrid composite 18th Chemnitz Seminar on Materials Engineering; Chemnitz; Germany; 10 March 2016 through 11 March 2016. - IOP Publishing Ltd., 2016. - Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 118, Issue 1, 2016, 012017. - Chemnitz : Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2016. - Werkstoffe und werkstofftechnische Anwendungen, Band 59, S. 532-537 ISSN: 1757-8981 ; E-ISSN: 1757-899X ; 1439-1597 (Schriftenreihe Werkstoffe und werkstofftechnische Anwendungen)
Gelke, Sören*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Simulation of a chassis bushing with regard to strain induced softening of filled rubber GAMM 2016, 7 - 11 March 2016, Braunschweig. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 16.2016, 1, pp. 339-340 Online ISSN: 1617-7061
Kießling, Robert*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Large strain transversely isotropic viscoplasticity by directly connected rheological elements GAMM 2016, 7 - 11 March 2016, Braunschweig. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 16.2016, 1, 359-360 Online ISSN: 1617-7061
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) A general modelling framework and specific mechanical approaches to simulate curing phenomena in polymers GAMM 2016, 7 - 11 March 2016, Braunschweig. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 16.2016, 1, 367-368 Online ISSN: 1617-7061
Kanzenbach, Lars*; Naumann, Christoph; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Specimen design for high precision tension-compression tests GAMM 2016, 7 - 11 March 2016, Braunschweig. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 16.2016, 1, 207-208 Online ISSN: 1617-7061
Goldberg, Niels*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) The effective heat conduction of short fibre reinforced materials considering the fibre distribution GAMM 2016, 7 - 11 March 2016, Braunschweig. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 16. 2016, 1, pp. 343-344 Online ISSN: 1617-7061
Donner, Hendrik*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) A numerical framework for rheological models based on the decomposition of the deformation rate tensor GAMM 2016, 7 - 11 March 2016, Braunschweig. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 16. 2016, 1, pp. 319-320 Online ISSN: 1617-7061
Kießling, Robert*; Landgraf, Ralf; Scherzer, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Introducing the concept of directly connected rheological elements by reviewing rheological models at large strains In: International Journal of Solids and Structures. - Pergamon Press. - 97-98. 2016, 0, S. 650 - 667 ISBN: 0020-7683
Kießling, Robert*; Hirsch, Franz; Dammann, Christian; Bobbert, Mathias; Pohl, Martin; Kästner, Markus (2016) Hybrid Metal-Composite Interfaces: Aspects of Design, Characterisation, and Simulation In: Advanced Materials Research. Chapter 3: Emerging Technologies. - Scientific.Net. - 1140. 2016, S. 255 - 263. - WGP Congress 2016 ISBN: 1662-8985
Stockmann, Martin; Sonntag, Reiner; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Long-Term Stability of Strain Gages – Climatic TestRegime and Results 33rd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 20th-23rd September 2016, Portoro¸, Slovenia, Book of abstracts, S. 182-183. - Ljubljana : SSEM - Slovene Society of Experimental Mechanics, 2016 ISBN: 978-961-94081-0-0
Landgraf, Ralf (2016) Modellierung und Simulation der Aushärtung polymerer Werkstoffe München : Dissertationsverlag Dr. Hut, 2016. - 214 S. - Zugl. Dissertation, TU Chemnitz, 2015 ISBN: 978-3-8439-2837-3
Kanzenbach, Lars; Kießling, Robert; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Development of a compression chamber for the determination of the bulk modulus 33rd Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics; Portoroz; Slovenia; 20 September 2016 through 23 September 2016, S. 56-57 ISBN: 978-961940810-0
Silbermann, Christian; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Prediction of self-organized dislocation patterns with continuum dislocation theory Plastic Behavior of Conventional and Advanced Materials: Theory, Experiment, and Modeling. - Maryland : Neat Press, 2016, S. 49 - 51 ISBN: 978-0-9911654-7-6
Silbermann, Christian; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Simulation of confined bending of continuously dislocated crystals Book of abstracts - 9th German-Greek-Polish Symposium Recent Advances in Mechanics : September 4-9, 2016, Kolympari, Crete, Greece, S. 13 -14 ISBN: 978-960-8475-25-0
Kießling, Robert; Landgraf, Ralf; Scherzer, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Material modelling based on directly connected rheological elements in nonlinear continuum mechanics Plastic Behavior of Conventional and Advanced Materials: Theory, Experiment, and Modeling. - Maryland : Neat Press, 2016, S. 88 - 90 ISBN: 9780991165483 ; 0991165489
Kießling, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn; Riemer, Matthias; Drossel, Welf-Guntram (2016) Production and modelling of an intrinsic hybrid metal composite for automotive parts In: International journal of automotive composites. - Inderscience Publishers . - 2. 2016, 3/4, S. 202 - 228 Print ISSN: 2051-8218 ; Online ISSN: 2051-8226
Goldberg, Niels; Ospald, Felix; Schneider, Matti; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Considering the fiber orientation for the computation of the hyperelastic Tucker average for short fiber reinforced composites 29th Workshop "Composite Forschung in der Mechanik", 6.-8.12.2016, Bad Herrenalb, 2016, S. 10
Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Statistical investigation of self-organization processes in filled rubber 12th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 22.-24.11.2016, Hannover, 2016, S. 121 ISBN: 9783981407648
Nostitz, Niklas; Schellenberg, Dirk; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Identification of inelastic material parameters using compnent-oriented specimen 12th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 22.-24.11.2016, Hannover, S. 112 ISBN: 9783981407648
Kanzenbach, Lars; Naumann, Christoph; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Sample geometry design for high precision uniaxial tension-compression tests 12th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 22.-24.11.2016, Hannover, S. 104 ISBN: 9783981407648
Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) FE analysis of hybrid cord-rubber composites 12th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 22.-24.11.2016, Hannover, S. 94 ISBN: 9783981407648
Gelke, Sören; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Simulation of rubber components with regard to strain induced softening and dynamic stiffening 12th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 22.-24.11.2016, Hannover, S. 16 ISBN: 9783981407648
Heinrich, Nina; Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Volumetric finite element models for textile reinforced rubber components 12th Fall Rubber Colloquium, 22.-24.11.2016, Hannover, 2016, S. 24 ISBN: 9783981407648
Nostitz, Niklas; Schellenberg, Dirk; Kröger, Nils Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2016) Identification of inelastic material parameters using component-oriented specimen 12th Fall Rubber Colloquium, November 22-24, 2016, Hannover, Germany, S. 112 ISBN: 9783981407648
Landgraf, Ralf*; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kolmeder, Sebastian; Lion, Alexander; Lebsack, Helena; Kober, Cornelia (2015) Modelling and simulation of acrylic bone cement injection and curing within the framework of vertebroplasty In: ZAMM - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 95.2015, 12, S. 1530 - 1547 Online ISSN: 1521-4001
Naumann, Friedrich (2015) 175 Jahre Technische Mechanik : Ein Beitrag zum Jubiläum »175 Jahre Technische Universität Chemnitz« Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Chemnitz, 2015. - 449 S. ISBN: 978-3-944640-38-9
Kirbach, Carola; Lehmann, Thomas; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) Digital Image Correlation Used for Experimental Investigations of Al/Mg Compounds In: Strain. - 51. 2015, 3, S. 223 - 234 ISBN: 1475-1305
Kießling, Robert; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) Direct connection of rheological elements at large strains: Application to multiplicative viscoplasticity In: PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics. - 15. 2015, 1, S. 313 - 314. - Special Issue: 86th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Lecce 2015; Editors: G. Zavarise, P. Cinnella and M. Campiti Online ISSN: 1617-7061
Goldberg, Niels*; Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) Evaluation of hyperelastic models for unidirectional short fibre reinforced materials using a representative volume element with refined boundary conditions In: TECHNISCHE MECHANIK. - Magdeburg : Otto von Guericke Universitaet. - 35. 2015, 2, S. 80 - 99 ISBN: 0232-3869
Goldberg, Niels*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) On fast and accurate modelling of distributed fibre directions in composites 86th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Lecce 2015. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2015. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2015, 1, S. 293–294 ISBN: 1617-7061
Hannusch, Susann*; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) Application of fibre BRAGG grating sensors for residual stress analysis 86th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Lecce 2015. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2015. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 15, 1, 2015, Pages: 199–200 ISBN: 1617-7061
Landgraf, Ralf*; Shutov, Alexey V.; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) Efficient time integration in multiplicative inelasticity 86th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Lecce 2015. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2015. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 15, 1, 2015, Pages: 325–326 ISBN: 1617-7061
Rudolph, Martin*; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) FE-simulation of spatially graded gelation during adhesive's curing 86th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Lecce 2015. - Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2015. - PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 15, 1, 2015, Pages: 351–352 ISBN: 1617-7061
Kretzschmar, Jens*; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn; Schiller, Sven; Hellfritzsch, Udo (2015) Experimental-numerical investigation of the rolling process of high gears In: Experimental Techniques. - Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.. - 39. 2015, 3, S. 28 - 36 ISBN: 0732-8818
Shutov, Alexey V.*; Silbermann, Christian; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) Ductile damage model for metal forming simulations including refined description of void nucleation In: International Journal of Plasticity. - Pergamon Press. - 71. 2015, S. 195 - 217 ISBN: 0749-6419
Naumann, Christoph*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) On the thermodynamics of pseudo-elastic material models which reproduce the Mullins effect In: International Journal of Solids and Structures. - Pergamon Press. - 69–70. 2015, S. 360 - 369 ISBN: 0020-7683
Hannusch, Susann; Herzog, Roland; Hofmann, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kroll, Lothar; Meyer, Arnd; Ospald, Felix; Rünger, Gudula; Springer, Rolf; Stockmann, Martin; Ulke-Winter, Lars (2015) Efficient Simulation, Optimization, and Validation of Lightweight Structures 2nd International MERGE Technologies Conference for Lightweight Structures (IMTC 2015), 1-2.10.2015, Chemnitz, S. 219-227. - Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, 2015 ISBN: 978-3-95735-025-1
Hannusch, Susann; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) Experimental method for residual stress analysis with fibre Bragg grating sensors 32nd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Exerimental mechanics, 22.- 25. September, Starý Smokovec, Slovakia, S. 72-73 ISBN: 978-80-554-1094-4
Drossel, Guntram-Welf; Ihlemann, Jörn; Müller, Roland; Rudolph, M.; Hensel, Sebastian; Nestler, Matthias (2015) Lokale Klebstoffaushärtung zur Herstellung umgeformter Piezo-Metall-Verbunde Buch "Lightweight design by integrating functions" : 5th scientific symposium, September 14 - 16, 2015, S. 41 - 46. - Dresden, Germany ; proceedings 2015 ISBN: 978-3-00-050383-2
Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) Simulation of mullins effect and relaxation due to self-organization processes in filled rubber 9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, ECCMR 2015; Prague; Czech Republic; 1 September 2015 through 4 September 2015;. - CRC Press/Balkema, 2016. - Constitutive Models for Rubber IX - Proceedings. ECCMR 2015, pp. 305-310 ISBN: 978-113802873-9
Herrmann, Ralf*; Stockmann, Martin; Marx, Steffen (2015) Untersuchungsstrategie zur Bewertung der Langzeitstabilität von Dehnungsmessstreifen In: Bautechnik. - Wilhelm Ernst und Sohn. - 92. 2015, 7, S. 451 - 460 Online ISSN: 1437-0999
Silbermann, Christian Bert*; Ihlemann, Jörn; Khanh, Chau; Baitsch, Matthias (2015) Analysis of Plane Strain Deformation of Aluminum Single Crystals using Continuum Dislocation 4th ICMM – International Conference on Material Modeling, 27.-29.05.2015, Berkeley, S. 44
Naumann, Christoph*; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) On the Thermodynamics of Viscoelastic Models of Convolution Type at Large Deformations 4th ICMM – International Conference on Material Modeling, 27.-29.05.2015, Berkeley, 2015, S. 42
Kießling, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) Large strain viscoplasticity for a unidirectional fibre-matrix composite 28th Workshop "Composite Forschung in der Mechanik", 09.-10.12.2015, Paderborn, S. 17
Naumann, Christoph; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) A dynamic network model to simulate chemical aging processes in elastomers Constitutive Models for Rubber IX.. - London : CRC Press, 2015, S. 39 - 45. - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9 TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON CONSTITUTIVE MODELS FOR RUBBERS, (ECCMR IX), PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, 1–4 SEPTEMBER 2015 ISBN: 978-1-138-02873-9 ; 9781315658155
Gelke, Sören; Freund, M.; Ihlemann, Jörn; Klauke, R. (2015) Modeling of Mullins effect by generalizing the uniaxial theory of a strain amplification factor ECCMR 2015, 01.-04.09.2015, Prag, 2015, S. 501 - 506 ISBN: 978-1-138-02873-9 ; 9781315658155
Goldberg, Niels; Ihlemann, Jörn (2015) On the fast and accurate stress calculation for distributed fibre directions 28th Workshop "Composite Forschung in der Mechanik", 09.-10.12.2015, Paderborn, 2015, S. 12
Goldberg, Niels; Ilhemann, Jörn; Kroll, Lothar; Schramm, Norbert; Schneider, Matti (2015) Fully anisotropic material laws for fiber-reinforced thermoplastics 2nd International MERGE Technologies Conference, 1.-2.10.2015, Chemnitz. - Auerbach : Verl. Wissenschaftliche Scripten, 2015, S. 237 - 244. - Merge technologies for multifunctional lightweight structures ISBN: 978-3-95735-025-1
Naumann, Christoph; Rudolph, Martin; Stockmann, Martin (2015) Degree of cure definition for an epoxy resin based on thermal diffusivity measuremnts 32nd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 22.-25.9.2015, Stary Smokovec, 2015, S. 46-47 ISBN: 978-80-554-1094-4
Lehmann, T.; Stockmann, M. (2015) Residual stress state and fracture mechanical properties of Al/Mg compounts 32nd Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 22.-25.9.2015, Stary Smokovec, 2015, S. 108-109 ISBN: 978-80-554-1094-4
Silbermann, Christian; Shutov, Alexey; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Modeling the evolution of dislocation populations under non-proportional loading In: International Journal of Plasticity . - 55 . 2014 , 1 , S. 58 - 79 ISBN: 0749-6419
Landgraf, Ralf; Rudolph, Martin; Scherzer, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Modelling and simulation of adhesive curing processes in bonded piezo metal composites In: Computational Mechanics. - 54. 2014, 2, S. 547 - 565 ISSN: 0178-7675 (Print) 1432-0924 (Online)
Shutov, Alexey (2014) Numerische Simulation des viskoplastischen Verhaltens metallischer Werkstoffe bei endlichen Deformationen Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Chemnitz, 2014. - 247 S. ISBN: 978-3-944640-28-0
Hannusch, Susann; Auerswald, Christian; Stockmann, Martin; Voigt, Sebastian; Ihlemann, Jörn; Mehner, Jan (2014) Sensitivity Investigations of Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors Considering Different Interrogator Systems 31th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.-27.09.2014, Kempten, 2014, S. 128-129 ISBN 978-3-0-046740-0
Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kolmeder, Sebastian; Lion, Alexander; Lebsack, Helena; Kober, Cornelia; Schmölz, Werner; Blattert, Thomas R. (2014) Modelling and computation of acrylic bone cement injection and curing within the framework of vertebroplasty In: PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics. - 14. 2014, 1, S. 121 - 122. - Special Issue: 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Erlangen 2014 ISBN: 1617-7061
Rudolph, Martin; Landgraf, Ralf; Scherzer, Robert; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Experiments, modelling and simulation of adhesive curing processes in bonded three dimensional curved piezo metal composite structures In: PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics. - 14. 2014, 1, S. 235 - 236. - Special Issue: 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Erlangen 2014 ISBN: 1617-7061
Freund, Michael; Rabkin, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Extension of a uniaxial model with Payne effect by the description of the Mullins effect and generalization to three dimensions In: PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics. - 14. 2014, 1, S. 337 - 338. - Special Issue: 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Erlangen 2014 ISBN: 1617-7061
Shutov, Alexey V.; Silbermann, Christian; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Distribution of dislocation density and residual stresses in plastically deformed specimens: numerical studies In: PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics. - 14. 2014, 1, S. 335 - 336. - Special Issue: 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Erlangen 2014 ISBN: 1617-7061
Silbermann, Christian B.; Shutov, Alexey V.; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) On operator split technique for the time integration within finite strain viscoplasticity in explicit FEM In: PAMM - Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics. - 14. 2014, 1, S. 355 - 356. - Special Issue: 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Erlangen 2014 ISBN: 1617-7061
Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) An anisotropic large strain plasticity model for multifilament yarns In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics. - 14. 2014, 1, S. 373 - 374. - Special Issue: 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Erlangen 2014 ISBN: 1617-7061
Kirbach, Carola; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Al/Mg Compounds In: Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics. - 14. 2014, 1, S. 173 - 174. - Special Issue: 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Erlangen 2014 ISBN: 1617-7061
Kirbach, Carola; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Al/Mg-Compound Specimens under Bending after Mass Forming Processes 31th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.-27.09.2014, Kempten, 2014. - Düsseldorf : VDI, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. (http://d-nb.info/1058571826), 2014, S. 32-33 ISBN: 978-3-00-046740-0
Naumann, Christoph; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Simulation of oxidative ageing processes in elastomeric components In: KGK Kautschuk Gummi Kunststoffe. - Heidelberg : Hüthig. - 67. 2014, 10, S. 68 - 75 ISBN: 0022-9520, 0948-3276
Rudolph, Martin; Stockmann, Martin; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Experimental setup for real-time measurement of volumetric shrinkage 31st Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics. 24.-27. September, Kempten. - Düsseldorf : VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 2014, S. 222-223 ISBN: 978-3-0-046740-0
Naumann, Christoph; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Extended MORPH model for application-oriented simulation of inelastic large strain rubber behavior Multi-scale modeling and plasticity characterization of advanced materials : proceedings of Plasticity '14. - Fulton, Md. : NEAT Press, 2014, S. 118 - 120 ISBN: 978-0-9911654-0-7
Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) FE simulation of twisted polymer cords using an aniso-tropic large strain plasticity model Multi-scale Modeling and Plasticity Characterization of Advanced Materials. - Maryland : Neat Press, 2014, S. 112 - 114. - proceedings of Plasticity '14 ; the twentieth international symposium on plasticity and its current applications, [January, 3-8, 2014, Freeport, Bahamas] ISBN: 978-0-9911654-0-7
Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Simulation of time-dependent mesoscale self-organization processes in filled rubber Multi-scale Modeling and Plasticity Characterization of Advanced Materials. - Maryland : Neat Press, 2014, S. 130 - 132. - International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications ; 20 (Freeport, Bahamas) : 2014.01.03-08 ISBN: 978-0-9911654-0-7
Stockmann, Martin; Rudolph, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Measurement of shrinkage in curing epoxy-resing using shadow moire mehtod 31st Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.-27.09.2014, Kempten, S. 224-225 ISBN: 978-3-0-046740-0
Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) High-precision simulation of rubber components Book of abstracts / KHK, 11. Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium, 26. - 28. November 2014, Hannover, 11th Fall Rubber Colloquium, November 26 - 28, 2014, Hannover, Germany, S. 28 ISBN: 978-3-9814076-2-4
Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2014) Simulation and analysis of time-dependent self-organization processes in fllled rubber Book of abstracts / KHK, 11. Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium, 26. - 28. November 2014, Hannover, 11th Fall Rubber Colloquium, November 26 - 28, 2014, Hannover, Germany, S. 69 ISBN: 978-3-9814076-2-4
Herrmann, Ralf; Stockmann, Martin; Marx, Steffen (2014) Longterm stability of strain gages 31st Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 24.-27.09.2014, Kempten, 2014, S. 106-107 ISBN: 978-3-00-046740-0
Shutov, Alexey V.; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) An explicit solution for implicit time stepping in multiplicative finite strain viscoelasticity In: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. - 265. 2013, S. 213 - 225 ISBN: 0045-7825
Naumann, Christoph; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) Chemomechanically coupled finite element simulations of oxidative ageing in elastomeric components Constitutive Models for Rubber VIII - Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, ECCMR 2013, San Sebastian, 25 - 28 June 2013, pp. 43-49 ISBN: 978-1-13-800072-8 ; 978-1-315-88484-4
Schellenberg, Dirk; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) Identification of inelastic material parameters using component-oriented specimen Constitutive Models for Rubber VIII - Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, ECCMR 2013, San Sebastian, 25 - 28 June 2013, pp. 191-196 ISBN: 978-1-13-800072-8 ; 978-1-315-88484-4
Donner, Hendrik; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) On the efficient finite element modelling of cord-rubber composites Constitutive Models for Rubber VIII - Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, ECCMR 2013, San Sebastian, 25 - 28 June 2013, pp. 149-155 ISBN: 978-1-13-800072-8 ; 978-1-315-88484-4
Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) Simulation of self-organization processes in filled rubber and their influence on anisotropic Mullins effect Constitutive Models for Rubber VIII - Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers, ECCMR 2013, San Sebastian, 25 - 28 June 2013, pp. 425-430 ISBN: 978-1-13-800072-8 ; 978-1-315-88484-4
Wulf, Hans; Schellenberg, Dirk; Kreißig, Rainer; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) Combined shape and parameter identification applied to a porous media simulation In: Technische Mechanik. - 33. 2013, 1, S. 67 - 84 ISBN: 0232-3869
Bucher, Anke; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißg, Rainer (2013) Towards the direct and inverse adaptive mixed finite element formulations for nearly incompressible elasticity at large strains Advanced Finite Element Methods and Applications. - Berlin Heidelberg : Springer, 2013, S. 299 - 323. - Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics ; 66 ISBN: 9783642303159 / 1613-7736
Freund, Michael (2013) Verallgemeinerung eindimensionaler Materialmodelle für die Finite-Elemente-Methode 1. Aufl. - Düsseldorf : VDI, 2013. - 156 S. - Fortschritt-Berichte VDI : Reihe 18, Mechanik, Bruchmechanik ; 336. - Berichte aus der Professur Festkörpermechanik / Technische Universität Chemnitz ISBN: 978-318-33361-8-0, 0178-9457
Shutov, Alexey; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) An explicit update formula for implicit time integration within finite strain viscoelasticity In: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics . - 13 . 2013 , 1 , S. 147 - 148 ISBN: 1617-7061 (online)
Shutov, Alexey; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) On the absence of a preferred configuration in constitutive relations of finite strain elasto-plasticity In: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics . - 13 . 2013 , 1 , S. 141 - 142 ISBN: 1617-7061 (online)
Shutov, Alexey; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) Analysis of some basic approaches to finite strain elasto-plasticity in view of reference change arXiv-Preprint. - Ithaca, New York, USA : arXiv, Cornell Univ., 2013, S. 1 - 28
Silbermann, Christian; Shutov, Alexey; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) Modeling the evolution of dislocation populations under non-proportional loading In: International Journal of Plasticity. 2013, S. 1 - 22 ISBN: 0749-6419
Shutov, Alexey; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) On the invariance of constitutive equations under the isochoric change of reference configuration Analytical, Computational, and experimental inelasticity in deformable solids : the 19th International Symposium on Plasticity & Its Current Applications, January 3-8, 2013. - Nassau, Bahamas : NEAT Press, 2013 ISBN: 0-9659463-4-2
Shutov, Alexey; Silbermann, Christian; Ihlemann, Jörn (2013) Modeling the evolution of dislocation densities upon strain path change Analytical, Computational, and experimental inelasticity in deformable solids : the 19th International Symposium on Plasticity & Its Current Applications, January 3-8, 2013, Nassau, Bahamas. - NEAT Press, 2013 ISBN: 0-9659463-4-2
Kretzschmar, Jens; Stockmann, Martin; Ihlemann, Jörn; Schiller, Sven; Hellfritzsch, Udo (2013) Experimental–Numerical Investigation of the Rolling Process of High Gears In: Experimental Techniques . - 2013 , S. 1 - 9 ISBN: 0732-8818 (print), 1747-1567 (online)
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kaiser, Sonja; Bucher, Anke; Kreißig, Reiner (2012) A consistent mixed finite element formulation for hydro-mechanical processes in saturated porous media at large strains based on a generalized material description In: European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids. - 32. 2012, March, S. 88 - 102 ISBN: 0997-7538
Lohse, Rolf; Urbaneck, Thorsten; Brämer, Carola; Platzer, Bernd (2012) Effects during loading of hot water storages with a high aspect ratio Innostock, 12th International Conference on Energy Storage, Lleida (Spanien), 2012, S. 80 - 81 ISBN: 978-84-938793-3-4
Brämer, Carola; Urbaneck, Thorsten; Lohse, Rolf; Göppert, Stefan; Platzer, Bernd (2012) Hot Water Storages - Influence of Geometry and Operation Parameters on Thermal Stratification Innostock, 12th International Conference on Energy Storage, Lleida (Spanien), 2012, S. 78 - 79 ISBN: 978-84-938793-3-4
Naumann, Christoph; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) Thermomechanical material behaviour within the concept of representative directions Constitutive Models for Rubber VII - Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Dublin; 20.-23. September 2011, pp. 107-112. - CRC Press, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-203-13524-2 (ebook), 0-415-68389-0, 978-0-415-68389-0
Wulf, Hans; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) Simulation of self-organization processes in filled rubber considering thermal agitation Constitutive Models for Rubber VII - Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Dublin; 20.-23. September 2011, pp. 125-130. - CRC Press, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-203-13524-2 (ebook), 0-415-68389-0, 978-0-415-68389-0
Juhre, Daniel; Doniga-Crivat, Mircea; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) The influence of inelasticity on the lifetime of filled elastomers under multiaxial loading conditions Constitutive Models for Rubber VII - Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Dublin; 20.-23. September 2011, pp. 359-362. - CRC Press,, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-203-13524-2 (ebook), 0-415-68389-0, 978-0-415-68389-0
Freund, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn; Rabkin, Michael (2012) Modelling of the Payne effect using a 3-d generalization technique for the finite element method Constitutive Models for Rubber VII - Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Dublin; 20.-23. September 2011, pp. 235-240. - CRC Press,, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-203-13524-2 (ebook), 0-415-68389-0, 978-0-415-68389-0
Schellenberg, Dirk; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) Parameter identification based on multiple inhomogeneous experiments of practical relevance Constitutive Models for Rubber VII - Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Dublin; 20.-23. September 2011, pp. 33-38. - CRC Press,, 2012 ISBN: 978-0-203-13524-2 (ebook), 0-415-68389-0, 978-0-415-68389-0
Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kolmeder, Sebastian; Lion, Alexander; Lebsack, Helena; Kober, Cornelia; Blattert., Thomas R. (2012) Thermo-mechanical coupled FE-simulation of acrylic bone cement curing after vertebroplasty 22nd Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Biomaterials Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Biomatériaux Ostéo-articulaires Injectables (GRIBOI) Uppsala, Sweden, May 10th – 12th, 2012. - European Cells and Materials, Vol. 23. Suppl. 3, 2012 (page 43) ISSN 1473-2262
Kolmeder, Sebastian; Lion, Alexander; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn; Lebsack, Helena; Kober, Cornelia; Blattert., Thomas R. (2012) CFD-simulation of percutaneous vertebroplasty 22nd Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Biomaterials Groupe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Biomatériaux Ostéo-articulaires Injectables (GRIBOI) Uppsala, Sweden, May 10th – 12th, 2012. - European Cells and Materials, Vol. 23. Suppl. 3, 2012 (page 26) ISSN 1473-2262
Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kolmeder, Sebastian; Lion, Alexander (2012) Thermo-mechanically coupled curing processes of acrylic bone cements used in vertebroplasty: Material modelling and Finite-Element-Simulation 10th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Berlin, Germany, April 7th - 11th, 2012. - ARUP, 2012. - Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on ... pp. 19-24 ISBN: 978-0-9562121-5-3
Freund, Michael; Shutov, Alexey V.; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) Simulation of distortional hardening by generalizing a uniaxial model of finite strain viscoplasticity In: International Journal of Plasticity. - 36. 2012, S. 113 - 129 ISSN: 0749-6419
Shutov, Alexey V.; Pfeiffer, Steffen; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) On the simulation of multi-stage forming processes: invariance under change of the reference configuration In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. - 43. 2012, 7, S. 617 - 625 Online ISSN: 1521-4052
Feuerhack, Andreas; Binotsch, Carolin; Awiszus, Birgit; Wolff, Alexander; Brämer, Carola; Stockmann, Martin (2012) Materialeigenschaften und Formänderungsvermögen von stranggepressten Al-Mg-Verbunden in Abhängigkeit der Temperatur In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. - 43. 2012, 7, S. 601 - 608 ISBN: 0933-5137
Lohse, Rolf; Urbaneck, Thorsten; Brämer, Carola; Platzer, Bernd (2012) Effects during loading of hot water storages with a high aspect ratio In: EuroHeat & Power, English Edition VWEW Energieverlag . - 9 . 2012 , 3 , S. 42 - 47 ISSN 1613-0200
Brämer, Carola; Urbaneck, Thorsten; Göppert, Stefan; Platzer, Bernd; Lohse, Rolf (2012) Hot Water Storages - Influence of Geometry and Operation Parameters on Thermal Stratification In: EuroHeat & Power, English Edition VWEW Energieverlag. - 9. 2012, 4, S. 30 - 36 ISSN 1613-0200
Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) On the direct connection of rheological elements in nonlinear continuum mechanics In: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 12. 2012, 1, S. 307 - 308 ISBN: 1617-7061
Kolmeder, Sebastian; Lion, Alexander; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn; Lebsack, Helena; Kober, Cornelia; Blattert, Thomas R. (2012) Modelling and simulation of injecting acrylic bone cement into osteoporotic vertebral bones within percutaneous vertebroplasty In: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 12. 2012, 1, S. 103 - 104 ISBN: 1617-7061
Shutov, Alexey; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) A rheological model for arbitrary symmetric distortion of the yield surface In: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 12. 2012, 1, S. 309 - 310 ISBN: 1617-7061
Schellenberg, Dirk; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) Parameter identification based on multiple inhomogeneous experiments of practical relevance In: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 12. 2012, 1, S. 629 - 630 ISBN: 1617-7061
Wulf, Hans; Schellenberg, Dirk; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) Simultaneous identification of material and geometry parameters in view of structured specimen In: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 12. 2012, 1, S. 759 - 760 ISBN: 1617-7061
Shutov, Alexey; Ihlemann, Jörn (2012) A viscoplasticity model with an enhanced control of the yield surface distortion In: International Journal of Plasticity. - 39. 2012, S. 152 - 167 ISBN: 0749-6419
Lehmann, Thomas (2012) Experimentell-numerische Analyse mechanischer Eigenschaften von Aluminium/Magnesium-Werkstoffverbunden Chemnitz : Inst. für Mechanik und Thermodynamik, 2012. - 145 S. - Bericht / Technische Universität Chemnitz, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Institut für Mechanik und Thermodynamik ; 1/2012
Freund, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn; Juhre, Daniel; Lorenz, Hagen; Klüppel, Manfred (2011) FE-Implementierung des Dynamischen Flockulationsmodells zur Simulation des inelastischen Verhaltens gefüllter Elastomere In: Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe. 2011, 4, S. 50 - 55 ISBN: 0948-3276
Lohse, Rolf; Urbaneck, Thorsten; Platzer, Bernd; Brämer, Carola; Hentschel, Frank; Eckert, Thomas; Witte, Thomas (2011) Schichtbeladesysteme für große Warmwasserspeicher – Überführung in die Praxis 21. Symposium "Thermische Solarenergie", Staffelstein, Ostbayerisches Technologie Transfer Institut e.V., Tagungsband. - Regensburg : OTTI, 2011, S. 492-497, 12 Seiten Langfassung auf CD ISBN: 978-3-941785-57-1
Hentschel, Frank; Eckert, Thomas; Witte, Thomas; Lohse, Rolf; Urbaneck, Thorsten; Platzer, Bernd; Brämer, Carola (2011) Optimierung der äußeren Speicherverluste 21. Symposium "Thermische Solarenergie", Staffelstein, Ostbayerisches Technologie Transfer Institut e.V., Tagungsband, S. 500-504. - Regensburg : OTTI, 2011 ISBN: 978-3-941785-57-1
Walther, Marco; Kroll, Lothar; Stockmann, Martin; Elsner, Holg; Heinrich, Michael; Wagner, Stefan (2011) Investigation in development of embroidered strain measurement sensors 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, 25th – 28th May 2011, Chemnitz. - Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag, pp 117-118 ISBN 978-3-941003-34-7
Klauke, Rainer; Ihlemann, Jörn (2011) ANALYSIS OF TECHNICAL RUBBER MATERIALS USING SIMPLE SHEAR DEFORMATIONS WITH ROTATING AXES 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, 25th – 28th May 2011, Chemnitz, S. 59-60. - Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag, 2011 ISBN: 978-3-941003-34-7
Kretzschmar, Jens; Stockmann, Martin; Shutov, Alexey (2011) DETERMINATION OF PRESSURE DISTRIBUTIONS USING A GRADIENT BASED OPTIMIZATION METHOD AND APPLICATION AT FORMING TOOLS FOR HIGH GEARS 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, 25th – 28th May 2011, Chemnitz. pp 65-66 . - Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag, 2011 ISBN: 978-3-941003-34-7
Lehmann, Thomas; Stockmann, Martin (2011) EXPERIMENTAL-NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF FRACTURE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF AL/MG COMPOUNDS 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, 25th – 28th May 2011, Chemnitz. pp 73-74. - Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag, 2011 ISBN: 978-3-941003-34-7
Vogel, Klaus; Stockmann, Martin; Zietschmann, Steffen; Witteck, Heiko (2011) CHARACTERISATION OF SURFACE ACOUSTIC WAVE SENSORS FOR STRAIN MEASUREMENT 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, 25th – 28th May 2011, Chemnitz. pp 115-116. - Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag, 2011 ISBN: 978-3-941003-34-7
Naumann, Jochen (2011) IN-PLANE MOIRÉ TECHNIQUES IN THE EXPERIMENTAL SOLID MECHANICS – A SHORT SURVEY 10th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, 25th – 28th May 2011, Chemnitz, S. 28-29. - Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag, 2011 ISBN: 978-3-941003-34-7
Shutov, Alexey V.; Ihlemann, Jörn (2011) On the simulation of plastic forming under consideration of thermal effects In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. - 42. 2011, 7, S. 632 - 638 ISBN: 0933-5137 (print) ; 1521-4052 (online)
Lehmann, Thomas; Stockmann, Martin; Kittner, Kai; Binotsch, Carolin; Awiszus, Birgit (2011) Bruchmechanische Eigenschaften von Al/Mg-Verbunden und deren Fließverhalten im Herstellungsprozess In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. - 42. 2011, 7, S. 612 - 623 ISBN: 0933-5137 (print) ; 1521-4052 (online)
Shutov, Alexey V.; Panhans, Sonja; Kreißig, Reiner (2011) A phenomenological model of finite strain viscoplasticity with distortional hardening In: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - 91. 2011, 8, S. 653 - 680 ISSN 0044-2267
Freund, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn; Rabkin, Michael (2011) Modelling of the Payne effect using a 3-d generalization technique for the finite element method Constitutive Models for Rubber VII. - 1. - London : CRC Press , 2011 , S. 235 - 240 ISBN: 978-0-415-68389-0
Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2011) Zur Modellierung von Aushärtevorgängen in Polymeren unter Verwendung von Stoffgesetzen der Viskoelastizität und Viskoplastizität PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics . - 11 . 2011 , 1 , S. 399 - 400 ISBN: 1617-7061
Kolmeder, Sebastian; Lion, Alexander; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2011) Thermophysical properties and material modelling of acrylic bone cements used in vertebroplasty In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry . - 105 . 2011 , 2 , S. 705 - 718 ISBN: 1388-6150
Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn; Alshuth, Thomas; Klauke, Rainer (2011) Some remarks on influence of inelasticity on fatigue life of filled elastomers In: Plastics, Rubber and Composites. - 40. 2011, 4, S. 180 - 184 ISBN: 1465-8011
Stockmann, Martin; Naumann, Jochen; Schumann, Joachim; Mönch, Jens Ingolf (2011) Differential strain gauge: A sensor device for macro- and microsystems In: Strain. - 47. 2011, SUPPL. 1, June, e104 - e112 ISBN: 0039-2103
Neugebauer, Reinhard R.; Ihlemann, Jörn; Lachmann, Lutz; Drossel, Welf-Guntram; Hensel, Sebastian; Nestler, Matthias; Landgraf, Ralf; Rudolph, Martin (2011) Piezo-metal-composites in structural parts: Technological design, process simulation and material modelling 3rd Scientific Symposium CRC/Transregio 39, Integration of Active Functions into Structural Components, Chemnitz, DE, Oct 12-13, 2011, Scientific Symposium CRC/Transregio 39, 3 * (2011) Seite 51-56 ISBN: 978-3-00-035549-3
Mönch, Ingolf; Schumann, Joachim; Stockmann, Martin; Arndt, Karl-Friedrich; Schmid, Oliver G (2011) Multifunctional nanomembranes self-assembled into compact rolled-up sensor–actuator devices In: Smart Materials and Structures. - 20. 2011, 8, 085016 (10pp) ISSN 0964-1726 (Print) ISSN 1361-665X
Shutov, Alexey; Freund, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn (2011) On the simulation of nonlinear hardening in metallic materials using the concept of representative directions In: PAMM Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 11. 2011, 1, S. 441 - 442 ISBN: 1617-7061
Freund, Michael; Lorenz, Hagen; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn; Klüppel, Manfred (2011) Finite element implementation of a microstructure-based model for filled elastomers International Journal of Plasticity. - 27. 2011, 6, S. 902 - 919 ISSN: 0749-6419
Lehmann, Thomas; Stockmann, Martin (2011) Residual Stress Analysis of Al/Mg Compounds by Using the Hole Drilling Method In: Journal of JSEM (Jikken-rikigaku : Nihon-Jikken-Rikigakkai-shi ). - 11. 2011, Special Issue August 2011, SS233 - SS238 ISBN: 1346-4930
Shutov, Alexey; Kreißig, Reiner (2010) Geometric integrators for multiplicative viscoplasticity: Analysis of error accumulation In: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. - 199. 2010, 9-12, S. 700 - 711 ISBN: 0045-7825
Freund, Michael; Ihlemann, Jörn (2010) Generalization of one-dimensional material models for the finite element method In: ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - 90. 2010, 5, S. 399 - 417 ISBN: 0044-2267, 1521-4001
Shutov, Alexey; Kreißig, Reiner (2010) Regularized strategies for material parameter identification in the context of finite strain plasticity In: Technische Mechanik : wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Grundlagen und Anwendungen der technischen Mechanik. - 30. 2010, 1-3, S. 280 - 295 ISBN: 0232-3869
Shutov, Alexey; Kuprin, Corinna; Ihlemann, Jörn; Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver; Silbermann, Christian (2010) Experimentelle Untersuchung und numerische Simulation des inkrementellen Umformverhaltens von Stahl 42CrMo4 In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. - 41. 2010, 9, S. 765 - 775 ISBN: 0933-5137
Klauke, Reiner; Alshuth, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2010) Lebensdauervorhersage von technischen Gummiwerkstoffen unter einfacher Scherung mit rotierenden Achsen In: Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe. - 63. 2010, 7/8, S. 286 - 290 ISBN: 0948-3276
Lindner, Mario (2010) Ermittlung der plastischen Anfangsanisotropie durch Eindringversuche Chemnitz / Dresden : Inst. für Mechanik und Thermodynamik / Qucosa - SLUB Dresden, 2010. - 111 S. - Bericht / Technische Universität Chemnitz, Fakultät Maschinenbau, Institut für Mechanik und Thermodynamik ; 2010,1
Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2010) Vergleich zweier Ansätze zur Beschreibung nichtlinearer Viskoelastizität auf Basis des Maxwell-Elements PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 10. 2010, 1, S. 303 - 304 ISBN: 1617-7061 (online)
Kittner, Kai; Binotsch, Carolin; Awiszus, Birgit; Lehmann, Thomas; Stockmann, M. (2010) Herstellungsprozess zur Erzeugung schädigungsarmer Al/Mg-Verbunde und Analyse der mechanischen Grundeigenschaften sowie der Interfacefestigkeit In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. - 41. 2010, 9, S. 744 - 755 ISBN: 0933-5137
Lorenz, Hagen; Freund, Michael; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn; Klüppel, Manfred (2010) Constitutive Generalization of a Microstructure-Based Model for Filled Elastomers In: Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. - 19. 2010 ISBN: 1521-3919
Kretzschmar, Jens; Stockmann, Martin; Schiller, Sven; Hellfritzsch, Udo (2010) Experimental – numerical method to determine the tool surface loads during the rolling process of gear wheels Proceedings of the 27th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Poland, Wroclaw, 22.09.2010-25.09.2010, 2 S. - Wroclaw : Wroclaw University of Technology, 2010 ISBN: 978-83-87982-59-1
Ihlemann, Jörn; Wulf, Hans (2010) Simulation der Zeitabhängigkeit von Selbstorganisationsprozessen in gefüllten Gummiwerkstoffen In: PAMM . - 10 . 2010 , 1 , S. 437 - 438 ISBN: 1617-7061
Schellenberg, Dirk; Kreißig, Reiner; Ihlemann, Jörn (2010) Optimierungsstrategien im Bereich der Formoptimierung bei Massivumformverfahren In: PAMM . - 10 . 2010 , 1 , S. 543 - 544 ISBN: 1617-7061
Freund, Michael; Lorenz, Hagen; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn; Klüppel, Manfred (2010) Finite element implementation of a microstructure-based model for filled elastomers In: International Journal of Plasticity . 2010, October (online), 18 S. ISBN: 0749-6419
Kreißig, Reiner; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Landgraf, Ralf (2010) A Material Model with Substructure for the Simulation of Incremental Forming Processes Modelling of incremental forming processes. Final Report of the DFG priority programme SPP 1146, 2003 – 2009. - Aachen : Shaker, 2010, S. 273 - 294 ISBN: 978-3-8322-9532-5
Kolmeder, Sebastian; Lion, Alexander; Landgraf, Ralf; Ihlemann, Jörn (2010) Constitutive modelling of curing phenomena of acrylic bone cementsand experimental identification ECCM 2010 IV, European Conference on Computational Mechanics Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010
Landgraf, Ralf; Kolmeder, Sebastian; Ihlemann, Jörn; Lion, Alexander (2010) Thermomechanical-chemical coupled, large deformation material model representing curing processes in acrylic bone cements: finite element implementation and simulation ECCM 2010 IV, European Conference on Computational Mechanics Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010
Shutov, Alexey; Ihlemann, Jörn; Kreißig, Reiner (2010) On the advantages of time stepping techniques preserving the inelastic incompressibility for large strain viscoplasticity ECCM 2010 IV, European Conference on Computational Mechanics Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, May 16-21, 2010, No. 1322. 2 S.
Freund, Michael; Lorenz, Hagen; Juhre, Daniel; Ihlemann, Jörn; Klüppel, Manfred (2010) Verallgemeinerung eines physikalisch basierten Elastomer-Stoffgesetzes für die Finite-Elemente-Methode Tagungsband / Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium 2010 : wissenschaftliche Fachtagung ; Hannover, 3. - 5. November 2010, S. 17-20. - Hannover : Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V., 2010 ISBN: 978-3-9814076-0-0
Alshuth, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn; Juhre, Daniel; Klauke, Reiner; Robin, Stefan (2010) Lebensdauerrelevante Belastungsprozesse und Materialstrukturen bei Elastomeren Tagungsband / Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium 2010 : wissenschaftliche Fachtagung ; Hannover, 3. - 5. November 2010, S. 137-140. - Hannover : Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V., 2010 ISBN: 978-3-9814076-0-0
Doniga-Crivat, Mircea; Ihlemann, Jörn; Juhre, Daniel (2010) Implementierung der SOLP-Theorie unter Berücksichtigung des Zerfalls chemischer und physikalischer Bindungen in Gummimaterialien Tagungsband / Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium 2010 : wissenschaftliche Fachtagung ; Hannover, 3. - 5. November 2010. S. 235-236. - Hannover : Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V., 2010 ISBN: 978-3-9814076-0-0
Dulas, Steffen; Ihlemann, Jörn (2010) Erweiterung des MORPH-Stoffgesetzes um die Nachbildung belastungsinduzierter Anisotropie Tagungsband / Kautschuk-Herbst-Kolloquium 2010 : wissenschaftliche Fachtagung ; Hannover, 3. - 5. November 2010. S. 237-239. - Hannover : Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V. , 2010 ISBN: 978-3-9814076-0-0
Mohamed, Ramy; Silbermann, Christian; Ahmari, Ali; Bohner, Marc; Becker, Stephan; Baroud, Gamal (2010) Cement filling control and bone marrow removal in vertebral body augmentation by unipedicular aspiration technique: an experimental study using leakage model In: Spine (Phila Pa 1976). - 35. 2010, 3, S. 353 - 360 0362-2436 Online ISSN: 1528-1159
Tran, Thanh Ngoc; Kreißig, Reiner; Staat, Manfred (2009) Probabilistic limit and shakedown analysis of thin plates and shells In: Structural Safety. - Volume 31. 2009, 1, S. 1 - 18 ISBN: 01674730
Shutov, Alexey V.; Kreißig, Reiner (2009) Numerical treatment of a finite strain viscoplasticity model based on a double multiplicative split In: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 8 (2008). 2009, 1, S. 10467 - 10468 ISBN: 1617-7061 (online)
Ihlemann, Jörn; Freund, Michael (2009) Effiziente FEM-Adaption des Konzepts repräsentativer Raumrichtungen In: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 8 (2008). 2009, 1, S. 10423 - 10424 ISBN: 1617-7061 (online)
Meyer, Lothar Werner; Kuprin, Corinna; Shutov, Alexey V. (2009) Experimental yield point determination in metals after large plastic strains 3rd Forming Technology Forum Zurich 2009 - Constitutive Modeling of Kinematic and Anisotropic Hardening Effects for Ductile Materials, 5.-6. Mai 2009, Rüschlikon (Zürich), S. 71-76, 2009 ISBN: 978-3-909386-93-2
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kaiser, Sonja; Bucher, Anke; Kreißig, Reiner (2009) Ein Beitrag zur gemischten Finite-Elemente-Formulierung der Theorie gesättigter poröser Medien bei großen Verzerrungen Chemnitz : Techn. Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, 2009, S. 1 - 72. - Chemnitz Scientific Computing Preprints ; 09-02 ISBN: 1864-0087
Kittner, Kai; Awiszus, Birgit; Lehmann, Thomas; Stockmann, Martin; Naumann, Jochen (2009) Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Herstellung von stranggepressten Aluminium/Magnesium-Werkstoffverbunden und zur Festigkeit des Interface In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. - 40. 2009, 7, S. 532 - 539 ISBN: 0933-5137 (print), 1521-4052 (online)
Shutov, Alexey V.; Kreißig, Reiner (2009) Geometric integrators for multiplicative viscoplasticity: analysis of error accumulation arXiv-Preprint. - Ithaca, New York, USA : arXiv, Cornell Univ., 2009, S. 1 - 23
Shutov, Alexey; Hockauf, Kristin; Halle, Thorsten; Kreißig, Reiner; Meyer, Lothar Werner (2009) Experimentelle und phänomenologische Beschreibung des mechanischen Verhaltens der Aluminiumlegierung EN AW-7075 nach großer plastischer Vorverformung In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik. - 40. 2009, 7, S. 551 - 558 ISBN: 0933-5137 (print), 1521-4052 (online)
Lehmann, Thomas; Stockmann, Martin; Naumann, Jochen (2009) Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Al/Mg Compound Specimens under Load in an Extended Temperature Range In: FME Transactions. - 37. 2009, 1, S. 1 - 8 ISBN: 1451-2092
Ihlemann, Jörn; Freund, Michael (2009) FE-Implementation of the Concept of Representative Directions Constitutive Models for Rubber VI: proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Dresden, Germany, 7 -10 September 2009. S. 21 - 26. - Leiden [u.a.] : CRC Press, 2009 ISBN: 978-0-415-56327-7
Ihlemann, Jörn; Alshuth, Thomas; Klauke, Reiner S. (2009) Lifetime investigation of rubber components under continuously altering loading directions Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Plasticity "Macro- to Nano-scale Inelastic Behavior of Materials: Plasticity, Fatigue and Fracture", 03.-08.01.2009 in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, S. 19 - 21. - Fulton, Md. : NEAT Press, 2009 ISBN: 0-9659463-9-8
Klauke, Reiner S.; Alshuth, Thomas; Ihlemann, Jörn (2009) Lifetime prediction of rubber products under simple-shear loads with rotary axes Constitutive models for rubber VI : proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Dresden, Germany, 7 -10 September 2009. S. 235 - 240. - Leiden [u.a.] : CRC Press, 2009 ISBN: 978-0-415-56327-7
Neugebauer, Reinhard R.; Kreißig, Reiner; Lachmann, L.; Lieber, T.; Meinel, S.; Müller, R. (2008) Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zu MFC-Metall-Schichtverbunden Tagungsband des 1. Wissenschaftlichen Symposiums : 14. November 2007, [Chemnitz] / SFB Transregio 39 - PT-PIESA ISBN: 978-3-00-023339-5
Tran, Thanh Ngoc; Kreißig, Reiner; Staat, Manfred (2008) Load Bearing Capacity of Thin Shell Structures Made of Elastoplastic Material by Direct Methods In: Technische Mechanik : wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift für Grundlagen und Anwendungen der technischen Mechanik. - 28. 2008, 3-4, S. 299 - 309 ISBN: 0232-3869
Tran, Thanh Ngoc; Kreißig, Reiner; Vu, Duc Khôi; Staat, Manfred (2008) Upper bound limit and shakedown analysis of shells using the exact Ilyushin yield surface In: Computers and Structures. - 86. 2008, 17-18, S. 1683 - 1695 ISBN: 0045-7949
Shutov, Alexey V.; Kreißig, Reiner (2008) Finite strain viscoplasticity with nonlinear kinematic hardening: Phenomenological modeling and time integration In: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. - 197. 2008, 21-24, S. 2015 - 2029 ISBN: 0045-7825
Lion, Alexander; Yagimli, Bülent; Baroud, Gamal; Görke, Uwe-Jens (2008) Constitutive modelling of PMMA-based bone cement: A functional model of viscoelasticity and its approximation for time domain investigations In: Archives of Mechanics. - 60. 2008, 3, S. 221 - 242 ISBN: 0373-2029
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Bucher, Anke; Kreißig, Reiner (2008) Ein numerischer Vergleich alternativer Formulierungen des Materialmodells der anisotropen Elastoplastizität bei großen Verzerrungen Chemnitz Scientific Computing Preprints. - Chemnitz : Techn. Univ., Fakultät für Mathematik, 2008, S. 1 - 60. - Chemnitz Scientific Computing Preprints ; 08-04 ISBN: 1864-0087
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Landgraf, Ralf; Kreißig, Reiner (2008) Thermodynamisch konsistente Formulierung des gekoppelten Systems der Thermoelastoplastizität bei großen Verzerrungen auf der Basis eines Substrukturkonzepts Chemnitz : Techn. Univ., Fakultät für Mathematik, 2008, S. 1 - 60. - Chemnitz Scientific Computing Preprints ; 08-05 ISBN: 1864-0087
Shutov, Alexey V.; Kreißig, Reiner (2008) Application of a coordinate-free tensor formalism to the numerical implementation of a material model In: ZAMM - Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - 8. 2008, 11, S. 888 - 909 ISBN: 0044-2267, 1521-4001
Stockmann, Martin; Naumann, Jochen; Schumann, J.; Mönch, I. (2008) Differential Strain Gauge: A Sensor Device for Macro- and Microsystems In: Strain. - Published Online: 30 Dec 2008. 2008, S. 1 - 9 ISBN: 0039-2103
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Bucher, Anke; Kreißig, Reiner (2007) Zur Numerik der inversen Aufgabe für gemischte (u/p) Formulierungen am Beispiel der nahezu inkompressiblen Elastizität bei großen Verzerrungen Preprint Chemnitz Scientific Computing 07-07 (Oktober 2007). - Chemnitz : TU Chemnitz, Fakultät Mathematik, 2007, S. 1 - 52 ISSN 1864-0087
Bucher, Anke; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Steinhorst, Peter; Kreißig, Reiner; Meyer, Arnd (2007) Ein Beitrag zur adaptiven gemischten Finite-Element-Formulierung der nahezu inkompressiblen Elastizität bei großen Verzerrungen Preprint Chemnitz Scientific Computing 07-06 (September 2007). - Chemnitz : TU Chemnitz, Fakultät Mathematik, 2007, S. 1 - 33 ISSN 1864-0087
Schellenberg, Dirk; Lindner, Mario; Kreißig, Reiner (2007) Nonlinear Optimization in Context with Parameter Identification and Shape Optimization Forming Technology Forum 07. Application Stochastics and Optimization Methodes. Proceedings ETH Zürich. - Zürich : ETH Zürich, 2007, S. 55 - 60 ISBN 978-3-033-01150-2
Kreißig, Reiner; Benedix, Uwe; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Lindner, Mario (2007) Identifikation and estimation of constitutive parameters for material laws in elastoplasticity In: GAMM-Mitteilungen. - 30. 2007, 2, S. 458 - 480 ISSN 0936-7195
Meinel, Stefan; Kreißig, Reiner; Ansorge, Hartmut (2007) Aspekte der Beschreibung der Fließspannung bei der numerischen Simulation zyklischer Umformvorgänge In: Forschung im Ingenieurwesen. - 71. 2007, S. 9 - 20 ISSN 0015-7899
Bucher, Anke; Meyer, Arnd; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (2007) A Comparison of Mapping Algorithms for Hierarchical Adaptive FEM in Finite Elasto-Plasticity. In: Computitional Mechanics. - 39. 2007, 4, S. 521 - 536 ISSN 0178-7675
Bucher, Anke; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner; Meyer, Arnd (2007) A contribution to the solution of inverse problems for mixed (u/p) formulations at large strains EUROMECH Colloquium 489, Modelling Multiphase Materials, Book of Abstracts. - Göteborg, Sweden : Department of Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, 2007, S. 15 - 17 ISSN 1652-8549
Nagel, Thomas; Müller, Sascha; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Muehlmann, Carole; Wimmer, Markus (2007) Depth dependent strain analysis of articular cartilage under impaction loading ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Proceedings SBC2007. - New York : Americamn Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007, S. 1 - 2 ISBN 0791838021
Ahmadi, Hamid R.; Ihlemann, Jörn; Muhr, Alan H. (2007) Time-dependent effects in dynamic tests of filled rubber Constitutive Models for Rubber V, ECCMR 2007, Fifth European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Paris, 4-7 September 2007, S. 305 - 310 ISBN: 978-0-415-45442-1 ; 0415454425
Hohl, Carsten; Ihlemann, Jörn (2007) Determination of material parameters on the basis of inhomogeneous tests Constitutive Models for Rubber V, ECCMR 2007, Fifth European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Paris, 4-7 September 2007, S. 73 - 78 ISBN: 978-0-415-45442-1 ; 0415454425
Ihlemann, Jörn (2007) Generalization of one-dimensional constitutive models with the concept of representative directions Constitutive Models for Rubber V, ECCMR 2007, Fifth European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, Paris, 4-7 September 2007, S. 29 - 34 ISBN: 978-0-415-45442-1 ; 0415454425
Awiszus, Birgit; Naumann, Jochen; Stockmann, Martin; Kittner, Kai; Lehmann, Thomas (2007) Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Grenzschicht von Al/Mg-Werkstoffverbunden Tagungsband zum 1. Kolloquium SFB 692 - HALS : Hochfeste Aluminiumbasierte Leichtbauwerkstoffe für Sicherheitsbauteile. - Chemnitz : Eigenverlag, 2007, S. 55 - 64. - Band 25. - Schriftenreihe - Werkstoffe und werkstofftechnische Anwendungen ISBN: 978-3-00-021910-8
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Müller, Sascha; Kreißig, Reiner; Günther, Hubert; Wimmer, Markus A. (2007) Experimental-numerical studies of impaction loading of osteochondral grafts Proceedings of the 2nd GAMM Seminar on Continuum Biomechanics : Seminar on Continuum Biomechanics <2, 2006, Freudenstadt>. - Essen : VGE Verlag, 2007, S. 21 - 32. - Report No.: II-16, Institute of Applied Mechanics, Chair II, Universität Stuttgart ISBN: 978-3-937399-16-X
Niemz, Peter; Schreiber, Julia; Naumann, Jochen; Stockmann, Martin (2007) Experimentelle Ermittlung der Dehnungen im Probenquerschnitt bei Biegebelastung von Holzpartikelwerkstoffen In: Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff. - 65. 2007, 6, S. 459 - 468 ISBN: 0018-3768 (Print) 1436-736X (Online)
Alshuth, Thomas; Hohl, Carsten; Ihlemann, Jörn (2007) Vergleichende Messungen und Simulationen annähernd homogener Belastungsverteilungen In: PAMM - Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. - 7. 2007, 1, S. 4060053 - 4060054 ISBN: 1617-7061
Winkler, Johannes (†); Aurich, Horst (†); Laßmann, Joachim; Rockhausen, Ludwig (2006) Taschenbuch der Technischen Mechanik : Lehrbuch 8., neu bearbeitete Auflage. - Leipzig : Fachbuchverlag (im Carl Hanser Verlag), 2006. - 544 S. ISBN: 3-446-22870-5, 978-3-446-22870-2
Kreißig, Reiner; Benedix, Ulrich (2002) Höhere Technische Mechanik : Lehr- und Übungsbuch 1. - Berlin : Springer, 2002. - 177 S. ISBN: 3-211-83813-9
Kreißig, Reiner (1992) Einführung in die Plastizitätstheorie : mit technischen Anwendungen Leipzig [u.a.] : Fachbuchverlag, 1992. - 321 S. ISBN: 3-343-00790-0
Kreißig, Reiner (1992) Einführung in die Plastizitätstheorie 3., durchgesehene Aufl. - Leipzig : Fachbuchverlag, 1992. - Lehrbuch Höhere Festigkeitslehre; Band 2 ISBN: 3-343-00805-2
Kreißig, Reiner; Drey, Klaus-Dieter; Naumann, Jochen (1980) Methoden der Plastizität : Anwendung auf Umformprobleme München, Leipzig : Hanser Fachbuchverlag, 1980. - 204 S. ISBN: 3446131485, 9783446131484
Kreißig, Reiner; Bucher, Anke; Görke, Uwe-Jens (2006) Hierarchical Adaptive FEM at Finite Elastoplastic Deformations Parallel Algorithms and Cluster Computing. - Berlin : Springer, 2006, S. 105 - 127. - Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering ; 52, Part II ISBN: 1439-7358, 978-3-540-33539-9, 978-3-540-33541-2
Shutov, Alexey V.; Altenbach, A.; Naumenko, K. (2006) Steady-state creep analysis of pressurized pipe weldments by perturbation method In: International Journal of Solids and Structures. - 43. 2006, 22 - 23, S. 6908 - 6920 ISBN: 0020-7683
Panhans, Sonja; Kreißig, Reiner (2006) A viscoplastic material model of overstress type with a non-quadratic yield function In: European Journal of Mechanics - A, Solids. - 25. 2006, 2, S. 283 - 298 ISBN: 0997-7538
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Bucher, Anke; Kreißig, Reiner (2006) A study on kinematic hardening models for the simulation of cyclic loading in finite elasto-plasticity based on a substructure approach Computational Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications : Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Plasticity held in Barcelona, Spain, 5th - 7th September 2005. Pt. 2. - Barcelona : International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2006, S. 723 - 726 ISBN: 84-95999-79-X
Bucher, Anke; Meyer, Arnd; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (2005) A comparison of mapping algorithms in hierarchical adaptive nonlinear FEM Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2005 : Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, Barcelona, Spain, 8th-10th September 2005. - Barcelona : CIMNE, 2005, S. 62 - 65 ISBN: 84-95999-81-1
Bucher, Anke; Meyer, Arnd; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (2004) Entwicklung von adaptiven Algorithmen für nichtlineare FEM Chemnitz : TU Chemnitz, 2004, S. 1 - 38. - Preprintreihe des Chemnitzer SFB 393, 04-03 ISBN: 1619-7178 (Print), 1619-7186 (Internet)
Ihlemann, Jörn (2005) Richtungsabhängigkeiten beim Mullins-Effekt In: KGK. Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe. - 58. 2005, 9, S. 438 - 447 ISBN: 0948-3276
Ihlemann, Jörn (2006) Description of industrially used rubber materials within the finite element method In: OBERWOLFACH REPORTS (WORKSHOP. Mechanics of materials ; (Oberwolfach, Germany) : 2006.01, Organized by: Reinhold Kienzler, David L. McDowell and Ewald A. Werner). - 3. 2006, 1, S. 217 - 219 ISBN: 1660-8933
Besdo, D.; Hohl, C.; Ihlemann, Jörn (2005) ABAQUS implementation and simulation results of the MORPH constitutive model Constitutive models for rubber IV : proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR 2005, Stockholm, Sweden, 27 - 29 June 2005. - 1. - Leiden [u.a.] : Balkema, 2005, S. 223 - 228 ISBN: 0-415-38346-3
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Günther, H.; Kreißig, Reiner (2005) Numerical studies on the mechanical behavior of native soft tissue and engineered constructs with special attention to the simulation of remodeling processes In: The international journal of artificial organs. - 28. 2005, 4, S. 302 - 303 ISBN: 0391-3988
Bucher, Anke; Meyer, Arnd; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (2005) A contribution to error estimation and mapping algorithms for a hierarchical adaptive FE-strategy in finite elastoplasticity In: Computational Mechanics. - 36. 2005, 3, S. 182 - 195 ISBN: 0178-7675 (Print), 1432-0924 (Online)
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Bucher, Anke; Kreißig, Reiner (2006) Parameter identification for an anisotropic elasto-plastic material model based on a substructure approach considering finite deformations Anisotropy, texture, dislocations and multiscale modeling in finite plasticity & viscoplasticity, and metal forming ; the 12th International Symposium on Plasticity & its Current Applications : Halifax, NS, Canada, July 17 - 22, 2006. - Fulton, Md. : NEAT Press, 2006. - S. 544 - 546 ISBN: 0-9659463-6-3
Bucher, Anke; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (2006) A numerical algorithm for the computation of the plastic spin within the context of an elasto-plastic substructure model Anisotropy, texture, dislocations and multiscale modeling in finite plasticity & viscoplasticity, and metal forming ; the 12th International Symposium on Plasticity & its Current Applications : Halifax, NS, Canada, July 17 - 22, 2006. - Fulton, Md. : NEAT Press, 2006. - S. 529 - 531 ISBN: 0-9659463-6-3
Bucher, Anke; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (2005) A study on a posteriori error estimation in finite elasto-plasticity Dislocations, plasticity, damage and metal forming : material response and multiscale modeling ; proceedings of Plasticity '05, the Eleventh International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications ; 11 : (Kauai, Hawaii), 2005.01.03-08. - Fulton, Md. : NEAT Press, 2005 ISBN: 0-9659463-5-5
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Bucher, Anke; Kreißig, Reiner (2005) Prediction of cyclic loading stress response based on a nonlinear elasto-plastic finite element approach including the substructure concept Dislocations, plasticity, damage and metal forming : material response and multiscale modeling ; proceedings of Plasticity '05, the Eleventh International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications ; 11 : (Kauai, Hawaii), 2005.01.03-08. - Fulton, Md. : NEAT Press, 2005. - S. 37 - 39 ISBN: 0-9659463-5-5
Meinel, Stefan; Ansorge, Hartmut; Kreißig, Reiner (2004) FE-Simulation of a cyclic Metal Forming Process Cairo, Egypt : MDP Cairo University, 2004. - Current Advances in Mechanical Design and Production VIII, Proceedings of The 8th International Conference of Design and Production (MDP-8), Cairo, Egypt, 2-6 January 2004. - S. 579 - 589 ISBN: 1366-0950
Bucher, Anke (2001) Deformationsgesetze für große elastisch-plastische Verzerrungen unter Berücksichtigung einer Substruktur Berichte des Instituts für Mechanik , Bericht 4/2001
Bucher, Anke; Meyer, Arnd; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (2004) About a nodal based transfer algorithm and error estimators in nonlinear adaptive FEM ECCOMAS 2004, 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, July 24–28 (2004), Jyväskylä, Finland, Vol. 1, 16 S. - Jyväskylä : Univ. of Jyväykylä, Dep. of Mathematical Information Technology, 2004
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Bucher, Anke; Kreißig, Reiner (2004) Numerical Simulation of Cyclic Loading in Finite Elasto-plasticity Based on a Substructure Model ECCOMAS 2004, 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, July 24–28 (2004), Jyväskylä, Finland, Vol. 1, 20 S. - Jyväskylä : Univ. of Jyväykylä, Dep. of Mathematical Information Technology, 2004
Kreißig, Reiner; Meinel, Stefan; Ansorge, Hartmut (2004) Numerische Simulation inkrementeller Umformverfahren Sonderforschungsbereich 283 "Prozessketten der Massivumformung unter Aspekten der Produktivität und Umweltverträglichkeit" : Abschlussbericht / Sonderforschungsbereich 283. - Chemnitz : Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2004, S. 263 - 294 ISBN: 3-00-014235-5
Kreißig, Reiner; Panhans, Sonja (2004) Identifikation der Parameter visko-plastischer Materialmodelle durch Auswertung von Experimenten mit mehrachsiger Beanspruchung Sonderforschungsbereich 283 "Prozessketten der Massivumformung unter Aspekten der Produktivität und Umweltverträglichkeit" : Abschlussbericht / Sonderforschungsbereich 283. - Chemnitz : Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2004, S. 335 - 351 ISBN: 3-00-014235-5
Kreißig, Reiner; Lindner, Mario (2004) Determination of the plastic anisotropy of metals by indentation tests - Part B: Hill’s modified theory for finite deformations and its implementation into the FEM-research-program SPC-PM2AdNI Proceedings of the 4th ICFG Workshop on Process Simulation, Shanghai, 2004, S. 10-16 , 2004
Kadashevic, Ilja; Pomytkin, S.P. (2004) Analyz endochronnyh variantov teorii plasticnosti dla konecnyh deformacij Nelinejnye problemy mechaniki i fiziki deformiruemogo tverdogo tela : sbornik trudov naucnoj skoly akademika V. V. Novozilova. - Sankt-Peterburg : Sankt-Peterburgskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet, 2004, S. 32 - 42 ISBN: 5-98340-021-5
Kadashevic, Ilja; Kreißig, Reiner (2000) Description of cyclic torsion on the basis of the multi-surface model with cross links Nelinejnye problemy mechaniki i fiziki deformiruemogo tverdogo tela : sbornik trudov naucnoj skoly akademika V. V. Novozilova. - Sankt-Peterburg : Sankt-Peterburgskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet, 2000, S. 248 - 255 ISBN: 5-7997-0265-4
Bucher, Anke; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (2004) A material model for finite elasto-plastic deformations considering a substructure In: International Journal of Plasticity. - 20. 2004, 4-5, S. 619 - 642 ISBN: 0749-6419 , 1879-2154 (online)
Panhans, Sonja; Kreißig, Reiner; Meinel, Stefan (2004) Identifikation der Materialparameter eines viskoplastischen Materialmodells vom Überspannungstyp für den Einsatzstahl 20MoCrS4 In: Technische Mechanik. - 24. 2004, 2, S. 105 - 115 ISBN: 0232-3869
Bucher, Anke; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (2001) Development of a generalized material interface for the simulation of finite elasto-plastic deformations In: International Journal of Solids and Structures. - 38. 2001, 52, S. 9423 - 9436 ISBN: 0020-7683
Michel, R.; Kreißig, Reiner; Ansorge, Hartmut (2003) Thermomechanical finite element analysis (FEA) of spin extrusion In: Forschung im Ingenieurwesen. - 68. 2003, 1, S. 19 - 24 ISBN: 0015-7899 (Print) , 1434-0860 (Online)
Ansorge, Hartmut; Kreißig, Reiner; Meinel, Stefan; Panhans, Sonja (2002) Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Simulation partieller Umformverfahren Innovation in der Umformtechnik. Tagungsband des wissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums, 27. September 2002. Chemnitz. S. 67 - 85. - Chemnitz : SFB 283, 2002 ISBN: 3-00-009969-7
Bucher, Anke; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (2003) An Efficient Algorithm for the Integration of the Initial Value Problem in Anisotropic Finite Elasto-Plasticity Considering a Substructure Dislocations. Plasticity on metal forming. proceedings of Plasticity '03, the Tenth International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications, 10 (Quebec) : 2003.07.07-11. - S. 346-348. - Fulton, Md. : NEAT Press, 2003 ISBN: 0-9659463-4-7
Benedix, Ulrich; Kreißig, Reiner (1998) Parameteridentifikation elastisch-plastischer Deformationsgesetze unter Einbeziehung lokaler und integraler Vergleichsgrößen In: ZAMM - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - 78. 1998, 1 (Supplement), S273 - S274 ISBN: 0044-2267
Kadaschewitsch, I. (Kadashevic, I.) (2001) Modellierung der zyklischen elastisch-plastischen Torsion auf der Grundlage einer Mehrflächentheorie mit kinematischen Bindungen Beiträge zur Modellierung und Identifikation : 3. Workshop der Graduiertenkollegs Identifikation von Material- und Systemeigenschaften. - Kassel : Univ.-Bibliothek Kassel, 2001, S. 79 - 88. - Berichte des Instituts für Mechanik ; 2001,1 ISBN: 3-89792-047-6
Bucher, Anke (2001) Realisierung eines allgemeinen Materialteils für ein „paralleles“ FEM-Programm zur Berechnung großer elastisch-plastischer Deformationen Beiträge zur Modellierung und Identifikation : 3. Workshop der Graduiertenkollegs Identifikation von Material- und Systemeigenschaften. - Kassel : Univ.-Bibliothek Kassel, 2001, S. 129 - 142. - Berichte des Instituts für Mechanik ; 2001,1 ISBN: 3-89792-047-6
Kreißig, Reiner; Benedix, Ulrich; Görke, Uwe-Jens (2001) Statistical aspects of the identification for elasto-plastic models In: Archive of Applied Mechanics (Ingenieur Archiv). - 71. 2001, 2-3, S. 123 - 134 ISBN: 0939-1533 (Print) , 1432-0681 (Online)
Kreißig, Reiner; Grewolls, Gerald (2001) Anisotropic hardening – numerical application of a cubic yield theory and consideration of variable r-values for sheet metal In: European Journal of Mechanics - A - Solids. - 20. 2001, 4, S. 585 - 599 ISBN: 0997-7538
Bucher, Anke; Görke-Uwe; Kreißig, Reiner (2001) Ein Beitrag zur Materialparameteridentifikation bei finiten elastisch-plastischen Verzerrungen durch Analyse inhomogener Verschiebungsfelder mit Hilfe der FEM Chemnitz : Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2001. - Technische Universität Chemnitz, SFB 393 (Germany), SFB393-Preprint 3, 2001
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Bucher, Anke; Kreißig, Reiner; Michael, D. (2000) Ein Beitrag zur Lösung von Anfangs-Randwert-Problemen einschließlich der Materialmodellierung bei finiten elastisch-plastischen Verzerrungen mit Hilfe der FEM Technische Universität Chemnitz, SFB 393 (Germany). SFB393-Preprint 2000-09. - Chemnitz : Technische Universität Chemnitz, 2000
Görke, Uwe-Jens; Benedix, Ulrich; Kreißig, Reiner; Krezschmar, S. (1999) Parameteridentifikation elastisch-plastischer Deformationsgesetze durch Auswertung inhomogener Verschiebungsfelder In: ZAMM - Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - 79. 1999, 2 (Supplement), S449 - S450 ISBN: 0044-2267
Kretzschmar, S.; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner (1998) Identifikation von Materialparametern durch Auswertung inhomogener Verschiebungsfelder In: ZAMM - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - 78. 1998, 2 (Supplement), S559 - S560 ISBN: 0044-2267
Flöck, Thomas; Kreißig, Reiner (1998) Identifikation von Materialparametern mittels Multiplikatormethoden unter Berücksichtigung der Meßfehler In: ZAMM - Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematikund Mechanik. - 78. 1998, 1 (Supplement), S381 - S382 ISBN: 0044-2267
Grewolls, Gerald; Kreißig, Reiner (1998) Anisotrope plastische Verfestigung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verhältnisse an gewalzten Blechen In: ZAMM - Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematikund Mechanik. - 78. 1998, 1 (Supplement), S415 - S416 ISBN: 0044-2267
Kreißig, Reiner (1998) Numerische Methoden für die Parameteridentifikation In: ZAMM - Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematikund Mechanik. - 78. 1998, 2 (Supplement), S555 - S558 ISBN: 0044-2267
Kreißig, Reiner (1998) Auswertung inhomogener Verschiebungsfelder zur Identifikation der Parameter elastisch-plastischer Deformationsgesetze In: Forschung im Ingenieurwesen. - 64. 1998, 4-5, S. 99 - 109 ISBN: 0015-7899 (Print) 1434-0860 (Online)
Baroud, Gamal; Willmann, Gerd; Kreißig, Reiner (1998) Der Einfluß der Prothesenbeschichtung und die postoperativen Beanspruchungsverhältnisse des Femur In: Biomedizinische Technik. - 43. 1998, 1-2, S. 25 - 28 ISBN: 0013-5585
Kreißig, Reiner; Naumann. Jochen; Benedix, Ulrich; Bormann, Petra; Grewolls, Gerald; Kretzschmar, S. (2001) Parameter Identification of Inelastic Deformation Laws Analyzing Inhomogeneous Stress-Strain States Plasticity of metals : experiments, models, computation ; final report of the Collaborative Research Centre 319, "Stoffgesetze für das Inelastische Verhalten Metallischer Werkstoffe - Entwicklung und. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2001, S. 149 - 173 ISBN: 3-527-27728-5
Benedix, Ulrich; Görke, Uwe-Jens; Kreißig, Reiner; Kretzschmar, S. (1998) Local and global analysis of inhomogeneous displacement fields for the identification of material parameters Computer methods in composite materials VI / CADCOMP 98, [the Sixth International Conference on Computer Methods in Composite Materials], Montreal, S. 159 - 168. - Southampton : Computational Mechanics, 1998. - Structures and materials ; 3 ISBN: 1-85312-582-2
Brämer, Klaus; Chudoba, Thomas; Hermann, Ilja (2000) Some remarks about indentation tests with spherical indenters Proc. of 3rd Intern. Conf. and Poster Exhibition Micro Materials 2000, 17. - 19. 4. 2000 Berlin, S. 722-725 ISBN 3-932434-15-3