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Professorship Forming Technology
Student works

Student works


The scientific topics published on the website of the professorship are suitable for a multitude of different study programmes at the TU Chemnitz and are adapted accordingly to the requirements of your study programme:

  • Study, project, bachelor, master and diploma theses
  • Case studies, laboratory placements or other scientific projects

The support is provided by employees of the Chair of Forming, Forming and Joining.

For general inquiries please contact us:

Scientific subject Field Supervisor / Contact person
Technology for automated sea container production


Dr.-Ing. Peter Kaufmann
(ISE Institut für Strukturleichtbau und Energieeffizienz gGmbH Chemnitz)
Comparison of possible plant concepts for the production of short and continuous fibre-reinforced thermoplastic pipes and their further processing using hydroforming injection moulding
Dipl.-Ing. André Albert (Fraunhofer IWU) Email: andre.albert@iwu.fraunhofer.de
phone: +49 371 5397-1127




Notes and templates

for the creation of scientific papers

Students, who need these documents for their scientific work and do not belong to the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering or Economics, please contact their respective supervisor for download.


  • Diploma and Master degree in Mechanical Engineering: Anmeldung erforderlich presentation PDF dokument  the course of the diploma thesis (equivalent for master theses)
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering: Anmeldung erforderlich presentation PDF dokument  on the course of the student research project and the bachelor thesis:
  • Guidelines PDF dokument for writing create scientific papers
  • Angabe der Literatur PDF dokument in scientific work
