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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering

Universal X-ray diffractometer D5000 (Siemens)

  • Horizontal four-axis goniometer with open Euler cradle
  • arbitrary XYZ sample positioning X = ±30 mm, Y = ±25 mm, Z ≤ 12 mm


Technical details:


  • 0° ≤ φ ≤ 360° (minimum step size φ = 0.01°)


  • -65° ≤ ψ ≤ +91° (minimum step size ψ = 0.01°)

Primary beam path: 

  • X-ray tube with co-anode and 1 mm 2 -point focus
  • Fe absorption filter
  • Collimator
  • Circular aperture
  • Irradiated surface Ø 2 mm

Secondary beam path:  

  • Counting tube cover
  • Scintillation counter tube

Angle range:          

  • -100° ≤ 2 θ ≤ 170°

Sample request:

  • crystalline (compact, powdery)

Surface condition:

  • just


  • typically approx. 2 cm × 2 cm × 1 cm

Software package:

  • Diffrac plus (BRUKER AXS) with various evaluation modules

Phase analysis:


  • EVA with PDF-2 database
  • TOPAS with structural data files

Residual stress determination:


Texture analysis:

  • TexEval