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Professorship Vehicle System Design
Hydropulse test bench

Hydropulse test bench


Test bench primarily for measuring/characterizing vehicle body vibration dampers (shock absorbers), springs, chassis components, etc.

Measuring/characterizing of other componentes that are subject to static/dynaimc loads also possible.

System parameters (selection):

  • max. Force (static): +- 55 kN (decreases in dynamic tests with increasing test speed/acceleration)
  • amplitude: +- 150 mm (decreases with increasing frequency, up to 4 Hz full stroke possible, at 80 Hz at least 1 mm)
  • frequency: 0 - 100 Hz (100 - 200 Hz possible with restrictions in signal quality)
  • max. Speed ​​(loadfree): 3.4 m/s (decreases with increasing load)
  • working pressure: 280 bar

Dimensions of possible test objects:

  • length: up to 1460 mm
  • width: up to 820 mm
  • depth: up to 2000 mm
  • weight: up to 500 kg


  • static loads
  • quasi-static loads (low speeds, e.g. for friction tests on dampers)
  • cyclic/dynamic loads (sequences of sine, triangle, square wave signals of specified number of periods/frequency/amplitude/speed etc.)
  • standard programms according to specifications (e.g. VDA damper test)
  • follow-up programs of real measured loads from driving tests




Location: Halle G



Georg Prochatzki, M. Sc.

+49 371 531 38402
+49 371 531 838402
Office hours: