Dr Paul Onanuga 09107 Chemnitz, Reichenhainer Str. 39, Zi. 228
Paul Ayodele Onanuga is a lecturer in the Department of English and Literary Studies, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. He received his Ph.D. from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, where he researched on Computer-Mediated Communication. His research interests have since revolved around Computer Mediated Communication/Discourse Analysis, Nigerian Hip-Hop Studies, Political Discourse and Text Analysis. These are studied through theoretical applications of Critical Discourse Analysis, Stylistics and text linguistics. His articles have been published in Digital Scholarship in Humanities, Language Matters, Discourse, Context and the Media, Communicatio, Journal of Literary Studies, Muziki, Communicatio, Journal of Musical Arts in Africa, The African Symposium, Papers in English Linguistics, Journal of Black African Arts and Culture, etc. He is currently a guest editor for a special issue of Nigerian Hip-Hop with the Contemporary Music Review. He is presently a Georg Forster Postdoctoral Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Technische Universitat Chemnitz, under the mentoring of Prof. Dr. Josef Schmied.
Short curriculum vitae
(Please view a more detailed Paul Onanuga’s CV here.)
Research interests
I am interested in the application of critical discourse analytic and text linguistic theories to a wide range of discourse materials and contexts, most notably Computer-Mediated Communication, Nigerian Hip-Hop and political discourse. I must reiterate that contemporaneity is one of the strong and compelling influences on my research interests.
- Webkonferenz "Africa knows", 2 December, 2020 - 28 February, 2021: "Blame Colonialism?“ or „Blame the Government?”: Identity Construction and Ideological Framing in Homosexuality Narratives on Nigerian Twitter
Journal Publications
- Transnationalizing Humour on Social Media: Ideology, Identity and Didactics in Robert Mugabe Quotes Memes. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.
- Proverbs, Power and Politics: A Linguistic Analysis of Osofisan’s Yungba-Yungba and the Dance Contest. Language Matters.
- Gbadegesin, V.O. and Onanuga, P.A. Ideology and the Presentation of 'self' in Political Campaign Videos of the 2015 General Election in Nigeria. Accepted at: Discourse, Context and Media.
- 2018: A Linguistic Analysis of Language and Violence in Online Newspaper Reports of the April 2015 South African Xenophobic Attacks. Accepted at: Ife Journal of Humanities and Social Studies (IJOHUSS).
- 2018: A Multimodal Interaction Analysis of Select 2015 Nigerian Election Campaign Adverts. Communicatio. https://doi.org/10.1080/02500167.2018.1464042
- 2018: Leveraging the Airwaves: Harvesting Ingenuity in Nigerian Hip Hop’s Lyrics. Accepted at: Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa.
- 2018: Exploring Post-Colonial Leadership Crisis in Africa: A Literary Stylistic Analysis of Osundare’s The State Visit and Two Plays. Journal of Literary Studies 34: 1, 133-149. https://doi.org/10.1080/02564718.2018.1447875
- 2017: Of Commodities and Objects: Women and their Representations in Nigerian Hip-hop. Muziki: Journal of Music Research in Africa: 14: 2, 81 - 108. https://doi.org/10.1080/18125980.2017.1393319
- 2017: Language Use in Nigerian Spam SMSs: A Linguistic Stylistic Analysis. Language Matters, UNISA. 1 – 26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10228195.2017.1337805
- 2017: Power and Personality on the Internet: A Multimodal Analysis of Online Memetic Representations of Goodluck Jonathan. The African Symposium, 16: 1, 21 - 48. www.tas.africanresearch.org
- 2017: Nigerian Hip-hop, Youth Subculture and the Facets of Development in Select Contemporary Popular Music. Accepted at: Oye Journal of Language, Literature and Popular Culture, Volume 1, 1.
- 2016: Mediating the Nigerian Niger-Delta Conundrum: A Discourse Analytical Reading of Saro-Wiwa’s ‘Final Statement’. Papers in English Linguistics (PEL), Obafemi Awolowo University, 17: 3 & 4, 284-299.
- 2012: ‘“Facebook Love” on Online Social Networking Platforms: An Analysis of the Linguistic Expression and Portrayal of Love in a Selected Nigerian Hip-Hop Track’. In International Journal of Linguistics, 4: 1, 1-15. doi:10.5296/ijl.v4i1.1121.
- 2011: Preservation of Culture: Yoruba Folktales to the Rescue? In the Journal of Black and African Arts and Civilization, 5, 1: 145-158.
Publications in Books
- 2016: ‘I Stalk You Everywhere’: A Linguistic Stylistic Analysis of Nigerian Spam SMS. In Language, Context and Society: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Wale Adegbite. 333-345. Ile-Ife: OAU Press.
- with Babalula, E.T. (2015): Finding their Feet: Digital Immigrants in a ‘Natives’ Generation’ - Contrasting the Use of SMS and IM in Everyday Communication. In The Discourse of Digital Civic Engagement: Perspectives from the Developing World. 117-132. Taiwo, R. and Opeibi, T. (Eds.) IGI Global Publishing Company, Hershey, New York, USA.
- with Ademilokun, M. (2014): A Multimodal Analysis of Selected Graphic Protestations on Oil Subsidy Removal in Nigeria. In Current Linguistic and Literary Issues in Digital Communication in the Globalised Age. 270-303. Eds. Adekoya, S., Taiwo, R., Ayoola, K. and Adegoju, A. Ile-Ife: OAU Press.
- with Babalula, E.T. (2012): Religious Allusions in Selected Nigerian Hip-hop Lyrics. In Critical Perspectives on Language, Literature and Communication Studies: Feschrift in Honour of Professor Siyan Oyeweso. 101-108 Eds. Babalola, E.T. and Azeez, T. Ile-Ife: OAU Press.
Forthcoming Publications
- with Onanuga, Ayobami: Pushing the Boundaries from Theories to Praxis: A Linguistic Exploration of Female Artistes’ ‘Responses’ to Patriarchy and Stereotypes in Nigerian Hip-Hop. Undergoing Review at: Journal of Contemporary African Studies.
- with Onanuga, Ayobami: The Youth and Hip-Hop: Exploring ‘Violence’ and ‘Sexuality’ in the Linguistic Behaviour of Nigerian University Students. Undergoing Review at: Contemporary Music Review.
- with Akingbe, N.: Poetics as Vocabulary of Resistance: A Linguistic Analysis of Ebinyo Ogbowei’s Poetry. Undergoing Review at: Forum for World Literature Studies.
- The ‘Street’ Construct and Mass-mediated Identities in Nigerian Hip-Hop. Undergoing Review at: Journal of Musical Arts in Africa.
- with Gbadegesin, V.O.: A Functional Theory of Campaign Discourse Analysis of Select 2015 Nigerian Election Campaign Video Adverts. Undergoing Review at: Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.
- with Gbadegesin, V.O.: Pronouns and the Construction of Political Selves: A Study of Identity and Ideology in Select Nigerian Election Campaign Adverts. Undergoing Review at: Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics.
- with Alade, B.M.: Challenging Heteronormativity? A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Portrayal of Homosexuality in Select Nollywood Movies. Under review: Journal for African Cultural Studies.
Major Conferences and Workshop Attended with Paper Read
- 2017: Nigerian Hip-Hop and Linguistic Behaviour among University Students: Exploring Language Use in the Expression of Violence and Sexuality. A Paper Presented at the Humboldt Kolleg Conference, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State.
- 2016: Rebranding Nigeria: Internet Memes to the Rescue? A Paper Presented at the Africa Conference on Creativity, Culture And Identity in Africa and the African Diaspora, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA.
- 2012a: Surrealism, Realism, and Humour: A Pragma-Semiotic Analysis of Selected Graphic Protestations on Fuel Subsidy Removal in Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the Ife English Language Literature and Communication Conference. August, 2012.
- 2012b: To Be or Not To Be: A Comparative Study of the Place of Indigenous Languages in the Language Policies of Nigeria and Benin Republic. A Paper Presented at the West African Comparative Research Conference (WACRC), Porto-Novo, Republic of Benin. July 2012.
- 2008: Punctuation, Sound symbolism (Logogram), and Abbreviation: A Study of the Language of Text Messages. A Paper Presented at the 1st Afolabi Olabimtan International Conference, College of Humanities, Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Ijebu-Ode).