Prof. Babatunde Olusola Ọpẹ-Davies (formerly Opeibi) Visiting Professor, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Babatunde Olusola Ọpẹ-Davies (PhD), Associate Professor at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. (E-mail: bopeibi@unilag.edu.ng) . I am currently a Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the Department of English Language & Linguistics, Chemnitz University of Technology. My research focuses on the nexus between computer-mediated communications and civic engagement under the supervision of Professor Dr. Josef Schmied.
Short curriculum vitae
(Please view a more detailed Tunde Opeibi’s CV here.)
I hold Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degrees in English & Applied Linguistics, and have been teaching courses in English language and linguistics at the University of Lagos since 1998. I have served as Senior Special Assistant to the Governor of Lagos State (on Speech & Communication), advising and coordinating the speechwriters department. In 2010, I was Visiting Commonwealth Professional Fellow at the Centre for Democracy, University of Westminster, London.
As an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at TU-Chemnitz, my research explores the nexus between new media technologies and civic engagement. Situated within the framework of Communication Sciences (Digital Media Discourse), the project investigates and evaluates approaches, principles and methods of the application of social media technologies to promote deliberative democracy. The study, shaped by my country-specific knowledge and cultural context, anticipates a potentially positive impact by raising awareness of, and proposing practical implementations of the use of digital media networks to strengthen democratic governance; enhance good governance and accelerate sustainable development in this, and similar socio-political contexts.
Research interests
My main research interests are in discourse analysis, political communication, language and law, and new media discourse, as well as some areas in applied linguistics. And I have authored four (4) full-length books and several learned articles published in reputable international and local peer-reviewed journals and volumes.
Selected Publications
2015: Opeibi, Tunde (2015). Democratizing the Nigeria Political Space: A Corpus-based approach to the use of New Media in Civic Engagement Discourse. University of Lagos Nigeria.
2013: Opeibi, Tunde & Oluwashola Aina (2013). Innovations & Reproduction in Second Language(L2) New Media: A Discursive-Semiotic Study of Selected SMS Text Messages in Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature, Vol 2, No 2- pp. 122-132
2012d : Opeibi, Tunde- Investigating the Language Situation in Africa. In. P. Tiersma & F. Olsen (eds) Oxford Handbook of Language and Law. London. Oxford University Press, 272-284.
2012c: Symbolic Appeal in Nigerian Political Discourse: A Study of Selected Campaign Posters. Lagos Review of English Studies (LARES) Vol. 17 No.1, 22-43.
2012b : Language Countertrading in Nigerian Courtroom Exchanges: A Discursive Study. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature, Vol 1, No. 05, 44-58.
2011c: Discourse Strategies in Election Campaigns in Nigeria. Saarbrṻcken, Germany. Lambert Academic Publishing, 400 pp.
2009: Discourse, Politics and the 1993 presidential Election Campaigns in Nigeria, UAE/Ibadan: Al-Ghurair Printing & Publishing/StraightGate Publishing, 422 pp.
2008c : A Study of Interrogatives in a Nigerian Courtroom Discourse. In F. Olson, A. Lorz and D. Stein (eds.) Law and Language: Theory and Society. Düsseldorf. Düsseldorf University Press, 147-176.
2008b : Between Clarity and Obscurity in Legal Language: A study of Selected Legal Texts in Nigeria. In A. Wagner, and S. Cacciaguidi-Fahy(eds.) Obscurity and Clarity in the Law: Prospects and Challenges. Hampshire. Ashgate. 221-233.
2008a: Language, Politics and Democratic Governance in Nigeria: A Sociolinguistic Perspective. Issues in Political Discourse Analysis Vol. 2 Issue 2. New York. Nova Science Publishers, 207-226
2007: One Message, Many Tongues: An Exploration of Media Multilingualism in Nigerian Political Discourse. Journal of Language and Politics, Vol.6. 2. 225-250.
2006: Political Marketing or Political ‘Macheting’: A Study of Negative Campaigning in Nigerian Political Discourse. In R. Murh(ed.) Innovation and Continuity in Language and Communication of Different Cultures. Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag, 185-204.
Selected Conference Presentations
2022: Special video greeting on the long cooperation with Prof. Schmied and the English Department
2014: AvH Network Meeting, April 9-11, 2014
2014: 1st Chemnitz-Africa Symposium on English. TU-Chemnitz, January 2014
2013: 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Language Policy and Planning, University of Calgary, Canada, Sept 2013
2013: 4th International Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate & Pedagogy of Empowerment. Doha, Qatar. January 2013
2011: DAAD/African Good Governance Network/CIDS/ Workshop held 9th-10th Nov, 2011 in Lagos,Nigeria
2010: Governance & Sustainability Seminar, Department of Politics & International Relations, University of Westminster, London, December 21, 2010
2010: 4th International Conference (Clarity 2010) organized by Clarity International held from 12-14 October, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
2008: Ragan Internal Communications Workshop, Chicago, USA
2007: Euro-Africa ICT Workshop. Accra, Ghana
2006: Guest Lecture at the University of Cologne, Germany. May 2006
2006: International Conference on Language and Law, Universitat Düsseldorf, Germany (May 17-19, 2006).
2006: The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft(DGfS 2006) International Conference- (Sprachdokumentation & Sprachbeschreibung) 22-24 February, 2006 @ Universität Bielefeld, Germany.
2005: International Conference on Obscurity and Clarity in Law. Universite du Littoral, Bologne, France
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (Georg Forster Fellowship for Experienced Researchers) (2014/2015)
Commonwealth Professional Fellowship (2010)
Lever Brothers Prizes for Best M.A. English Student (UNILAG) (1995)
University of Lagos Scholarship for Best Student (1991)
Personal Webpage: www.tundeopeibi.com.