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English and Digital Linguistics
English and Digital Linguistics 



Samuel Ngwa Atechi

09107 Chemnitz, Reichenhainer Str. 39, Zi. 202

Tel.: +49 (0)371-531-33452
E-Mail: sammyatechi@yahoo.com

I am currently a Research Associate funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Georg Forster Research Fellowship for experienced researchers) in the Department of English Language and Linguistics, Chemnitz University of Technology working on the spoken component of the Corpus of Cameroon English under the supervision of Professor Dr. Josef Schmied

Short curriculum vitae

Please find Samuel Atechi's CV here for download.

I earned my BA and MA degrees in English from the University of Yaounde I, Cameroon, and a PhD in English from the Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. Since 1999, I have been teaching English as a second and foreign language in the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, University of Yaounde I, Advanced School of Mass Communication, University of Yaounde II and the Higher Teacher Training College, University of Yaounde I. I am an Associate Professor in English Language and Linguistics in the Department of English, University of Yaounde I and a visiting Lecturer at the Madonna University, Nigeria.

Research interests

My main research interest is the phonology of World Englishes (with recent focus on the use of computer software).  Other areas of interest include Sociolinguistics and Second Language Acquisition.


I have published widely in local and international journals. My book, The intelligibility of native and non-native English speech, argues that Second language Varieties of English are simply different and not deficient in anyway.

Publications (selected)

2011                 Is Cameroon Pidgin English Flourishing or Dying? English Today. 24-28.

2011                 Liaison in Cameroon English. MAJELS. Vol. II, 44-56.

2010                Cameroon Pidgin English: to teach or not to teach.  Alizes,  Old Days, New Days No. 33, 237-261.

2010                The Plurality of English in Cameroon and the International Intelligibility Question.” , Syllabus Vol. II, No 1, 199-217.

2008                Native and Non-native Englishes in the Global Village” in Wolf, H-G., L.Peter &  F. Polzenhagen (eds). Focus on English: Linguistic structure,  Language variation and discursive Use. Leipzig:

                        Leipzig Universitätsverlag. 121-132.

2008                The Dilemma of the teacher and learner of English in the Non-native English classroom: the case of Cameroon. Alizes, Dilemmas (30), 180-197.

2006                The Phonological Influence of English on Awing’. In English Studies: A Journal of English language and Literature. Vol.87.230-247.

2006                The Intelligibility of Native and Non-native English Speech. Gottingen: Cuvillier Verlag. 260 pp.

Conference presentations

2014               Guest Lecture, University of Potsdam, Germany

2014               Guest Lecture, University of Bayreuth, Germany

2013               Guest Lecture,   Usti University, Czech Republic

2013                Alexander von Humboldt Network Meeting, University of Hannover, Germany.

2013                Deutsch-Britischen Gesellschaft, Chemnitz, Germany

2013                International Conference on Culture in Language, Academic English, Variation in Research,  Chemnitz University of Technology.

2013                Challenges V-Harmony and Diversity, University of Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic.

2013                MA Lecture Series, Department of English & Linguistics, TU Chemnitz.

2010                International Symposium in honour of Professor Sammy B. Chumbow.

2009                Symposium, Department of English, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany.

2009                International Conference on Higher Education, Madonna University, Nigeria.

2009                Ideas that Work, International Conference for teachers of English, University of West Bohemia Czech Republic

2008                International Conference on language and Literature, Madonna University Nigeria

2008                Organiser, International symposium in honour of Professor Paul Mbangwana, University of Yaounde I

2008                International Symposium in honour of Professor Paul Mbangwana, Yaounde Cameroon.

2007                International conference on Language, Literature and Social Interaction, University of Yaounde I

2006                International Conference on Language, Literature and Education, University of Yaounde I

2005                International Conference on Language, Literature and Identity, University of Yaounde I

1999                Conference on Language Literature and Liberty, University of Yaounde I


  • DAAD Sandwich scholarship (Dec 2002-Juni 2004)
  • DAAD Re-invitation scheme (September-November 2009)
  • Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (October, 2012-July, 2014).