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English and Digital Linguistics
English and Digital Linguistics 

Lecturers and researchers

Research and Teaching Assistants


Antonia Friebel

Antonia Friebel, SELA

+49 371 531-35510
Reichenhainer Straße 39, 218 (C46.218)
Office hours:

Armine Garibyan

Armine Garibyan, M.A.

+49 371 531-35442
Reichenhainer Straße 39, 219 (C46.219)
Office hours:

PhD Candidates



Jacinta Edusei

Jacinta Edusei

+49 371 531-982400
Reichenhainer Straße 39, 202

Jacinta Edusei spends three years here on a KAAD scholarship as a PhD student

Short curriculum vitae

I studied English and French at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi from August 2003 to June 2008 and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree. From October 2006 to June 2007, I did a proficiency upgrade at the Benin Centre for Foreign Languages (CEBELAE) in Cotonou, Benin. Afterwards, I worked as a Teaching Assistant (October 2008 - July 2009) at the Department of Modern Languages, KNUST, Kumasi. I pursued a Diploma in Education at University of Education Winneba from June 2009 to August 2010. I enrolled for Master of Philosophy degree in French Linguistics in August 2009 and graduated in February 2012. From September 2011 to December 2011, I did a German Language Course at Ghana Institute of Languages in Kumasi and I hold a Goethe Certifikat A1 (January 2012). I also hold an Advanced Diploma in French (DALF C2) and a Diploma in French for Professionals – Business (DFP B2). I have been working as a Part-time Lecturer at Alliance Française, Kumasi since October 2009. I speak English and French fluently and a little German.

Research interests

I am interested in textual analysis, communication skills, language and culture, academic writing and pragmatics. My current research project focuses on hedging in PhD theses in Ghana.

International Conferences and Presentations

  • Probability adjuncts as hedges on the Web: A cross-cultural analysis, 18 to 20 November 2015 - KNOWLEDGE DISSEMINATION IN THE DIGITAL ERA: LANGUAGE AND EPISTEME (KDDE), Modena.
  • Academic Writing in Ghana: Hedging by Advanced L2 Users of English/ Methodology, July 20.-22, 2015, International Symposium on Academic Writing across Disciplines and Mentorship for Junior Scientists, Yaoundé-Cameroon (African-German Network Centre for Academic Writing Excellence in the Humanities - AGNETA).
  • March 19-20, 2015: Hedging among advanced L2 Users of English: Epistemic evidential and judgement verbs, 6th Nitra Conference on Discourse Studies “Discourse Analysis and Beyond: Reflections of Discourse in Culture, Society and Vocational Language.
  • March 12-13, 2015 in Ústí nad Labem Czech Republic “Code Glosses in Student Writing: A comparative Study of Albanian and German BA theses”, CHALLENGES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING VI Sixth International Conference:  Rethinking Strategies in ELT.

Other Presentations

  • Hedging by Advanced L2 Users of English: ICE-Gh_AcW and ICE-GB_AcW in Comparison’, Corpus Linguistics & Digital Humanities Conference Chemnitz, July 14, 2017. Altes Heizhaus TU-Chemnitz.
  • English Heritage in Ghana, Thursday, June 30 2016 at Veranstaltungssaal im DAStietz Chemnitz. Organised by Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Chemnitz e.V www.dbg-chemnitz.de
  • Academic Writing in Ghana: Hedging by Advanced L2 Users of English/ Methodology, Chemnitz Africa/Asia Symposium of English (CASE) 2016/1 on February 5 2016 at Altes Heizhaus TU-Chemnitz.
  • Hedging among advanced L2 users of English in Ghana’, Academic English, Variation in Teaching and Research in the EU and Beyond, July 3-4, 2015,Altes Heizhaus TU-Chemnitz.
  • Sociolinguistic and cultural implications of migration in Ghana (Ashanti region)’ October 30 2013, Lecture Series: Das Eigene im Anderen - Das Andere im Eigenen: October/November 2013, English Languagae and Linguistics, TU-Chemnitz.


  • Edusei, J. (in Print). Probability adjuncts as hedges in native and non-native English web-based communication. In M. Bondi, S. Cacchiani & S. Cavalieri (Eds.). Knowledge Dissemination at a Crossroads. Genres and New Media Today. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Edusei, J. (2016). Hedging By Advanced L2 Users of English: Epistemic Evidential and Judgement Verbs. In Josef Schmied & Daniel Nkemleke (Eds.). Academic Writing across Disciplines in Africa. REAL 10. Gottingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 103-115.
  • Edusei, J. (2015). Code Glosses in Student Writing: A comparative Study of Albanian and German BA theses. In Josef Schmied (Ed.) Graduate Academic Writing in Europe in Comparison. REAL Studies 8. Gottingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 119-130.
  • Edusei, J. (2014). “I am from Germany - I am the special one” in Uni aktuell, TU-Chemnitz, https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/uk/pressestelle/aktuell/6164/en
Federica Modafferi

Federica Modafferi

+49 371 531-982399
Reichenhainer Straße 39, 207

Short curriculum vitae

I studied Foreign Languages and Cultures (Bachelor of Arts) at the University of Pavia from September 2010 to September 2013, focusing on the literature, linguistics and philology of English and French languages. I continued my studies at the University of Pavia enrolling for the Master of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics - Linguistics of Modern Languages in October 2013, and graduated in December 2016. I spent my semester abroad here in Chemnitz between June and September 2015. In October 2015 I attended an advanced training course in Statistics applied to Humanities.

During my Master studies I taught privately English, French, German and General Linguistics in Italian. I also worked as interpreter in Berlin for a jeweller of my town.

I’m employed at FUU Sachsen as an English teacher since 2017. In 2017, I taught general English and ESP to catering business students at the vocational school “Gerd Condé”. At the moment, I work for the Institut für Sprache und Kultur, teaching English at B1 level to candidate students of business studies. Since 2017, I’ve also been working as English tutor for Chinese students who are acquiring a double degree at the Hochschule Mittweida (in partnership with Changshu Institute of Technology & Chongqing College of Mobile Telecommunications).

My mother tongue is Italian, and I can speak English and French fluently. My knowledge of German is intermediate/advanced, and on January 2019 I will take the DSH exam. During my university years, I also studied Japanese and a bit of Russian. I’m learning Chinese to help out my students.

Previous thesis projects

“Things as they are: the conspiracy of language in Caleb Williams by William Godwin” (BA thesis in English Literature)

“Causal Adverbials in Italian Academic English: A corpus-based analysis” (MA thesis in Corpus Linguistics/EAP)

Doctoral dissertation

At the moment, I am carrying out a qualitative analysis concerning misogyny in the videogaming community, using Twitch, Reddit and YouTube as main sources.

Research interests

My primary research interest is cyberlinguistics, together with subculture languages (more specifically those of gaming and fandoms). I’m also interested in gender studies, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis and ethnolinguistics.

International Conferences and Presentations

Gender differences in Academic Italian English: A preliminary study, August 28, 2018, Doctoral Symposium of the 14th ESSE Conference, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.

I want to express my gratitude to ESSE who supported financially my participation in this conference.

A Corpus-Based Analysis of Causal Adverbials in Italian Academic English, July 14, 2017, 2nd Chemnitz Corpus Linguistics & Digital Humanities Conference, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany

Magdalena Rogozińska

Magdalena Rogozińska, M.A.

Short curriculum vitae  

I studied English at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2006 and the University of Łódź where I obtained a Master of Arts degree in 2012 in the field of Computer-Based English Language Studies. I hold a Postgraduate Certificate in Natural Language Processing and E-learning from Pedagogical University in Cracow and a Postgraduate Certificate in Economics and Management from the University of Economics in Cracow. I also studied English in Toronto in 1998 and did several German language courses in Poland and Germany.

Since 2012 I have held a post as an academic teacher at the Jagiellonian University, specializing in Legal English, Business English and Academic Communication for PhD students. Previously, I taught in a state school, private schools and organized numerous in house trainings for several companies in Cracow, including Philip Morris, Accounting Plaza Centre and Podgórze Cultural Centre. My international teaching experience involves running English courses for teenagers in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam in 2009. I speak English, Polish and German.

Research interests

I am interested in academic communication skills, academic writing, writing for publication, pragmatics and English for Specific Purposes. My interests outside the field of linguistics involve human migration and humanitarian aid.

My current research project focuses on hedging in PhD theses written in English by Polish, German and English PhD candidates.

International Conferences and Presentations

2017 2nd Chemnitz Corpus Linguistics & Digital Humanities Conference, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Thesis and Dissertation Writing: A Case of Hedges in Academic Writing by Polish, German and English PhD Candidates.

2016 ESSE 13 Conference, NUI Galway, Ireland
Hedges in PhD dissertations.

2014 Joint LSSA/SAALA/SAALT Annual Conference, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Hedges in Academic writing by Polish and German University Students.

2013 Culture in Language, Academic English Variation in Research Conference, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Hedges in Academic Writing. A corpus-based analysis.


Rogozinska, M. (2015). Attaining Academic Literacy: University Language Instruction Reform for Polish Doctoral Students. In J. Schmied (ed.), Graduate Academic Writing in Europe in Comparison. Göttingen: Cuvillier, 53-66.

Zeenat Sumra

Zeenat Sumra

+49 371 531-982563
Reichenhainer Straße 39, 208

Short curriculum vitae

I am a fifth semester doctoral student in English Linguistics at the Department of English Language and Linguistics at TU Chemnitz, Germany. My research focus is in sociolinguistics, particularly the area of multilingualism, grammar and codeswitching. I have presented at various conferences on these topics. My dissertation is a study in trilingual codeswitching in the Indian community in Tanzania. I am proficient in and utilize both quantitative and qualitative research methods. I work part time as an English teacher to adult learners of English as an L2 and as a proofreader for a variety of texts. I have worked as an academic tutor in English writing and as a graduate teaching assistant. I aspire to be a professor/researcher whose work will contribute to a greater understanding of multilingualism and codeswitching among lesser studied populations.
I am a multicultural individual: I am of Indian origin, born and raised in Tanzania and have resided in the United States for the past ten years before coming to Germany. English is my third language. Besides English, I am fluent in the following: Hindi, Kutchi, Gujrati, and Swahili, and I am also learning German. I am also interested in applying linguistic theories to social issues such as feminism, racism and social media studies. I have written an article which was published on Medium.com

My favorite quote is, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle.

International Conferences and Presentations

  • Boli, lugha and language, we use all of these words’: Code-switching in Trilingual Speakers in Tanzania. June 8-10, 2017, 4th ASSE International Conference on British and American Studies, Vlore, Albania. >

Other Presentations

  • Code-Switching in Tanzania. Analysing Multilingual DataChemnitz Africa Symposium of English (CASE) June 27th, 2017.
  • Code-Switching in Tanzania: Basic Concepts. Chemnitz Africa Symposium of English (CASE) May 9th, 2017.
  • Academic Writing tips. Workshop Report. Chemnitz Africa/Asia Symposium of English (CASE) January 13th, 2017.
  • Discussing Recordings of (code switching in) the Spoken nglish in Immigrant Indian Communities in Tanzania (a research trip report with data samples). Chemnitz Africa/Asia Symposium of English (CASE) November 18th, 2016.
  • Digitalising Spoken English in Immigrant Indian Communities in Tanzania. Chemnitz Africa/Asia Symposium of English (CASE) May 9th, 2016.
  • Language, lugha or boli? A study in cross-linguistic influences among trilingual speakers in Tanzania: implications of the pramatic overlap. July 3-4, 2015, Altes Heizhaus TU-Chemnitz.

Other Conferences

38th annual conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) at the University of Konstanz. February 24th-26th, 2016.


International Student Award, Concordia College, December 2005
Deans Honor List, Concordia College, December 2007
National Communication Association, California State University, Los Angeles, January 2011

Guo Ya

Guo Ya

+49 157 311-62853
Reichenhainer Straße 39, 202

Short curriculum vitae             

After I got Bachelor of Arts in Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao in China, I went on with my study in the School of Foreign Language at Sun Yat-sen University. During which I worked part-time as a translator, interpreter, and private tutor. In the third semester as an undergraduate student, I went to Germany and studied as an exchange student in Technical University at Chemnitz. I graduated from Sun Yat-sen University in June, 2015 and got my Master’s Degree in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Now I’m getting my PhD in TU Chemnitz with the study of academic writing, systemic functional grammar, corpus linguistics and social culture.

Full version CV

Research interests

I focus more of my study on discourse analysis, Systemic Functional Grammar, TESOL, phonology, and English literature. My B.A. Thesis is about Sartre’s Existentialism of the Black Humor Novel Timequake. The topic of my M.A. Thesis is Critical Discourse Analysis of Chinese Political Speech--A Case Study of President Xi’s Speech at the First Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress.

Xinlei Zhang

Xinlei Zhang

Reichenhainer Straße 39, 202

Short curriculum vitae

I majored in English education in Liaoning Normal University (Dalian, China) from 2007 to 2011, during which I did internship in Tieling No.2 High School and did many volunteer jobs. In 2012-2015, I studied English language and literature in Beijing International Studies University and got Master´s Degree. I have participated in two academic research programs: “The Study of Pioneer from the perspective of post-colonism” and “A Corpus-approach to the adjectives in English and Chinese corpus”. In the first semester of my Ph.D. study, with the guidance of Professor Josef Schmied, I built the Chinese academic writing corpus. My second foreign language is German (B2), and I am still learning it.

Research interests

My research direction is the combination of cognitive linguistics and corpus linguistics, which aims to give suggestion to teaching academic writing. I can use SPSS software, Fisher´s exact test. Both quantitative and qualitative study and used in my dissertation.


Student Assistants

  • Nicole Kormann (tutor)
  • Katharina Maschke