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English and Digital Linguistics
English and Digital Linguistics 

 English Language and Linguistics


Dr. Christoph Haase
Chemnitz, Reichenhainer Str. 39, Zi. 218
Tel.: +49 (0)371-531-34253
E-Mail: christoph.haase@phil.tu-chemnitz.de

Dr. Christoph Haase is a lecturer and researcher in English linguistics. From winter semester 2009/2010, he will be dividing his time between Chemnitz University of Technology and Purkinye University, Usti, Czech Republic.


Curriculum vitae

Christoph Haase studied at first physics, later English and German with particular focus on linguistics at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University in Greifswald, Germany. His studies abroad involved generative linguistics at the University of Oviedo in Oviedo, Spain and cognitive science as a visiting scholar at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Christoph came to Chemnitz in 2000 to work on the Internet Grammar. In 2001 he took his current position.


Research Interests

My research interests revolve around cognitive linguistics, lexical semantics, universals and typology, grammaticalization and the philosophy of language.



  • Haase, C. (2009). Causation in contrast: transitivity, inchoativity, and L2 learner models. In: Oleksy, W. & Stalmaszczyk, P. (eds.) Cognitive Approaches to Language and Linguistic Data. Studies in honor of Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk. Frankfurt, New York: Lang.
  • Haase, C. (2009, fc.???). Universals of causation - principles of causativity. In: Oloruntoba-Oju, T., & Jolayemi , A. (eds.), Pragmatics, linguistics, language and literature. Essays in honour of Efurosibina Adegibja.
  • Haase, C. (2009). Verb classes and the grammaticalization of causativity in discourse. In: Witczak-Plisiecka, I. (ed.) Pragmatic Perspectives on Language and Linguistics 2009. Vol.1: Speech Actions in Theory and Applied Studies. Cambridge Scholars, 379-393.
  • Haase, C. (2009). Resultative vs. causative event framing: Description, modeling, problems. Discourse and interaction 3 (1), (2009) 33-47.
  • Haase, C. (2008). Hedging in Academic Learner English: A Survey of German and Czech Students. In: Tollet, A. (ed.) English Studies & Language Teaching. Plzen: University of West Bohemia, 9-18.
  • Haase, C. (2008). Temporalit�t und implizite Kausativit�t: eine korpus/kognitive Argumentation. In: Macris-Ehrhard, A. F., Krumrey, E., & Magnus, G. (Hrsg.) Temporalsemantik und Textkoh�renz. T�bingen: Stauffenburg, 2008.
  • Haase, C. & Schmied, J. (2008). Clause linking in specialized and popular academic English: An investigation into scientific texts from the space corpus. In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. (ed.) Corpus Linguistics, Computer Tools, and Applications - State of the Art. Frankfurt, New York: Lang.
  • Haase, C. & Schmied, J. (2008). Introducing projects in English teaching and research. In: Haase, C. & Schmied, J. (Eds.) (2008). English projects in teaching and research in Central Europe. G�ttingen: Cuvillier, i-iii.
  • Haase, C. (2008). Lexical processing of academic English: Recognition, integration, and the role of corpora. In: Haase, C. & Schmied, J. (Eds.) (2008). English projects in teaching and research in Central Europe. G�ttingen: Cuvillier, 65-78.
  • Haase, C. & Schmied, J. (Eds.) (2008). English projects in teaching and research in Central Europe. G�ttingen: Cuvillier.
  • Haase, C. (2008). Linguistic Determinants of English for Academic Purpose. In: Frankenberg-Garcia, Ana et al.: Proceedings of the 8th teaching and language corpora conference. Lisbon: Associaocao de Estudos de Investigacao Cientifica, 2008, 128 � 132.
  • Haase, C. (2008). Biclausal causativity in English and German: A look at semantic and pragmatic constraints. In: Wieczorek, Anna; Siekierka, Sylwia: New development in linguistic pragmatics. Przestepstwo nieudzielenia pomocy w niebezpieczenstwie: art. 162 k.k. na tle uwag dotyczacych � 323c niemieckiego kodeksu karnego. Lodz: Lodz University Press, 44 � 45.
  • Haase, C. (2008). Bridging paradigms: Formal and functional linguistics and the teaching perspective. In: Povolna, R., & Dontcheva -Navratilova, O.(eds.), Discourse and interaction 1/2008 .
  • Haase, C. & Schmied, J. (2007). Causation, Cognition, and Corpora � An Integrationist View. Journal of Formal, Computational and Cognitive linguistics 9, 1-13.
  • Haase, C. (2007). Subjectivity and vagueness in academic texts : Scientific vs. popular English. Topics in Linguistics 1, 45 - 52.
  • Haase, C., & Kirste, S. (2007). Linguistic complexity : A comprehensive bibliography. In: Schmied, J., Haase, C., & Povoln�, R. (eds.), Complexity and coherence : Approaches to linguistic research and language teaching. G�ttingen : Cuvillier, 173-207.
  • Haase, C. (2007). Complexity issues in the hierarchy of control in analytic causatives. In: Schmied, J., Haase, C., & Povoln�, R. (eds.), Complexity and coherence : Approaches to linguistic research and language teaching. G�ttingen : Cuvillier, 31-48.
  • Haase, C. (2007). Complexity and coherence : Outlining a mosaic. In: Schmied, J., Haase, C., & Povoln�, R. (eds.), Complexity and coherence : Approaches to linguistic research and language teaching. G�ttingen : Cuvillier, 1-12.
  • Haase, C., Schmied, J. & Povoln�, R. (2007). Complexity and coherence : Approaches to linguistic research and language teaching. G�ttingen : Cuvillier.
  • Haase, C. (2007). Allophone recognition for L2 learners: Pattern matching or rule-based effect?. Lagos Papers in English Studies (1), 1 - 19.
  • Haase, C. (2007). A Crosslinguistic View on Causativity: Causer Neglect. In: Povolna, R., & Dontcheva -Navratilova, O. (eds.), Discourse and Interaction 2. Brno Seminar on Linguistic Studies in English: Proceedings. Brno: Masaryk University, 57-70.
  • Haase, C. (as associate editor) (2006). CogBib Cognitive Linguistics Bibliography. In: Chen, R., & Dirven, R. (eds.). as part of Cognitive Linguistics 17, 1.
  • Haase, C., & Schmied, J. (2006). Contrastive causation: A corpus view. In: Walinski J., Kredens, K., & Gozdz-Roszkowski, S. (eds.), PALC 2005, proceedings.
  • Haase, C.(2006). Category membership of morphological causatives: The view from L2. In: Povolna, R., & Dontcheva -Navratilova, O. (eds.), Discourse and Interaction 1. Brno Seminar on Linguistic Studies in English: Proceedings. Brno: Masaryk University, 26-38.
  • (with Schmied, J. & Voigt, K.) (2005). English for central europe: Interdisciplinary Saxon-Czech perspectives. G�ttingen: Cuvillier.
  • Haase, C. (2005). Motion event conceptualization behavior of L2 learners. In: eds.? Proceedings of the Hamburg conference "Current trends in cognitive linguistics". Amsterdam: Benjamins.
  • Haase, C. (2005). Good manners in East-African English: Corpus evidence for a problem in lexical semantics. In: Schmied, J., Haase, C., & Voigt, K. (eds.), English for central europe: Interdisciplinary Saxon-Czech perspectives. G�ttingen: Cuvillier.
  • Haase, C. (2004). Kognitive Repr�sentation von Temporalit�t im Englischen und im Deutschen. Marburg: Tectum Verlag.
  • Haase, C. (2004). Conceptualization specifics in East African English: quantitative arguments from the ICE-East Africa corpus. World Englishes, 23, 2, 261-268.
  • Haase, C. (2003). Kognitive Repr�sentation von Temporalit�t im Englischen und im Deutschen. TU Chemnitz, Philosophische Fakult�t.(http://archiv.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/2003/0050)
  • Haase, C., & Schmied, J.(2002).Grammatik lernen im Internet: Die Chemnitz Internet Grammar. In: Keitel, E., Boehnke, K., & Wenz, K. (eds.), Neue Medien im Alltag: Nutzung, Vernetzung, Interaktion .Lengerich: Pabst.
  • Haase, C. (1999). Kognitive Verarbeitung von Temporalit�t in der Sprache. In: Erich, J. et al. (eds.), Ethische und �sthetische Komponenten des sprachlichen Kunstwerks.G�ppingen: K�mmerle.
  • Haase, C. (1998). �berlegungen zur computergest�tzten Analyse mittelalterlicher Texte. In: Br�uer, R. (ed.), Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters im europ�ischen Kontext. G�ppingen: K�mmerle.

Invited talks

  • August 2009 Berkeley, FillmoreFest talk (pdf)
  • Juli 2009 Liverpool, International Corpus Linguistics Conference talk (pdf)
  • Juli 2009 London, ICLCE 3 talk (pdf)
  • April 2009 Lodz, PALC talk (pdf)
  • March 2009 Nitra, Conference on Discourse Studies talk (pdf)
  • August 2008 Brighton, Language, Communication & Cognition talk (pdf)
  • July 2008 Lisbon, TaLC 8 talk (pdf)
  • May 2008 C�ceres, RaAM7 Metaphors in Cross-Cultural Communication talk (pdf)
  • May 2008 Lodz, New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics talk (pdf)
  • December 2007 Chemnitz, Translation colloquium talk (pdf)
  • November 2007 Pilsen Ideas that work talk (pdf)
  • November 2007 Lille Temporality
  • July 2007 Krakow International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC) 10 talk (pdf)
  • May 2007 Freiberg English Projects in teaching and Research in Central Europe
  • May 2007 Lodz, PALC
  • March 2007 Nitra Politeness and Interaction
  • October 2006 Montreal, McGill University Conference on the mental lexicon
  • October 2006 M�nchen LMU DGKL
  • August 2006 Belfast ESPP 2006 (paper accepted)
  • March 2006 Nitra Discourse and Interaction
  • September 2005 Brno
  • September 2005 Shanghai Conference on Cognitive and Contrastive Pragmatics (paper accepted)
  • December 2004 Hamburg Current trends in Cognitive linguistics
  • October 2003 Plauen Language Learning and CALL
  • July 2003 Michigan State University Conference of the Linguistics Society of America COSWL-IGALA
  • November 2001 Berlin ExpoLingua
  • October 2001 Chemnitz Neue Medien im Alltag
  • December 2000 Greifswald public talk, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universit�t Greifswald
  • March 1999 Greifswald Kolloquium Greifswald Linguistic circle
  • February 1999 Greifswald Komponenten des sprachlichen Kunstwerks

Conferences attended (without talk)

  • October 2008 Wroclawek, Discourse Approaches to Functional Linguistics, Translation and Foreign Language Teaching
  • March 2008 Jordan project talks
  • September 2007 Ethiopia EduLink project talks
  • June 2007 Cairo TEMPUS conference
  • March 2007 Leipzig Complexity as an evolving variable
  • March 2006 Leipzig Rara and Rarissima
  • March 2006 Landau LAUD Cognitive Linguistics
  • March 2006 Guest talk, Masaryk University Brno
  • February 2005 Berlin Konferenz der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Ehren von Noam Chomsky
  • February 2005 Potsdam SFB Sprache und Informationsstruktur
  • June 2004 Portsmouth Language, Culture & Mind
  • November 2003 Porto Conference Faculdade do Letras
  • August 2001 Nijmegen International conference on computer-assisted language learning
  • May 2001 Odense PhD-Workshop (David McNeill, Chicago) Nonverbal Communication
  • February 2001 Leipzig Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft f�r Sprachwissenschaft
  • April 1999 Odense PhD-Workshop (James Higginbotham, Oxford) Event Syntax and Telicity
  • July 1998 Odense PhD-Workshop (Ronald Langacker, San Diego) Cognitive Grammar