TEFL-ePAL Observation Visit Chemnitz (June 2019)
The meeting in Chemnitz focusses on 3 special aspects:
- Teaching observation
Participants can visit two types of teaching, English for primary school teachers and English for adult education. All participants will be provided with course descriptions and asked to prepare for these visits.
- Stake holders / language service providers as job opportunities
Participants can choose whether they wish to visit a bilingual secondary school where geography is taught in English, a pre-university college where foreign web-perspective students from abroad are taught in skills, in particular German, which allows them to study at the German university, the local Volkshochschule (extra-mural language courses), or a translation company in the widest sense.
- Research methodologies and discussion
Active researchers like PhD students can attend the PhD Symposium for English Language & Linguistics, take part in an eye-tracking experiment, and visit the virtual reality lab and discuss the opportunities of including these aspects in their own teaching and career.
The full schedule can be downloaded Please click here.
Prue Goredema: “Syllabus Design in Higher Education: From principles to practice”
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.