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English and Digital Linguistics
English and Digital Linguistics 


Unimore 2019

In October to December 2019, Prof. Schmied was a guest professor at the university in Modena in Italy, teaching a course on "Professional Communication and Digital Discourse" in the new M.A. Prgramme “Languages for communication in international enterprises and organizations”. He also met many old friends (like Anna Maurenen, Mike Scott and Ken Hyland) and many specialists in Digital Humanities, who had been invited through the Department's Excellence Programme. He traveled to Milano and Pavia for a guest lecture on Professional Digital Discourse, esp. Reviews.

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He enjoyed teaching 50 attentive and inspiring students and life on the inner city Campus, especially the "Dottora, Dottora" celebrations, even after the 1st degree.

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Modena has a famous medieval cathedral with UNESCO heritage status, a famous opera singer, the late Luciano Pavarotti, and Ferrari is prominent in several museums near-by. It can be seen, like Bologna 40 km East, as "La dotta, la rossa, la grassa" (with Aceto Balsamico and Parmegiano Reggiano as world-famous certified specialities).

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... and Christmas is also great in Italy with Lights and Expectations:

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