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CEASEVAL Working Papers

CEASEVAL Working Papers

Die CEASEVAL Working Paper sind bisher unter ceaseval.eu abrufbar gewesen. Durch den Brexit wurden alle britischen .eu-Domains abgeschaltet. Diese Website dient als Mirror für die Working Papers des mittlerweile abgeschlossenen CEASEVAL-Foschungsprojekts.

Herausgeberinnen: Birgit Glorius und Melanie Kintz

ISSN 2627-339X

Nummer Titel, Jahr  
Nr. 1 Hans van Oort, Hemme Battjes and Evelien Brouwer:

Baseline study on access to protection, reception and distribution of asylum seekers and the determination of asylum claims in the EU, 2018

Nr. 2 Erica Consterdine:

State-of-the-art report on public attitudes, political discourses and media coverage on the arrival of refugees, 2018

Nr. 3 Reinhard Schweitzer, Erica Consterdine and Michael Collyer:

A review and analysis of the recent literature on the Common European Asylum System, 2018

Nr. 4 Paul Baumgartner and Martin Wagner:

Sharing responsibilities in the Common European Asylum System, 2018

Nr. 5 Martin Wagner, Albert Kraler and Paul Baumgartner:

Solidarity - An integral and basic concept of the Common European Asylum System, 2018

Nr. 6 Birgit Glorius:

Public opinion on immigration and refugees and patterns of politicisation. Evidence from the Eurobarometer, 2018

Nr. 7 Hemme Battjes:

The future of the CEAS – An analysis of rules on allocation, 2018

Nr. 8 Éva Bognár, Endre Sik and Ráchel Surányi:

The case of Hungary – de Wilde goes wild, 2018

Nr. 9 Niko Pyrhönen and Östen Wahlbeck:

The Finnish National Report on the Politicization of the “Refugee Crisis” in Public Debate, 2018

Nr. 10 Damla B. Aksel and Ahmet İçduygu:

National Report on Turkey: Patterns of Politicization on Refugees and Policy Responses, 2018

Nr. 11 Angeliki Dimitriadi and Antonia-Maria Sarantaki:

The refugee ‘crisis’ in Greece: Politicisation and polarisation amidst multiple crises, 2018

Nr. 12 Jana Beinhorn and Birgit Glorius:

Patterns of politicisation on refugees and policy responses: The case of Germany, 2018

Nr. 13 Irene Ponzo and Andrea Pogliano:

Politicization and media analysis on refugees relocation: The case of Italy, 2018

Nr. 14 Dídac Amat i Puigsech and Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas:

Politicisation of immigration in Spain: An exceptional case?, 2018

Nr. 15 Anna Krasteva:

Hyperpoliticisation of asylum and responsibility. The Bulgarian case: From polarisation to hegemonisation, 2018

Nr. 16 Francesco Pasetti and Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas:

Who is responsible, for what and to whom? Patterns of politicisation on refugees and the European solidarity crisis, 2018

Nr. 17 Ildiko Otova and Evelina Staykova:

National report on the governance of the asylum reception system in Bulgaria, 2019

Nr. 18 Östen Wahlbeck:

National Report on the Governance of the Asylum Reception System in Finland, 2019

Nr. 19 Jana Beinhorn, Simone Gasch, Birgit Glorius, Melanie Kintz and Hanne Schneider:

National report on the governance of the asylum reception system in Germany, 2019

Nr. 20 Angeliki Dimitriadi and Antonia-Maria Sarantaki:

National report on the governance of the asylum reception system in Greece, 2019

Nr. 21 Leila Giannetto, Irene Ponzo and Emanuela Roman:

National report on the governance of the asylum reception system in Italy, 2019

Nr. 22 Lorenzo Vianelli, Lucas Oesch and Birte Nienaber:

National report on the governance of the asylum reception system in Luxembourg, 2019

Nr. 23 Blanca Garcés Mascareñas and Gracia María Moreno Amador:

The Multilevel Governance of Refugee Reception policies in Spain, 2019

Nr. 24 Tiziana Caponio, Irene Ponzo and Leila Giannetto:

Comparative report on the multilevel governance of the national asylum seekers’ reception systems, 2019

Nr. 25 Martin Wagner, Paul Baumgartner and Minos Mouzourakis:

Harmonising asylum systems in Europe – A means or an end per se?, 2019

Nr. 26 Claudia Paraschivescu, Birte Nienaber and Lucas Oesch:

Borders and the mobility of migrants in France, 2019

Nr. 27 Jana Beinhorn, Simone Gasch and Birgit Glorius:

Borders and the mobility of migrants in Germany, 2019

Nr. 28 Angeliki Dimitriadi and Antonia-Maria Sarantaki:

Borders and the mobility of migrants in Greece, 2019

Nr. 29 Anikó Bernát, Zsófi Fekete, Endre Sik and Judit Tóth:

Borders and the mobility of migrants in Hungary, 2019

Nr. 30 Claudia Paraschivescu, Birte Nienaber and Lucas Oesch:

Borders and the mobility of migrants in Luxembourg, 2019

Nr. 31 Elena Sánchez-Montijano and Kristin Eitel:

Borders and the mobility of migrants in Spain, 2019

Nr. 32 Damla B. Aksel and Ahmet İçduygu:

Borders and the mobility of migrants in Turkey, 2019

Nr. 33 Claudia Paraschivescu, Birte Nienaber and Lucas Oesch:

Borders and the mobility of migrants in the EU and Turkey, 2019

Nr. 34 Martin Wagner, Jimy Perumadan and Paul Baumgartner:

Secondary Movements, 2019

Nr. 35 Endre Sik and Bori Simonovits:

The first results of the content analysis of the media in the course of migration crisis in Hungary, 2019

Nr. 36 Jimy Perumadan and Martin Wagner:

The Common European Asylum System: Promising practices of responsibility sharing, 2019

Nr. 37 Erica Consterdine:

Mapping of CEAS Transposition in EU Member States using AIDA, 2019

Nr. 38 Vincenzo Gomes and Jeroen Doomernik:

Report on a variety of ideal-typical Common European Asylum Systems, 2019

Nr. 39 Vincenzo Gomes, Jeroen Doomernik and Djoeke Ardon:

Report on the importance of the local level as a venue and political base for the CEAS, 2019

Nr. 40 Vincenzo Gomes and Jeroen Doomernik:

Report containing the detailed models for a sustainable CEAS, 2019
