Magnetische Funktionsmaterialien
Im Gruppenseminar der Professur Magnetische Funktionsmaterialien werden aktuelle wissenschaftliche Themen der Arbeitsgruppe in einem etwa 30- bis 45-minütigen Vortrag vorgestellt und anschließend diskutiert.
During the group seminar of the professorship Magnetic Functional Materials, current scientific topics of the group are presented in a 30 to 45 minutes talk and are subsequently discussed.
The seminar Magnetic Functional Materials will be held weekly (not biweekly) on Tuesday at 10 AM starting on 7.4.2020. The seminar dates/topics/presenters will be posted here soon.
Please contact me via Email ( olav.hellwig@…) if you are interested in attending the seminar talks. I will then provide you with the teleconference-call log-in information prior to each meeting, so you can attend the teleconference-calls.
Termine im Sommersemester 2020:
Datum / Date | Titel / Title | Sprecher / Speaker |
07.04.2020* | Higher order ferromagnetic resonances in out-of-plane saturated magnetic multilayers | Sven Stienen, HZDR |
14.04.2020 | Summary and Impressions from attending the Nanogune winter school in San Sebastian (Feb 2020) | Peter Heinig, Gabriel Sellge, TUC |
21.04.2020 | Structural and magnetic dynamics in FePt thin films | Fabian Ganss, TUC |
28.04.2020 | Material science applications of femtosecond-X-ray-diffraction | Matias Bargheer, Universität Potsdam |
05.05.2020 | Manipulation of laterally homogeneous vertical AF domain walls in synthetic antiferromagnts with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy | Benny Böhm, TUC |
12.05.2020 | Magnetic domain states in synthetic antiferromagnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy | Ruslan Salikhov, HZDR |
19.05.2020 | Structural, electrical transport and magnetization dynamic properties of epitaxial Mn3Ir/Ni3Fe heterostructures | Phani Arekapudi, TUC |
26.05.2020 | Thomas Hauet, Université de Lorraine | |
02.06.2020 | Domain formation and domain wall motion in synthetic antiferromagnets controlled by focussed ion beam irradiation | Fabian Samad, HZDR/TUC |
09.06.2020 | Influence of ageing on defect characteristics in perovskite solar cells | Rico Ehrler, TUC |
16.06.2020 | Update on: Tilted magnetic stripe domains in thin films and nanostructures | Peter Heinig, TUC |
23.06.2020 | Shadab Anwar, HZDR | |
An mit * gekennzeichneten Daten wird der Seminarvortrag am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf gehalten und eine Videoübertragung zur TU Chemnitz eingerichtet. At dates marked with *, the seminar talk will be held at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and is broadcasted to TU Chemnitz.
Slides of the seminar and subsequent group meeting (Group members only)