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[ WEB-ARCHIVE ] Former Group - Surfaces and Interfaces 

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Terabit Magnetic Storage Technologies

FP7, EU-STREP, ICT-224001

Starting date: 01.05.2008

The TERAMAGSTOR project aims at designing, fabricating and testing future perpendicular magnetic storage media with areal densities larger than 1Tbit/in2.

To overcome the technological barriers limiting the areal density, the proposed approaches addres both key media feasibility issues (thermal stability, writability, signal to noise ratio) and low cost, hight-throughput media fabrication methods. The approaches are based on the development of advanced film media (exchange spring and percolated media), nanolithographically patterned and nanoparticles media patterned by templates through an integration of professional skills (chemists, physicists, engineers, materials scientists).

The activity will cover media preparation and characterisation, magnetization reversal processes, numerical micromagnetic simulations, measurements of write/read recording characteristics and signal modelling and processing. The innovation and the ultimate goal is to produce the first EU 1.8 /2.5 inch HD with density in excess of 1 Tbit/in2, through synergistic approach using EU groups and the exploitation by the two IND . It is based on previous work by most of the consortium members, which led to a record of 210 Gbits/in2 (Descartes prize 2005). The expected impact of TERAMAGSTOR is to open the way to a new generation of ultrahigh density magnetic recording media, through a basic investigation of magnetic phenomena in the nanoregime and the development of new fabrication processes, favouring the EU technological progress and competitiveness in the key technological area of magnetic storage and in general to the ICT business.

The group of Prof. Dr. Manfred Albrecht will be responsible for thin film deposition, magnetic characterization and studies on the recording performance of the materials developed within TERAMAGSTOR. For more detailed information please refer to the TERAMAGSTOR brochure.