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Physik: Optik und Photonik kondensierter Materie
Physik: Optik und Photonik kondensierter Materie 

Arbeitsgruppen - Seminar OPKM:
"Aktuelles aus Optik & Photonik kondensierter Materie"

Das Seminar findet immer dienstags zu den angegebenen Terminen um 15:15 Uhr im Raum 2/P102 (C60.102) statt.
DatumVortragende(r)Thema"Journal Club"
15.10.2024 Mengru SunMultimodal Microscopy on Halide Perovskites
22.10.2024 Chen Wang2D PL mapping measurement in solar cells
05.11.2024 Christopher WöpkeHow to use git effectively: Branching
12.11.2024 Arina NarudinModifying the Grain Size of Quasi-2D Perovskite Films
19.11.2024 Daniel BeerHow do molecular changes affect TADF properties?
26.11.2024 Cai WilliamsExploring The Effects of Asymmetric Mobilities Upon Device Conductivity
10.12.2024 Nino Stelzner(Ba-presentation)
07.01.2025 Maria SaladinaThe multiple-trapping-and-release model and its equivalence to hopping transport
14.01.2025 Toni SeilerNoise on the road to ultra-sensitive EQE
21.01.2025 Pooja PandeyEffect of changing the annealing temperature of ETL on solar cell performance
04.02.2025 Constantin BachIMPLS (m-PL): expanding solar cell characterization in the frequency domain

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Kurzlink: mytuc.org/whsf
DI DI(FH) L. Feige, 21. January 2025