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Physics: Cognitive Systems
Physics: Cognitive Systems 

M.Sc. Lara Sloan

Portrait: Lara Sloan    Lara Sloan
   Scientific Assistant
   M.Sc. Sensors and Cognitive Psychology
   B.Sc. Sensors and Cognitive Psychology
   Phone: +49 371 531-34861
   Fax: +49 371 531-834861
   Room: Campus Reichenhainer Straße, Physikbau, C60.138


Education and Career Path

  • since 12/2024: Scientific Assistant in the Cognitive Systems Lab, Chemnitz University of Technology
  • 2022-2024: Study program "Sensors and Cognitive Psychology" (M.Sc.) at Chemnitz University of Technology - Master thesis "Predictive flexibility in healthy auditory aging: Adaptation of a novel psychophysics paradigm"
  • 2017-2022: Study program "Sensors and Cognitive Psychology" (B.Sc.) at Chemnitz University of Technology - Bachelor thesis "Erstellung einer Datenbank zur Untersuchung menschlicher Blickrichtungseinschätzung"