Package org.opensourcephysics.display

Interface Summary
DataTableModel Interface DataTableModel
Dimensioned Dimensioned objects can only be drawn a certain size and therefore set the size of a drawing panel's drawable area.
Drawable Drawable objects draw themselves in a DrawingPanel.
False3D A placeholder that is used by some objects in the display2d package to signal that the object will draw a 3D view rather than a 2D view.
Interactive Interactive defines how an object must behave so that it can interact with a drawable panel.
InteractiveMouseHandler InteractiveMouseHandler defines how an object receives notification that a mouse action has occured in an InteractivePanel.
Measurable Title: Measurable Description: A Measurable object can return min and max values for its x and y extent.
Renderable Renderable objects draw themselves onscreen onto an image in the calling thread.
Selectable Selectable defines methods that enable a user to select an object and then vary the postion, height, and width.

Class Summary
AbstractInteractive AbstractInteractive implements common Interactive methods.
Arrow A Drawable arrow that uses Java 2D drawing.
ArrowLoader A class to save and load Arrow objects in an XMLControl.
BoundedImage An image is bounded by hot spots for dragging and resizing.
BoundedShape.BoundedShapeLoader A class to save and load BoundedShape in an XMLControl.
BoundedTextLine A BoundedTextLine is a line of text that can be rotated and scaled using a mouse.
Circle A Drawable circle that uses awt drawing.
CircleLoader A class to save and load Circle objects in an XMLControl.
ComplexDataset ComplexDataset stores and plots a complex dataset (x,z) where the dependent variable has real and imaginary parts, z=(real, imaginary).
Dataset Dataset stores and plots (x,y) points.
Dataset.Loader A class to save and load Dataset data in an XMLControl.
DatasetManager DatasetManager maintains a list of datasets.
DataTable DataTable displays multiple TableModels in a table.
DataTableFrame TableFrame displays a DataTable with a scroll pane in a frame.
DrawableBuffer A DrawableBuffer contains an image of drawable objects.
DrawableGroup Draws a group of shapes.
DrawableShape A class that draws shapes using the Java 2D API.
DrawableShapeLoader A class to save and load DrawableShapes in an XMLControl.
DrawableTextLine DrawableTextLine draws short Strings with subscripts and superscripts.
DrawableTextLine.DrawableTextLineLoader A class to save and load InteractiveArrow in an XMLControl.
DrawingDialog DrawingDialog: a dialog that contains a drawing panel.
DrawingFrame Drawing Frame: a frame that contains a drawing panel.
DrawingPanel DrawingPanel renders drawable objects on its canvas.
FunctionDrawer FunctionDrawer draws a function from xmin to xmax.
GeneralPathLoader A class that saves and loads a GeneralPath in an XMLControl.
GraphicsLib Library of useful computer graphics routines such as geometry routines for computing the intersection of different shapes and rendering methods for computing bounds and performing optimized drawing.
Grid Grid draws a rectangular grid on a data panel.
HighlightableDataset A Dataset that can highlight selected points.
Histogram Histogram maps bin number to occurences.
HistogramDataset HistogramDataset creates a histogram of appended data points.
InteractiveArrow.InteractiveArrowLoader A class to save and load InteractiveArrow in an XMLControl.
InteractiveCenteredArrow.InteractiveCenteredArrowLoader A class to save and load InteractiveArrow in an XMLControl.
InteractiveCircle A measured circle that implements Interactive.
InteractiveCircle.InteractiveCircleLoader A class to save and load InteractiveCircle data in an XMLControl.
InteractiveImage An image is bounded by hot spots for dragging and resizing.
InteractivePanel InteractivePanel is a drawing panel that invokes the handleMouseAction method in Interactive objects.
InteractiveShape A shape that implements Interactive.
InteractiveShape.InteractiveShapeLoader A class to save and load InteractiveShape in an XMLControl.
InteractiveTextLine An InteractiveTextLine is a single line of text that can be moved and rotated like other interactive shapes.
InteractiveTextLine.InteractiveTextLineLoader A class to save and load InteractiveArrow in an XMLControl.
MeasuredCircle A drawable circle that implements Measurable.
MeasuredImage MeasuredImage contains an image and a scale in world units.
OSPDialog OSPDialog is a standard dialog that can remain hidden in applet mode.
OSPFrame OSPFrame is the base class for Open Source Physics JFrames such as DrawingFrame and DataTableFrame.
OSPLayout A OSP layout lays out a container, arranging and resizing its components to fit in the corners or in one of the border layout regions.
PlottingPanel A Drawing Panel that has an X axis, a Y axis, and a title.
Protractor A Protractor with an arrow that can be used to measure angles.
SortDecorator Sorts table column based on their numeric values if the table's values are numeric.
Stripchart Stripchart stores data having increasing x values.
TextLine TextLine is designed to bundle together all the information required to draw short Strings with subscripts and superscripts.
TextPanel The TextPanel renders text in a component.
TitleText A text line that is offset relative to a drawing panel's display area.
Trail Title: Trail Description: A trail of pixels on the screen.
TrailBezier TrailBezier defines a trail of points connected by a Bezier spline.