Class ElementSpring

  extended byorg.opensourcephysics.display3d.simple3d.Element
      extended byorg.opensourcephysics.display3d.simple3d.ElementSpring
All Implemented Interfaces:
Element, ElementSpring, org.opensourcephysics.display3d.core.interaction.InteractionSource

public class ElementSpring
extends Element
implements ElementSpring

Title: ElementSegment

Description: A Segment using the painter's algorithm

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.opensourcephysics.display3d.simple3d.Element
targetPosition, targetSize
Fields inherited from interface org.opensourcephysics.display3d.core.Element
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static XML.ObjectLoader getLoader()
          Returns an XML.ObjectLoader to save and load object data.
 double getRadius()
          Gets the radius of the spring.
 void setRadius(double radius)
          Sets the radius of the spring.
Methods inherited from class org.opensourcephysics.display3d.simple3d.Element
addInteractionListener, getHotSpotBodyCoordinates, getInteractionTarget, getName, getSizeX, getSizeY, getSizeZ, getStyle, getTargetHit, getTransformation, getX, getY, getZ, isReallyVisible, isVisible, loadUnmutableObjects, removeInteractionListener, setName, setSizeX, setSizeXYZ, setSizeXYZ, setSizeY, setSizeZ, setTransformation, setVisible, setX, setXYZ, setXYZ, setY, setZ, toBodyFrame, toSpaceFrame
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.opensourcephysics.display3d.core.Element
getName, getSizeX, getSizeY, getSizeZ, getStyle, getTransformation, getX, getY, getZ, isVisible, loadUnmutableObjects, setName, setSizeX, setSizeXYZ, setSizeXYZ, setSizeY, setSizeZ, setTransformation, setVisible, setX, setXYZ, setXYZ, setY, setZ, toBodyFrame, toSpaceFrame
Methods inherited from interface org.opensourcephysics.display3d.core.interaction.InteractionSource
addInteractionListener, getInteractionTarget, removeInteractionListener

Constructor Detail


public ElementSpring()
Method Detail


public void setRadius(double radius)
Description copied from interface: ElementSpring
Sets the radius of the spring.

Specified by:
setRadius in interface ElementSpring
radius - the radius of the spring (normal to its direction)


public double getRadius()
Description copied from interface: ElementSpring
Gets the radius of the spring.

Specified by:
getRadius in interface ElementSpring


public static XML.ObjectLoader getLoader()
Returns an XML.ObjectLoader to save and load object data.

the XML.ObjectLoader