Class EulerRichardson

  extended byorg.opensourcephysics.numerics.AbstractODESolver
      extended byorg.opensourcephysics.numerics.EulerRichardson
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EulerRichardson
extends AbstractODESolver

An Euler-Richardson (midpoint) method ODE solver. The Euler-Richardson method uses the state at the beginning of the interval to estimate the state at the midpoint. x(midpoint) = x(n) + v(n)*dt/2 v(midpoint) = v(n) + a(n)*dt/2 t(midpoint) = t(n) + dt/2 The midpoint state is then used to calculate the final state.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.opensourcephysics.numerics.AbstractODESolver
numEqn, ode, stepSize
Constructor Summary
EulerRichardson(ODE ode)
          Constructs the EulerRichardson ODESolver for a system of ordinary differential equations.
Method Summary
 void initialize(double stepSize)
          Initializes the ODE solver.
 double step()
          Steps (advances) the differential equations by the stepSize.
Methods inherited from class org.opensourcephysics.numerics.AbstractODESolver
createODESolver, getStepSize, setStepSize
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EulerRichardson(ODE ode)
Constructs the EulerRichardson ODESolver for a system of ordinary differential equations.

ode - the system of differential equations.
Method Detail


public void initialize(double stepSize)
Initializes the ODE solver. The rate and midstate arrays are allocated. The number of differential equations is determined by invoking getState().length on the ODE.

Specified by:
initialize in interface ODESolver
initialize in class AbstractODESolver
stepSize -


public double step()
Steps (advances) the differential equations by the stepSize. The ODESolver invokes the ODE's getState method to obtain the initial state of the system. The ODESolver advances the solution and copies the new state into the state array at the end of the solution step.

Specified by:
step in interface ODESolver
Specified by:
step in class AbstractODESolver
the step size