Class Summary |
ArrayInspector |
A dialog that displays an ArrayTable. |
ArrayTable |
A JTable to display int, double and String array values. |
ArrayTableModel |
A table model for an ArrayTable. |
ClipboardJob |
This is a Job implementation for osp data transfers via the clipboard. |
DatasetCurveFitter |
A panel that displays and controls functional curve fits to a Dataset. |
DatasetDataTable |
This is a DataTable for working with a highlightable dataset. |
DatasetStatisticsTable |
This calculates and displays statistics for a DatasetDataTable. |
DatasetTab |
This is a panel that serves as a DatasetTool tab. |
DatasetTool |
This provides a GUI for analyzing datasets. |
Diagnostics |
EncryptionTool |
This provides a GUI for encrypting and decrypting XMLControls. |
ExportGnuplotFormat |
Text format, compatible with Octave and Gnuplot |
ExportTool |
An export tool which launches a Save dialog |
ExportXMLFormat |
Exports data in XML format. |
FontSizer |
A class for setting relative font sizes by level. |
JobManager |
This manages jobs and their associated objects and replies. |
LaunchBuilder |
This provides a GUI for building LaunchNode and LaunchSet xml files. |
LaunchClassChooser |
This modal dialog lets the user choose launchable classes from jar files. |
Launcher |
This provides a GUI for launching osp applications and xml files. |
LaunchNode |
This is a tree node that can describe and launch an application. |
LaunchPanel |
This is a panel that displays a tree with a LaunchNode root. |
LaunchSaver |
This is a dialog that displays a tree showing tabs to be saved. |
LocalJob |
This is a Job implementation for osp data transfers within a single vm. |
RemoteJob |
This is a Remote Job implementation for osp data transfers via RMI. |
RemoteTool |
This is a Remote Tool implementation for osp data transfers via RMI. |
Resource |
This represents a resource obtained from a URL or File. |
ResourceLoader |
This defines static methods for loading resources. |
Toolbox |
Toolbox stores tools that can exchange data using the Tool interface. |
ToolsRes |
TranslatorTool |
This provides a GUI for creating and editing string resources associated
with a class. |
VideoCaptureTool |
A video capture tool. |