center for nanostructured materials and analytics
nanoMA Symposium „Moleculesin Flatlands“
( 6th December 2017, Chemnitz, Physikgebäude 2/P031 - 2/P033 )

© 2015 Vincenzo Palermo/CNR-ISOF
Programm Flyer (pdf)
09:00 | Begrüßung, Vorstellung nanoMa Dietrich R.T. Zahn (TU Chemnitz) |
09:15 | Epitaxial Graphene on Semiconductor Surfaces and Adsorption of Organic Molecules Andrew Evans (Aberystwysth University) |
09:45 | Graphene Nanoribbons: Growth Characterisationand Functionalisation Tony Cafolla (Dublin City University) |
10:15 | Pause |
10:30 | Tuning the Properties of Epitaxial Siliceneby Molecular Adsorption Patrick Vogt (TU Chemnitz) |
11:00 | Doping Graphene by Molecules Thomas Seyller (TU Chemnitz) |
11:00 | Optimizing the Electronic and Transport Properties of Organic Molecules Using Simulations Hector Vazquez (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)) |
16:00 | Kolloquium [Reichenhainer Str. 90; Zentrales Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude, Raum 2/N013] On-Surface Synthesis and Strategies for Graphene Growth (Institutode Cienciade Materialesde Madrid (CSIC)) |