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Student Body Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Examination Board

Examination Committees

The Examination Committees, composed of university staff and students, ensure compliance with the provisions of the examination regulations. They serve as the highest decision-making body for all examination matters related to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. If, for example, irregularities occur during the conduct of an exam, they must be reported to the Examination Committee (preferably before the grades are announced to increase the chances of successful resolution).

In particular, the Examination Committee processes applications for the recognition of examination and study achievements, as well as (to a greater extent) applications for the second repetition of an examination.

If you need further information, you can find it on the following page.

Studentische Mitglieder im PA Biomedizinische Technik

Current Members

Daniel Poguntke

Bachelor Elektrotechnik
26 years old

Member since May 2023

Studentische Mitglieder im PA Elektrotechnik