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People @ TU Chemnitz

For reasons of data protection, the person search includes exclusively employees of the TU Chemnitz, for whom it is necessary that they can be found with their contact details.

Title Name Unit E-mail address Phone
+49 371 531-
 Raghda Abdelnaby Abdelsatar AbdelfattahCH
 Pawel AdamskiCH 33415
 Anil Kumar AmbatiCH 38771
 Jesús AndradeCH 34925
 SK AriyanCH 35058
Prof.Marc ArmbrüsterCH 36176
 Marcia ArmbrüsterCH 35591
 Thiemo ArndtCH 37437
 Christian BieblCH 35216
Prof. Dr.Martin BreugstCH 39162
 Jana BuschmannCH 31460

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105 results (substring) – 10 shown

Results from LDAP according URZ Identity management.
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  • It is searched for names of persons or units only (case-insensitive).
  • Abbreviations and patterns * are possible, e.g:

    Givenname Name G. Name Name, G Given* Name *math*

    You have to supply at least three letters.

  • For data protection reasons, only a maximum of 10 search hits are displayed to external or not authorized users.