The Saxon State Strategy “Education for Sustainable Development” Receives Expertise from Chemnitz University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Marlen Arnold from the Professorship for Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability will be involved in an advisory group at the state level
Prof. Dr. Marlen Arnold (left), chair of the Professorship for Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability, has brought forth and directed the preparation of the first Chemnitz University of Technology sustainability report. Her expertise is now also in demand at the state level. Photo: Jacob Müller
Prof. Dr. Marlen Arnold, chair of the Professorship for Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability at Chemnitz University of Technology, will be advising on the implementation of the Saxon State Strategy “Education and Sustainable Development” (BNE). At its general meeting on 7 February 2020, the Saxon State Rectors Conference decided to send the Chemnitz professor to the “Strategy for the further development of sustainable development in Saxony” advisory group. A total of four advisory groups collect ideas and potential measures for the further development and implementation of sustainable development in Saxony.
Background: The Saxon State Strategy “Education and Sustainable Development”
On 22 January 2019, the Saxon state government agreed on the Saxon State Strategy “Education and Sustainable Development”. This was the culmination of an extensive dialogue with experts, associations and initiatives that took place well in advance. State and non-state actors regularly exchanged viewpoints as a part of specialist groups and forums. Out of these results and after coordination among the involved ministries, a first summary draft was created and presented to the general public as a part of an online participation process. After further revision, taking into account what was gathered online, the state strategy was adopted by the cabinet and approval was given for the implementation of more than 170 different measures. The shape of the Saxon educational landscape, based on the goals listed in the state strategy, should make Saxony more sustainable and promote a generation-appropriate, regionally and globally responsible development of Saxony.
About: Prof. Dr. Marlen Arnold
After studying business administration (with a major of environmental economics, organisation and personnel, as well as business and labor law) at the University of Münster, Arnold worked as a research assistant at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg, where she also completed her doctorate in 2006. This was followed by stops at the Institute for Ecological Economy Research in Berlin, at the Technical University Munich, and as a research fellow at the University of Vaasa and Hanken School of Ecnomics in Finland. In 2016, Arnold received the Venia Legendi for the field of business administration with her habilitation work on the topic of “Sustainability as a strategic implementation embedded in innovation processes”. Arnold has chaired the Professorship for Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration since 1 April 2017. Previously, she held the chair Cum Spe in Winter Semester 2016/2017. In November 2019, Arnold was appointed as Rectorate Officer for Sustainable Campus Development at Chemnitz University of Technology, and she was given leadership of a working group around the topic of “Sustainable Campus Development”.
(Article: Mario Steinebach / Translation: Jeffrey Karnitz)
Matthias Fejes